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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 25 Aug. 2020


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Building sector

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Program of the National Trust Ecofund - Climate Investment Program (IPC) and Climate Microprograms Program (CIM). The IPA finances projects to improve the energy efficiency of state and municipal sites, and the funds are provided by auctioned sales of greenhouse gas emission allowances under the EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme. So far, measures have been implemented to reduce energy consumption in 103 sites, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals and health services.
    Contact National Trust Ecofund
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    The IPC also encourages the use of electric vehicles by public institutions, and so far 23 electric and 7 hybrid vehicles have been purchased, as well as 3 all-electric vehicles.
    Contact National Trust Ecofund

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery Redesign
    National Climate change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan is approved by the Council of Ministers by Decision № 621/25.10.2019. A specific section of the Adaptation Strategy is dedicated to Human Health.A report of the implementation of adaptation measures will be conducted every 4 years. Next report is due in 2021.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water
  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Environmental Protection and Climate Change Program of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.Open Call № 3 “Climate” - the aim of the call is to increase the capacity of municipalities to evaluate their strategic plans and programs in terms of planned and implemented actions, resulting in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to expected adverse consequences of climate change. As a result, it will be easier to plan and implement new strategic steps to introduce good practices to prevent or minimize the damage they can cause.

    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Environmental Protection and Climate Change Program of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. Redefined project №3 “Implementation of innovative measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in municipalities in Bulgaria” for improvement of the capacity of local authorities to plan and identify creative and innovative solutions for urban planning and their implementation to mitigate the impact and adaptation to climate change.

    Contact Ministry of Environment and water
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Environmental Protection and Climate Change Program of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. Small Climate Grant Scheme" Climate"- the aim is to fund projects to develop educational programs and campaigns, as well as to raise awareness of climate change through information campaigns among the general public. The procedure aims to increase the number of trainees on climate change, mitigation and adaptation and to increase the number of educational institutions (schools or kindergartens) carrying out awareness / education activities on climate change and adaptation.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and water

4.Other environmental measures

  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Investments in facilities, systems and business models for the use of waste as resources, in support of the circular economy and to provide the necessary infrastructure for the treatment of municipal waste generated in the country. Implementation of projects with EU funding under the Operational Program "Environment" 2014-2020 (OPE 2014-2020) for the design and construction of installations for pre-treatment of municipal waste, composting or anaerobic installations for separately collected greens and / or biodegradable waste, installation for combined energy production in Sofia with utilization of RDF - third phase of an integrated system of facilities for treatment of municipal waste of Sofia Municipality, as well as for reclamation of landfills that do not meet regulatory requirements.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment and Water
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Development of a national strategic framework in the field of waste management and the circular economy. Preparation of a National Waste Management Plan in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2021–2028 and a Strategy and Action Plan for the transition to a circular economy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2021–2027.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Introduction and application of an integrated approach for realization of priority investments in the water supply and sewerage infrastructure, through investments in construction, rehabilitation and modernization of the water supply and sewerage infrastructure for agglomerations with over 10 000 eq. g. and agglomerations between 2000 and 10,000 eq. g. and implementation of the launched overall reform in the water supply and sewerage sector in order to achieve consistency and sustainability in determining and implementing investment priorities in consolidated water supply and sewerage areas. Implementation of projects with EU funding under the Operational Program "Environment" 2014-2020 (OPE 2014-2020) for: support for regional investment planning of the water supply and sewerage sector - preparation of regional pre-investment studies; supporting the efficiency, management and institutional capacity in connection with the implementation of the reform in the water supply and sewerage sector; construction of plumbing infrastructure.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water
  • Other environmental pollution countermeasures

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Reducing the levels of pollutants and reaching the established norms in the areas with impaired air quality. Investments in activities for implementation of the National Program for Improvement of Atmospheric Air Quality 2018-2024, the National Program for Control of Air Pollution (2020-2030) and the Municipal Programs for Atmospheric Air Quality, in order to reduce total emissions of certain pollutants and achieving and maintaining the levels of controlled air pollutants in accordance with the norms laid down in national legislation. Implemented within EU-funded projects under the EU Operational Program "Environment" 2014-2020 (OPE 2014-2020) for: development / updating of municipal programs for air quality; measures of the municipalities for improvement of the quality of the atmospheric air - directed to the domestic heating and for addressing the transport as a source of atmospheric air pollution.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water
  • Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Preservation, conservation and increase of the rich biodiversity and significant natural resourse of the country, including ecosystems and ecosystem services. Implementation of projects with EU funding under the Operational Program "Environment" 2014-2020 (OPE 2014-2020) for: improving the conservation status of species and types of natural habitats in the Natura 2000 network, falling within national parks, nature parks and maintained reserves; improving the conservation status of species in the Natura 2000 network through the approach"Community-led local development" (CLLD) in the territory of local initiative groups; improving the conservation status of birds protected under the Natura 2000 network; implementation of priority measures in wetlands; preparation / updating of action plans for species; shared vision for Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.
    Contact Ministry of Environment and Water