Hiking Trails

Utoro Area

Kamuiwakka Yu-no-Taki Falls Walking Course

Distance : 400 m (round trip) / Time required : About 20 min.

Trail Overview

Kamuiwakka Yu-no-Taki Falls is a great place to experience Shiretoko’s pristine natural environment. It’s so remote that there’s no cell phone signal. The waterfall is fed by hot springs from Mt. Io-zan, an active volcano. The water temperature is warm at about 30 degrees Celsius, and by wading upstream for about 10 minutes from the start of the course, you’ll reach Ichi-no-Taki, the first cascade.
Non-slip footwear is recommended for the walk. Please also note that the water is highly acidic, so be careful if you have sensitive skin. There is a portable toilet, but there is nowhere to wash your hands, so it is a good idea to bring a bottle of water and a towel with you.

The illustration map is an approximate positional relationship image.