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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.

Costa Rica

Last update 2 Sep. 2020


Minister of Environment and Energy

Andrea Meza Murillo

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Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Others

    Assessing the Impact of Costa Rica’s Decarbonization Plan on COVID-19 Economic Recovery
    Contact Ministry of the Environment and Energy
  • Others

    Regarding transport: Granting the possibility of teleworking to workers who have functions that can be done from home. Implement teleworking in accordance with "Law 9738 Law to Regulate Telework "
    Contact Ministry of Labor and Social Security

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery
    Identifying climate-resilient investment opportunities - The NAP process identifies a country’s major climate risks and vulnerabilities and corresponding adaptation priorities. As part of the process of information collection and processing that is being undertaken for 20 cantons of Costa Rica, in addition to current data and past trends, the NAP project is collecting and-or developing information on future projections related to socioeconomic variables; placing special attention on the potential implications and economic impact caused by the current COVID-19 sanitary crisis.
    Contact Climate change office, Ministry of Environment and Energy
  • Human settlements

    Response Recovery
    Supporting the most vulnerable groups in society - The CR NAP Project includes the identification of adaptation measures and climate resilient investment opportunities at the subnational level, and the development of a financing strategy for implementing these opportunities. During the identification of these opportunities, special attention will be placed on identifying adaptation measures and climate resilient investment opportunities that target vulnerable groups who have been affected by COVID-19.
    Contact Climate change office, Ministry of Environment and Energy
  • Agr/food security

    strengthening food security – Like climate change, Covid-19 will threaten food security in many parts of the world. The CR NAP Project includes the elaboration of cantonal climate risk assessments. This assessments will facilitate each cantons’ vulnerability and risk to climate events such as drought or heavy rains, that could greatly affect agricultural production systems; and identify adaptation measures to prevent future damage occasioned by these types of events.
    Contact Climate change office, Ministry of Environment and Energy
  • Others

    Strengthening institutional coordination – Like climate adaptation, dealing with Covid-19 requires strong institutional coordination and cross-sector collaboration. The NAP process, by bringing greater institutional integration and coordination to adaptation planning, can enhance ongoing national development planning processes and increase cross-sector collaboration, including health. The NAP process in Costa Rica, the Ministry of Environment is closely collaborating with 8 other ministries, including housing and urban development, planning and economic affairs, municipal development and support, and the National Commission for Emergencies. It is also closing collaborating and strengthening capacities of subnational actors at the regional and cantonal level to conduct development planning processes that integrate climate risks.
    Contact Climate change office, Ministry of Environment and Energy

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Others

    Programm PROTEGER (cash transfer without conditions) to vulnerable population.
    Contact Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • Others

    Decision not to reduce the final cost of fossil fuels even in this period when international price has fall down dramatically, and we are using this differential
    Contact Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy
  • Governance

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Policy Base Loan from AFD and IDB base on the decarbonization Plan. We are using now these funds to attend COVID-19 crisis.
    Contact Ministry of Finance

4.Other environmental measures

5.International Cooperation