Shiretoko Goko Lakes

The Shiretoko Goko Lakes (Five Lakes) is Shiretoko’s leading scenic destination.
The lakes are in the midst of a forest of Sakhalin fir and Japanese oak, and each of the five has its own characteristics. Hiking with a guide will give you deeper insights into Shiretoko’s natural environment, helping you discover things like the claw marks of brown bears and feeding traces of Ezo deer. Amid birdsong and other sounds of nature, you’ll get a glimpse into a whole new world.
Find a guide among the many available to suit your needs and enjoy your exploration of the Shiretoko Goko Lakes!

  • Accompaniment by a guide is required when hiking during the season when brown bears are most active, so be sure to sign up for a guided tour. Season when guides are required: May 10 to July 31.
  • You can walk as far as Lake Ichiko (the first lake) on the elevated wooden path without a guide.

Want to join a tour?How to sign up for a tour:Sign up for the tour on the tour operator’s website.