Hiking Trails

Rausu Area

Whale View Park Walking Course

Distance : About 100 m / Time required : About 2 min.

Trail Overview

This park is on land below Rausu Lighthouse, which lights up the sea off Rausu’s coast.
It is on a hill overlooking the Nemuro Strait, and is a great place to spot marine life like sperm whales and killer whales with binoculars. Keep an eye open for them as they rise to the surface to breathe.
The path from the parking area to the observation deck is flat, making it an easy stroll that even children and those not into walking will enjoy. Besides the whales, Kunashiri Island seemingly floating in the Pacific Ocean and the moonlight reflecting off the Nemuro Strait are both well worth seeing.

  • The road from the prefectural route to the parking area is quite steep.
    Please take care while driving.

The illustration map is an approximate positional relationship image.