PLATFORM for REDESIGN 2020 Skip to main content
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Last update 6 Sep. 2023

As of September 2023, 1353 policies and actions with complete classification information (main category, sub-category, time frame) have been submitted to the Platform. The distributions of these measures when sorted by main category, sub-category, and time frame are illustrated by the following figures.

Table view :

Measures sorted by Main category
Main category Policies count
Climate mitigation measures 541
Climate adaptation measures 250
Cross-cutting measures 236
Other environmental measures 187
International cooperation 79
Others 7
Not classified 53
Measures sorted by Time frame
Time frame Policies count
Response 97
Response-recovery 110
Recovery 154
Recovery-redesign 146
Redesign 258
All terms 408
Not classified 180
Measures sorted by Sub-category
Sub-category Policies count Measure type
Sustainable transportation 128 Climate Mitigation
Transition to renewable energy 109 Climate Mitigation
Adaptation planning 96 Climate Adaptation
Waste management and Circular Economy / sustainable production and consumption 87 Other Environmental
Other Climate Mitigation Measures 80 Climate Mitigation
Governance 66 Cross-cutting
Sustainable finance (public / private) / market mechanisms / carbon pricing 62 Cross-cutting
Building sector 59 Climate Mitigation
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen / CCUS, etc.) 58 Climate Mitigation
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture 51 Other Environmental
Land sector 46 Climate Mitigation
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment 46 Cross-cutting
Other Cross-cutting Measures 40 Cross-cutting
COVID-19 recovery and other issues 39 International Cooperation
Industry sector 34 Climate Mitigation
Agriculture / food security 33 Climate Adaptation
Water 32 Climate Adaptation
Other Climate Adaptation Measures 28 Climate Adaptation
Household sector 27 Climate Mitigation
Other Environmental Measures 27 Other Environmental
Infrastructure 22 Climate Adaptation
Urban / rural development (energy access etc.) 22 Cross-cutting
Other environmental pollution countermeasures 22 Other Environmental
Health 18 Climate Adaptation
COVID-19 recovery and other environmental issues 16 International Cooperation
COVID-19 recovery and climate change mitigation 14 International Cooperation
Human settlements 13 Climate Adaptation
COVID-19 recovery and climate change adaptation 10 International Cooperation
Tourism 8 Climate Adaptation
Others 7 Others