Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
The United Kingdom
Last update
9 Sep. 2020
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
RedesignIndustrial Decarbonisation Challenge Fund, Phase 2 - £139 million to cut emissions in heavy industry by supporting the transition from natural gas to clean hydrogen power, and scaling up carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologyReference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-commits-350-million-to-fuel-green-recovery
https://www.ukri.org/news/ukri-allocates-funding-for-industrial-decarbonisation-deployment-and-roadmap-projects/Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and UKRI -
Building sector
Recovery RedesignInnovative Material in Heavy Industry - £149 million to drive the use of innovative materials in heavy industry; the 13 initial projects will include proposals to reuse waste ash in the glass and ceramics industry, and the development of recyclable steel.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-commits-350-million-to-fuel-green-recovery
https://www.ukri.org/news/ukri-launches-149m-transforming-foundation-industries-challenge-and-winners-of-first-competition/Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and UKRI -
Building sector
Recovery RedesignAdvanced New Building Techniques - £26 million to support advanced new building techniques in order to reduce build costs and carbon emissions in the construction industry.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-commits-350-million-to-fuel-green-recovery
https://www.ukri.org/news/a-digital-greener-and-higher-quality-construction-industry-being-backed-by-36-million-government-funding/Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and UKRI -
Building sector
RedesignState of the Art Construction Tech - A £10 million boost for state of the art construction tech which will go towards 19 projects focused on improving productivity and building quality, for example, re-usable roofs and walls and “digital clones” of buildings that analyse data in real time.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-commits-350-million-to-fuel-green-recovery
https://www.ukri.org/news/a-digital-greener-and-higher-quality-construction-industry-being-backed-by-36-million-government-funding/Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and UKRI -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
RedesignA New National Space Innovation Programme - Launching a New National Space Innovation Programme backed by £15 million initial funding from the UK Space Agency, which will see the first £10million go towards projects that will monitor climate change across the globe, which could protect local areas from the impacts of extreme weather by identifying changes in the environment.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-commits-350-million-to-fuel-green-recovery
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-space-innovation-programme-launches-with-fund-for-climate-change-and-communications-projectsContact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and UK Space Agency -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Recovery RedesignNext-Gen Nuclear Technology - £40m of funding to unlock thousands of green jobs by developing the next generation of nuclear energy technology.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Building sector
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Homes Grant - A £2 billion ‘Green Homes Grant’, under which homeowners and landlords in England can apply for a voucher to fund at least two thirds of the cost of hiring tradespeople to upgrade the energy performance of their homesContact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Building sector
Response Recovery RedesignPublic Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - The Government will invest £1 billion over the next year in a new Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to upgrade public sector buildings, including schools and hospitals, making them fit to help meet net zero with energy efficiency and low carbon heat measures.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Building sector
Response Recovery RedesignSocial Housing Decarbonisation Fund - The Summer Economic Update announced £50m to demonstrate innovative approaches to retrofitting social housing at scale.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignCelsa Steel Loan - Emergency loan included legally binding conditions, including commitments around climate change and net-zero.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Recovery RedesignDirect Air Capture - Funding for research, development and demonstration of Greenhouse Gas Removal technologies (GGRs), including Direct Air Capture (DAC), which captures CO2 emissions directly from the air around us.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Recovery RedesignInnovation for Energy Efficiency for Industry and Homes - The funding will be invested in a wide range of programmes, including pioneering heat networks and an innovative new programme to bring down the cost of retrofitting residential properties with the latest energy efficiency technologies.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/80-million-boost-to-cut-emissions-from-homes-and-industryContact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignSustainable Innovation Fund - To help companies recovering from the impact of COVID-19 keep their cutting-edge projects and ideas alive, for example in developing new energy efficiency technologies, ground-breaking medical technologies, or reducing the carbon footprint of public transport in our towns and cities.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Innovate UK -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Recovery RedesignClean Growth Fund - To supercharge the development of next generation clean, low-carbon technologies.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Recovery in the Automotive Sector - Building on the announcement last year of up to £1 billion of additional funding to develop and embed the next generation of cutting-edge automotive technologies, the government is making £10 million of funding available immediately for the first wave of innovative R&D projects to scale up manufacturing of the latest technology in batteries, motors, electronics and fuel cells.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Recovery in the Automotive Sector - The government is calling upon industry to put forward investment proposals for the UK’s first ‘gigafactory’ and supporting supply chains to mass manufacture cutting-edge batteries for the next generation of electric vehicles, as well as for other strategic electric vehicle technologies.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignEmergency Active Travel Fund - A £250 million emergency active travel fund as part of a £2 billion package for cycling and walking as part of plans to boost greener, active transport. Includes £25m Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/2-billion-package-to-create-new-era-for-cycling-and-walkingContact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
ResponseReallocating Road Space Statutory Guidance - Fast-tracked statutory guidance, to tell councils to reallocate roadspace for significantly-increased numbers of cyclists and pedestrians.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/2-billion-package-to-create-new-era-for-cycling-and-walkingContact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
ResponseE-scooter trials - E-scooter trials brought forward from next year to help encourage more people off public transport and onto greener alternatives. Originally set to take place in 4 Future Transport Zones, the trials of rental e-scooters – now offered to all local areas across the countryReference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/2-billion-package-to-create-new-era-for-cycling-and-walkingContact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignOn road residential chargepoint scheme - An extra £10 million, doubling the funding amount, committed to the on street residential chargepoint scheme which will allow local authorities to install up to 7,200 devices, making it more convenient to charge and own an electric vehicle.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/2-billion-package-to-create-new-era-for-cycling-and-walkingContact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
ResponseBus and light rail funding - £283m of funding to increase number of bus and light rail services.Contact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignJet Zero Council - The Council will bring together leaders from aviation, aerospace and academia to drive high ambition in the delivery of new technologies and innovative ways to cut aviation emissions.Contact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
Recovery RedesignZero emission vehicle research - Funding for the OLEV R&D programme to launch new competitions this summer with £10m for a new ZEV innovation competition and £2m to the Niche Vehicle Network to support SMEs.Contact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignGreen Number Plates - Green number plates are to be rolled out from autumn 2020.Contact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignRail “First of a Kind” 2020 competition - Support for several rail environmental projects as part of the £9.4m “First of a Kind” 2020 competition .Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/first-of-a-kind-2020-launches-to-find-this-centurys-brunelContact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignGear Change - the vision for a new era of cycling and walking in the UK.Contact Department for Transport -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Recovery in Automotives Sector - Ten projects across the UK will receive a share of this £73.5m new investment to develop cutting-edge technology for the next generation of electric taxis, cars and vans – including recyclable batteries, advanced electrical systems and ultra-lightweight components.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/735-million-to-boost-green-economic-recovery-in-automotive-sectorContact Department for Transport
2.Climate adaptation measures
Adaptation planning
Response Recovery RedesignShovel-Ready Flood Defence Schemes - up to £170 million will be spent to accelerate work on shovel-ready flood defence schemes that will begin construction in 2020 or 2021. 22 areas across the country will benefit from this immediate boost to jobs supporting the local economy as communities recover from the impact of coronavirusContact Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
3.Cross-cutting measures
Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Recovery Challenge Fund - The £40 million Green Recovery Challenge Fund will bring forward funding to help charities and environmental organisations start work on projects across England to restore nature, tackle climate change and connect people with the outdoors.Reference https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-announces-40-million-green-jobs-challenge-fundContact Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
4.Other environmental measures
Other environmental pollution countermeasures
Recovery RedesignThe Government has set out how it will use ambitious, legally-binding targets under its landmark Environment Bill to combat environmental and climate challenges. At least one long-term target will be introduced in four priority areas: air quality, water, biodiversity, and resource efficiency and waste reduction.Contact Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs -
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
RecoveryLocal Nature Recovery Strategy - Selected local authorities will receive a share of £1 million of funding to set up LNRS pilot studies helping to identify the most valuable sites for wildlife, while also identifying areas for the restoration of nature.Contact Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
5.International Cooperation
COVID19 recovery and climate change mitigation
RecoveryA £64m package to reduce deforestation and carbon emissions in Colombia using nature-based solutions, which will support a fair, green and resilient recovery by creating local jobs and improving livelihoods of communities who rely on forests.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -
COVID19 recovery and other environmental issues
RecoveryThe first £12m round of UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund to support countries in Africa, Asia, and South America to develop their green industries as they respond to C19.Contact Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Other countries
- Afghanistan
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- The European Commission
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- The Marshall Islands
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
- The Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Peru
- The Philippines
- Poland
- Republic of Korea
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- Zimbabwe