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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 3 Mar. 2023


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Building sector

    "Renovation of multiapartment buildings". A compensation mechanism under the Government's multi-apartment building renovation programme. It is aimed at reducing thermal energy consumption, encouraging rational use of energy resources, ensuring efficient use of housing, and improving the living environment and quality of life for the population. It is planned to reduce heating consumption in multi-apartment and public buildings by 30-40% by 2020 and compared to 2011 to save heat from 2 to 3 TWh per year. The financing for renovation (modernization) of multi-apartment and public buildings is provided from different financial schemes supported from Programme for Climate Change, JESSICA Holding Fund, and Energy Efficiency Fund.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Household sector

    "Renovation of private houses". A compensation from Programme for Climate Change mechanism to private persons who renovates their houses. It is necessary to reach energy efficiency B class and save 40 percent of heat. 75 euros are paid for 1 square meter of usable area of the house.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Household sector

    "Renovation (modernisation) of internal heating and hot water systems in multi-apartment buildings". There are 4800 elevator-type heat substations still left in Lithuania. It is estimated that full automation of heat substations, balancing of all domestic heating and hot-water systems, and installation of individual metersand regulation devices would allow saving approx. 858 GWh of heat for about EUR 50 million a year. An average old flat of 60 m2 would pay monthly by some EUR 20 less (currently such flatpays about EUR 80 on averageper month). A compensation from Programme for Climate Change mechanism to private persons who renovates internal heating and hot water systems in multi-apartment buildings.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Building sector

    "Renovation (modernization) of public and industrial buildings of private legal entities". A subsidy about 30 % from Programme for Climate Change when achieving at least the energy efficiency class of building B and reducing the calculated thermal energy consumption costs by at least 40% compared to the calculated thermal energy costs before the implementation of the renovation (modernization) project.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Industry sector

    "Implementation of energy efficiency measures by private legal entities based on energy audit reports". Companies that have carried out energy audits and implemented energy efficiency measures this year can get support. The amount of support - up to 200 thousand. euros. Compensation from Programme for Climate Change to private legal entities will be based on energy, heat or natural gas energy savings.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Transition to renewable energy

    "Usage of renewable energy sources". Use of renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, biofuel or other) in public and residential buildings (for persons of various social groups) owned by the state, municipalities, traditional religious communities, religious communities or centers. A subsidy is about 80 % from Programme for Climate Change.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Transition to renewable energy

    "Usage of renewable energy sources in private houses". A compensation mechanism from Programme for Climate Change to private persons who install equipment which uses solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable energy in their houses.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Sustainable transportation

    "Promoting less polluting mobility measures for individuals". A financial incentive of 1,000 euros for scrapping an old vehicle and buying a less polluting one or bike, electric scooter, public transport ticket.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Transition to renewable energy

    "Usage of renewable energy sources in social support people private houses". A compensation mechanism from Programme for Climate Change (85 %) to private persons, who gets social support for installing equipment which uses solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable energy in their houses.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Mandagement Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Transition to renewable energy

    "The use of financial instruments to increase the social availability of renewable energy sources for productive consumers". A compensation mechanism from Programme for Climate Change to private persons who install solar power plant, using a bank loan. 381 euros is paid for 1 installed kilowatt solar energy.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Transition to renewable energy

    "Promoting the use of solar energy technologies, heat pumps and heat storage for district heating, replacing fossil fuels". A subsidy is about 50 % from Programme for Climate Change for district heating companies.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Sustainable transportation

    "Creating alternative fuels infrastructure and purchase vehicles." A subsidy for business which build alternative fuels infrastructure stations and buiyng vehicles.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Others

    "Promoting the replacement of low-emission technologies by companies participating in the European Union Emissions Trading System". A subsidy for companies which participating in EU ETS system for replace technologies.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Sustainable transportation

    "Promotion of the purchase of electric vehicles by legal entities". A subsidy of 4.000 euros for business who buy new electric car.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Sustainable transportation

    "Promoting the conversion of commercial cars into electric cars". In June the Government of the Republic of Lithuania approved the plan for Lithuania's future economy prepared by the Ministry of Finance. Total for the implementation of long-term investments until 2021. By the end of 2021 will be allocated 6.3 billion euros. A compensation mechanism to legal entities for converting a commercial vehicle into an electric vehicle or a rechargeable hybrid vehicle.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 28 Feb. 2023: Building sector

    "Renovation (modernization) of public buildings owned by municipalities, implementing the program for increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings". The measure of modernisation of the central authority buildings which is implemented using finance from the Energy Efficiency Fund and from Programme for Climate Change. The repaid subsidy funding model can also be used to renovate public buildings of the central authority.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 28 Feb. 2023: Sustainable transportation

    "Investment support for the installation of biogas plants". A subsidy from Programme for Climate Change for making biomethane and start using in transport.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 28 Feb. 2023: Sustainable transportation

    "Promoting the purchase of electric vehicles for individuals". A subsidy of 5.000 euros for a private persons who buy new electric car and 2.500 euros for a second-hand one. + 1000 euros is awarded to those who scrapping an old vehicle.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 28 Feb. 2023: Sustainable transportation

    "Renew urban and suburban public transport vehicles (busses, trolleybuses)". A subsidy for municipalities or public transport parks from Programme for Climate Change who scrapping an old vehicles and buying new vehicles.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Management Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    "Regulated drainage: reconstruction of amelioration infrastructure and adaptation of smart amelioration to dry periods (grants to owners of public and private plots)". A 40 % subsidy from Programme for Climate Change for reconstruction of amelioration infrastructure and adaptation of smart amelioration to dry periods.
    Contact The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania; Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania

3.Other environmental measures

  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    "Development of separate collection systems for municipal waste". Grants (subsidies) from National Waste Prevention and Management Programme for municipalities or regional waste management centres for additional containers for separate collection of paper, plastic, glass, textile waste and biowaste.
    Reference In 2022 5000 collection containers for secondary raw materials and textile waste was installed: in new window.
    About National Waste Prevention and Management Programme: Opens in new window
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Mandagement Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Recovery Redesign
    "Industrial reorientation through the introduction of digital technologies and the development of the circular economy". A planned measure to allocate 50 mln euros (from 100 000 to 2 mln. euros per 1 project) to implement a modern or digital technologies which reduce affect to environment, promote circular economy and create a numbers of high and higher value-added jobs.
    Contact Ministry of Economic and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Recovery Redesign
    "Promotion of green inovation" - measure to allocate 5 mln. EUR by provideding a subsidy maximum by 50 000 euros in order to encourage micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to implement non-technological ecoinnovations in order to help solve environmental problems.
    Contact Ministry of Economic and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Recovery Redesign
    "Creating financial incentives to promote repair activities". Establishment of financial incentives to encourage repairing of bicycles, shoes, leather goods, clothing, furniture, etc. by considering the possibilities of alleviating the tax burden in order to encourage not discarding and re-use of old items.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    "Promoting recyclablability of the packaging - introced different fee tariffs for recyclable and non-recyclable packaging."
    By entering into force in 2022, this amendmen of the Law will encourage manufacturers and producers to choose recyclable materials at the initial phase of packaging production. Expectations is to substantially reduce the amount of non-recyclable packaging placed on the market, resulting in less waste destined for landfilling.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Support to municipalities in order to recover from COVID-19 situation. Preliminary 3 mln. Eur planned for grants to municipalities to cover additional costs for proper operation of municipal waste systems due to COVID situation
    (for protection of staff of waste operators, disinfection of infrastructure, and development of additional infrastructure). Legal acts and administrative procedures to start allocation of funds are under developed. It is considered to compensate already occurred expenditures or provide addition funds for planned measures.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    "Promoting reuse and open product sharing centres" - an initiative to create centres where goods in good condition can be left for others to collect. At the end of 2019 19 stations were already operational reuse stations (exchange points).
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 28 Feb. 2023: Waste management and Circular Economy/sustainable production and consumption

    "Development of separate collection systems for municipal waste". In 2021 3 calls for grants (subsidies) from National Waste Prevention and Management Programme for municipalities or regional waste management centres for additional containers for separate collection of paper, plastic, glass, textile waste and biowaste.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Mandagement Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania

4.International Cooperation

  • Others

    "Development cooperation projects". From 2014 on-wards the Ministry of Environment supports bilateral development cooperation projects related to climate change. Subsidies for projects - from Programme for Climate Change.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, The Environmental Projects Mandagement Agency under the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania
  • Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Others

    "Development cooperation projects". From 2014 on-wards the Ministry of Environment supports bilateral development cooperation projects related to climate change. Subsidies for projects - from Programme for Climate Change.
    Contact Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania