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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 31 May 2023


Minister of Environment

Ján Budaj

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Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Transition to renewable energy

    Green households - governmental subsidy scheme to engage private households in alternative energy generation. The support is aimed at small scale electricity generation (fotovoltaic panels) and heat generation for residential buildings (solar, biomass, heat pumps).
    Contact Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency,
  • Transition to renewable energy

    Auctions of alternative energy - auctioning of additional support to construction of alternative energy sources. The programme has been put on hold during the lock down measures but will be restarted soon.
    Contact Ministry of Economy of the Slovak republic,
  • Building sector

    Recovery Redesign
    Recovery and Resilience Plan adopted by Slovak Government.
    Reduce energy consumption through measures to improve the energy efficiency of single-family homes and public historic and listed buildings, thereby contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The objective is in line with the Long-term strategy for the renewal of the buildings, the Low Carbon Development Strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 with a view to 2050 and also with the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan until 2030.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Building sector

    Live sparingly - governmental subsidy scheme to increase energy efficiency in old residential buildings and to support construction of new zero-energy residential houses.
    Contact Ministry of Transport and construction,
  • Industry sector

    Recovery Redesign
    Recovery and Resilience Plan adopted by Slovak Government.
    Transition to a low carbon economy and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industry. RRP resources will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in industry in line with the national targets of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Financial support - new financial instruments such as Modernization Fund can help to decrease coal combustion. It is primarily intended to support investments to modernize energy systems and improve energy efficiency for the period 2021 – 2030. Support for the Modernization Fund resources is applicable to the energy and industrial sectors or other eligible areas.
    Reference Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Slovak Republic
    until 2030 with a View to 2050 in new window
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Household sector

    Production of quality fuel from wood waste and biomass, social assistance to households, which were affected by the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, negatively affected job opportunities, living standards, the consequence of the crisis caused a reduction in their income. Activities aimed at helping households through targeted measures to reduce or prevention of energy poverty (prevention of burning low-quality fuel and household waste), in particular improving air quality in municipalities.
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    Introduce the circular economy and innovation into industrial processes, e.g., the use of hydrogen as an innovative technology (including the transition to hydrogen-based steel production in the case of sufficient hydrogen supply), including adherence to BAT (best available techniques) Conclusions.
    Reference Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Slovak Republic
    until 2030 with a View to 2050 in new window
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Land sector

    Well prepared strategic plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), with focused and targeted conditionalities, measures and schemes.
    Contact Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development together with the Ministry of Environment
  • Land sector

    Detailed national strategy and action plan for biodiversity protection/concept of nature, biodiversity and landscape protection.
    Contact Ministry of Environment

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Protect and revitalize ecosystems and support the natural development of habitats using spatial planning and land management tools.
    Contact Ministry of Environment with other relevant ministries and bodies
  • Water

    Response Recovery Redesign
    National Water Policy for 2030 with forecast to 2050.
    In 2022, the Slovak government has adopted the Water Policy to address the climate change and degradation of water-related ecosystems. In 10 areas of intervention, the measures address climate adaptation, water in the landscape, water in the urban settlements, use of water for economic and other purposes, water pollution and restoration of water bodies and wetlands.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Water

    Action Plan to address effects of droughts.
    Slovak government has adopted the AP to mitigate impact of droughts with three pilars: a) preventive measures in agriculture, forestry, urban settlements and water management, b) operational measures to improve monitoring, alert and assessment systems dealing with water and land, c) improve emergency planning. Allocation of financial resources made to agriculture and forestry sectors and municipalities. The assessment of the AP will be made in 2025.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    Recovery and Resilience Plan.
    Slovak government has adopted national RRP, among which a reform of landscape planning, nature restoration and management of water in the landscape is included. It is focused on legislation reform to address management of water regime, flood protection and better managment of rainwaters.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Finance
  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Action plan for the implementation of the climate change adaptation Strategy of the Slovak republic. Slovak government has adopted this plan which main objective is to enhance the preparedness of the country and its citizens to cope with adverse impacts of climate change. Implementation of short-term objectives: 2021 – 2023; Implementation of mid-term objectives: 2024 – 2027; then monitoring and evaluation will follow.
    Contact Ministry of Environment with other relevant ministries and bodies
  • Adaptation planning

    Strategic plan for Common Agricultural policy (CAP) together with the strategy/Action plan for biodiversity protection, which will include mainstreaming biodiversity to each sector (so sub-category from B1 to B8).
    Reference Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Infrastructure

    Green infrastructure in the developed area - green public spaces, green roofs, green facades, rain gardens and other measures supporting the retention and infiltration of rainwater into the environment and the creation of a favorable microclimate. New technical solutions can increase the climatic resistance of buildings.
    Reference Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of the Slovak Republic in new window
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Water

    Moderation of the consequences of the crisis in connection with COVID-19 pandemic in the territory of the Muránska planina National Park - revitalization of wetlands and wetland communities (also to increase the country's water retention capacity).
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Health

    Green linear components and barriers to improve air quality in municipalities - e.g.: green barriers between build-up area and an industrial center or separation from a busy traffic artery - the aim of the measure is to reduce the impact of air pollution on urban residents.
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Tourism

    Moderation of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting infrastructure for visitors in protected areas - support for soft forms of tourism in protected areas, which will support employment in less developed regions.
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    National strategy/Action plan for biodiversity protection, which will include activities for mainstreaming biodiversity to each relevant sector/cross-cutting measures.
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Governance

    National strategy/Action plan for biodiversity protection, which will include activities for mainstreaming biodiversity to each relevant sector/cross-cutting measures.
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Governance

    Green public procurement – central state administration bodies are already procuring products fulfilling environmental specifications in four product groups (paper, computers, transport and cleaning products). An additional group is added or updated every following year.
    Contact Slovak Environment Agency,
  • Governance

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Slovak Republic
    until 2030 with a View to 2050
    Reference Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Slovak Republic
    until 2030 with a View to 2050 in new window
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Governance

    Tackling energy poverty in Slovakia - the transformation to a low-carbon economy will especially need to take into account marginalized Roma communities, retirees, unemployed, families with many children, families with lonely parents and persons living in leased flats on the commercial market. The issue of energy poverty will need to be addressed comprehensively and in a cross-cutting context in the conditions of social policy and related topics (affordable and highquality) housing, energy prices, financial literacy, education and employment.
    Reference Integrated National Energy and Climate
    Plan for 2021 to 2030 in new window
    Contact Ministry of Economy,
    Regulatory Office for Network Industries with relevant ministries
  • Governance

    Government Council for European Green Deal
    The council was established in November 2020, as the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. It is an expert advisory and coordinating body of the Government of the Slovak Republic for implementation of the European Green Deal (EGD) and its declared goal of turning Europe into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. EGD is a strategic package of policy measures, it is cross-cutting and impacts many economic sectors and industries, such as agriculture, energy, and infrastructure. It also includes an investment plan and a just transition mechanism. EGD has the potential to play a key role in ensuring COVID-19 recovery.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change)/ employment

    Recovery and Resilience Plan. Houses built before 2013 mostly do not meet current energy efficiency standards and are an environmental burden. Investments in reducing emissions can be returned in the form of lower energy bills, property appreciation, and improved life and health. The Single Family Home Recovery Plan will be the largest program in the Recovery and Resilience Plan for households. In total, it is planned to 2026 to support the renovation of around 30,000 family homes in Slovakia.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Moderation of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting infrastructure for visitors in protected areas - support for soft forms of tourism in protected areas, which will support employment in less developed regions.
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment

4.Other environmental measures

  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Use of extensive waste water treatment plants as part of the infrastructure for the needs of citizens - The proposed activity will enable the implementation of root sewage treatment plants as a standard technical solution that is economically sustainable, has relatively low long-term operating costs, including low energy consumption. Low-skilled workers can be employed during the construction. The pilot project will be implemented in one of the least developed districts with high unemployment (Rimavská Sobota).
    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    In 2016, the Slovak Ministry of Environment launched 'T2gE – Transition to the Green Economy' discussion platform. The platform has been initiated during an international conference Transition to green economy, Bratislava, September 2016. Overall goal of the T2gE platform is to create a space for informed discussion of the key questions on the transition to the green economy.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Waste Prevention Program 2019-2025 which is focused on moving away from material recovery as the only priority in waste management to waste prevention, following the waste management hierarchy of the Slovak Republic. This is/will be achieved by increasing landfilling fees, awareness-raising, consistent application of the principles of green public procurement, and other voluntary tools of environmental policy. For instance, various ecolabels are applied in Slovakia, such as National label- Environmentally suitable product, EU-Ecolabel, EMAS (Environmental management and audit scheme), FSC, PEFC, UTZ Certified etc.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Recovery Redesign
    National strategy in waste management with focused and targeted conditionalities, measures and schemes to increase recycling capacity and support measures as preparing for reuse and prevention of waste.
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture

    Implementation of measures, schemes and activities of both strategic plans for CAP and strategy/AP for biodiversity protection.
    Contact Ministry of Environment together with all relevant ministries
  • Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture

    Moderation of the consequences of the crisis in connection with COVID-19 pandemic in the territory of the Muránska planina National Park - e.g.: construction of management centres which will be equipped with small agricultural technology; financial support for the transition to more environmentally friendly approach for forest managers.

    Reference Activity proposal for European Regional Development Fund
    Contact Ministry of Environment
  • Other environmental pollution countermeasures

    Response Recovery Redesign
    National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) - Commitments / Policies and Measures to reduce anthropogenic emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), ammonia (NH3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) into the air.
    Contact Ministry of Environment