Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Last update
2 Sep. 2020
Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Andrej Vizjak
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
RedesignSlovenia will finalize and adoption a long-term climate strategy (LTS2050) planned for October 2020. Strategy includes the net-zero GHG emission target by 2050, in line with the EU climate policy.Contact Ministry of Environment -
Transition to renewable energy
Recovery RedesignAs defined by NECP (National energy and climate plan) - Additional measures for promotion of renewables - increase of RES in final energy consumption for 192 ktoe by 2030 (from 1.227 in 2020 to 1.419 ktoe in 2030), mostly solar, wind and biofuels.Contact Ministry of Infrastructure -
Sustainable transportation
Recovery RedesignSlovenian Goverment has adopted Intervention Act to Remove Obstacles to the Implementation of Significant Investments to Start the Economy After the COVID-19 Epidemic with the corresponding list of significant projects. The list contains alltogether almost 200 projects among which there is 21 projects fostering sustainable mobility such as invesments in railway infrastructure, cycling lines and passenger mobility center.
Several bike paths will be built and financed by the state in the next two years.
With the aim to shift the mode of transport towards sustaianble transportation Slovenia will facilitate many of the railway projets already in the next few years.Contact Ministry of Infrastructure -
Building sector
Recovery RedesignAs defined by NECP - Additional measures for energy efficiency in buildings - 20% less energy by 2030 compared to 2005, 70% decrease in GHG emissions by 2030 in building sector, compared to 2005, two thirds of energy used in buildings to be RES (renewable energy sources).Contact Ministry of Infrastructure -
Industry sector
Recovery RedesignSeveral small scale plants for the processing of wood and wood products will be co-financed by the state.Contact Ministry of Economics -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Recovery RedesignOne of three priorities of the incoming Slovenian presidency of the EU Council of Ministers (second half of 2021) is digitalization, which is going to include also the use of digital tehnology in climate mitigation, in particular by introducing the smart (elecrtical) grid. Smart gird will (among others) include smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy sources, energy efficinecy sources etc., and will be a part of EU Smart Grid.Contact Government of Slovenia, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Infrastructure
2.Climate adaptation measures
Adaptation planning
RedesignCOVID-19 exposed the fact that globalized world provides globalized exposure to risks that spread fast and that globalized provision and supply chains carry vulnerabilities that can impact every country in the world. It is therefore even more important to strenghten preparedness through assessing vulnerabilities and risks, and act accordingly. Slovenia is in line with its National Adaptation Strategy from 2016 improving its available instruments for planning and carrying out plans, projects and measures to include climate change impacts (especially within IEA/SEA), improving its knowledge base to provide tailored climate services to the needs of planners, policy and project developers and has provided funds for a number of projects ranging from research into mosquitos spreading diseases to improving infrastructures' resilience after extreme events. In the future the plan is to prepare a climate vulnerability assessment for all sectors and a comprehensive Action plan of adaptation measures.Contact Ministry of Environment -
RecoverySlovenia will finalize and adoption a long-term climate strategy (LTS2050) planned for October 2020. Strategy includes a net-zero GHG emission target by 2050, in line with the climate policy and net-zero target in the EU.Contact Ministry of Environment -
ResponseSlovenian government recently issued so called touristic vauchers of 200 EUR for every citizen which have to be spent in Slovenian tourism in orded to lower the loss of income by the tourism industry during COVID-19 pandemic in the 1st half of the year. This measure wiil also contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint since all touristic vouchers have to spent on relatively very short distances (without flights etc.).Contact Ministry of Economics -
Human settlements
Recovery RedesignSlovenian Eko Fund (Eko Sklad) is co-financing many of the energy efficiency projects for public and private buildings, which will reduce the use of energy, enhance the living standard and efficiency, lower the energy powerty of the citizens by lower the energy bills etc.Reference https://www.ekosklad.si/englishContact Ministry of Environment
3.Cross-cutting measures
Recovery RedesignThe Government of Slovenia has recently adopted an Intervention law on Post-COVID -19 recovery plan for the whole economy with almost 200 projects in the near future (2020-2027).Reference https://www.gov.si/teme/pospesena-izvedba-pomembnih-investicij-za-zagon-gospodarstva-po-epidemiji/Contact Government of Slovenia -
Recovery RedesignA new intergovernmental committee for the Long term climate strategy 2050 is established recently. The committee will prepare the strategy, monitor the implementation and prepare an update of the strategy every five years.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Recovery RedesignSlovenia will use more financial resoures within the so called speacial Climate Fund, Water Fund, Eko Fund, CO2 tax and others for the quick recovery and resiliance meassures after COVID-19 pandemic, which will include also criteria for the cross-cutting measures, climate mitigation and adaptation.Contact Ministry of the Environment
4.Other environmental measures
Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
Recovery RedesignSlovenia has recognised the full potential of circular economy already in 2018 when it adopted its Roadmap towards the circular economy. Concrete plan for a set of concrete actions will be prepared to decarbonise Slovenia, involving all governmental sectors for a systemic transformation towards a low carbon circular society.Contact Government of Slovenia, Ministry of the Environment -
Other environmental pollution countermeasures
RecoveryIn the clean air, waste managmenet and orher fields Slovenin will use more financial resources, subsidies and other measures for the post-covid19 recovery and resilence plan which will also include climate criteria.Contact Ministry of the Environment
5.International Cooperation
RedesignIn the last five years Slovenia substantially increased the financial and technical assistance to the developing countries. Slovenia will strive to keep this pace also in the future.Contact Ministry of the Environment
Other countries
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- Andorra
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- Sao Tome and Principe
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- The United Kingdom
- Zimbabwe