Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Minister for Sustainability and the Environment
Grace Fu
Minister for Sustainability and the Environment
I would like to thank Japan for organising this timely initiative. I am pleased to be participating in a meeting on climate change, convened by a close friend of Singapore. Let me make three brief points on how we can rebuild post-COVID in a sustainable and inclusive manner, in line with the Paris goals.
2 First, we need to show commitment by submitting enhanced National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS). Setting long-term decarbonisation plans will demonstrate our commitment to stay the course
in our fight against climate change. It can also support our recovery plans by unlocking new economic opportunities and jobs in areas such as carbon and sustainability services, environment management, and climate science. This was why Singapore submitted our NDC and LEDS in March and we encourage other Parties to do likewise, thereby strengthening the momentum of global climate action at this critical time.[1][2]
3 Second, let us redesign our cities for greater sustainability, resilience, resource-efficiency, with smaller carbon footprints. Singapore is committed to doing so. My Ministry was recently renamed the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment to reflect the importance of sustainability in our national agenda.
・Notwithstanding COVID-19, we are pressing on to build new sustainable towns and make our towns greener. Our latest project in Tengah, which will house 42,000 new homes, will
feature smart lighting, solar panels, centralised cooling systems, and car-lite features, all aimed at reducing emissions.[3] We will also make existing towns more sustainable through our Green Towns Programme, where we aim to reduce energy consumption by 15% by 2030.[4]
・We will ramp up deployment of solar energy, our most viable alternative energy option. We achieved our 2020 solar target of 350 megawatt-peak earlier this year and have set a more ambitious target of at least 2 gigawatt-peak by 2030 despite our size limitation.[5] This requires innovative use of space, including deploying a 60 megawatt-peak floating solar photovoltaic system on one of our reservoirs.[6] When completed next year, it will be one of the world’s largest single in-land floating solar farm.
・We will harness new synergies across sectors to enhance our resource resilience and energy efficiency. We will be investing more than S$5 billion in Tuas Nexus, the first in the world, which is an integrated development that will co-locate a waste management facility with a water reclamation plant.[7] This will allow us to harness synergies from the water-energy-waste nexus, thereby allowing us to achieve savings of more than 200,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
・We will transform Singapore into a “City in Nature” by expanding our green spaces and integrating nature into urban areas and pathways.[8] We aim to plant a million trees across Singapore by 2030. Apart from providing Singaporeans with a higher quality of life, these initiatives will protect and enhance our natural ecosystems that provide carbon storage and sequestration.
・We are greening our transport and making Singapore a car-lite nation. We aim to phase out private vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2040, and have all vehicles running on cleaner energy.[9]
4 Third, we need to invest in needle-moving low-emissions solutions to support the transition to a low-carbon future. As a small and highly urbanised city-state with limited scope to deploy renewable energy at scale, Singapore is investing and pursuing partnerships in emerging technologies, such as Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
(CCUS) and hydrogen, to drive the decarbonisation of our electricity grid and industrial processes. The government has earmarked S$20 billion over the next five years to support research in high impact areas such as climate change and health and biomedical sciences, to study their interlinkages and pioneer solutions.
5 In a subject as complex as climate change, there is much to discover, to understand, and to learn from each other. This Online Platform will be a rich resource to draw inspiration and pursue collaborative partnerships as we each work to build a more sustainable and resilient post-COVID future. I look forward to working with colleagues to advance global climate action and achieve a successful COP-26 next year.
. . . . . .
[1] Singapore’s Nationally Determined Contribution:
[2] Singapore's Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy:
[3] Tengah Town:
[4] Singapore’s Green Towns Programme:
[5] The Future of Singapore’s Energy Story:
[6] Tengeh Reservoir Floating Solar Photovoltaic System:
[7] Tuas Nexus:
[8] Singapore as a “City in Nature”: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/about-us/city-in-nature
[9] Singapore’s Land Transport Master Plan 2040:
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Building sector
Response Recovery RedesignCo-creation of Singapore Green Building Masterplan with industry and community
Singapore is reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders, who are spatially dispersed due to telecommuting arrangements (e.g. using digital platforms), to better understand public perception on how green buildings can play a part in post-COVID-19 recovery.Contact Building and Construction Authority -
Land sector
RedesignSafeguarding Singapore's carbon sinks
Singapore will continue safeguarding and enhancing our natural ecosystems, which provide carbon storage and sequestration, and are protected within our four legally gazetted nature reserves in Singapore. We will continue to grow our nature park networks, which serve as complementary habitats and buffers to our nature reserves against the impact of urbanisation. We aim to have at least 550 hectares of nature parks by 2030, including some in key coastal and marine environments.Reference https://www.nparks.gov.sg/news/2020/3/nparks-to-work-with-the-community-to-transform-singapore-into-a-city-in-nature
https://www.nccs.gov.sg/media/publications/singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategyContact National Parks Board -
RedesignTuas Nexus
We will be investing more than S$5 billion in Tuas Nexus, which will be the world's first integrated development that will co-locate a water reclamation plant with a waste management facility. Co-location of these facilities allows for the integration of used water and solid waste treatment processes to effectively harness synergies from water-energy-waste nexus. At Tuas Nexus, food waste slurry from the waste management facility will be pumped to the water reclamation plant and co-digested with dewatered sludge, generating up to three times more biogas than conventional sludge treatment processes. The biogas will then be piped back and combusted at the waste management facility to enhance overall plant thermal efficiency. The electricity generated will be sufficient to not only sustain the operations of Tuas Nexus, but provide excess electricity that will be fed back to the grid. Being a zero energy facility, Tuas Nexus will achieve savings of more than 200,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. The excess electricity is expected to be able to power up to 300,000 four-room apartments in Singapore.
The Tuas Nexus is an innovative and integrated solution that will maximise resource and energy recovery, which will help to reduce Singapore’s emissions footprint post-COVID-19. It will allow Singapore to meet our capacity requirements to manage and treat various waste streams and used water in a sustainable way. The first phase of construction of Tuas Nexus has begun, and it is set to be completed in phases from 2025 onwards.
Contact PUB, Singapore’s Water Agency;
National Environment Agency -
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignPushing Ahead with Alternative Energy
Singapore is continuing to pursue alternative energy despite COVID-19. This includes various efforts to develop hydrogen as a fuel source. For example, in March 2020, five Singapore and two Japanese companies signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to develop ways to use hydrogen as a low-carbon energy source with the support of the National Research Foundation and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. This is in addition to a feasibility study commissioned by the National Climate Change Secretariat, in conjunction with the Singapore Economic Development Board and Energy Market Authority.
Under the Green Plan 2030, it was also announced that the Energy Market Authority and Shell have jointly awarded a grant to a consortium led by Eigen Energy, a local small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME), to pilot Singapore’s first smart and clean-energy powered service stations, which will be ready by 2022. The stations' smart energy management system integrates solar energy, energy storage and EV chargers to power their operations. This project is alsosupported by Enterprise Singapore under the Open Innovation initiative.Reference https://www.chiyodacorp.com/200330%20COMPANIES%20COLLABORATE%20TO%20EXPLORE%20HYDROGEN%20AS%20A%20LOW-CARBON%20ALTERNATIVE%20FOR%20SINGAPORE.pdf
Contact National Research Foundation
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
National Climate Change Secretariat
Singapore Economic Development Board
Energy Market Authority -
Transition to renewable energy
ResponsePushing ahead with solar panel deployment
Solar energy is one of the key switches in Singapore's Energy Story to secure a cleaner, affordable and more reliable energy future. Despite the disruption from COVID-19, Singapore achieved its 2020 solar deployment target of 350 megawatt-peak (MWp) in the first quarter of the year, and we remain committed to achieving our next solar target of at least 2 gigawatt-peak (GWp) by 2030.
Singapore has been moving ahead with the deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels in 2020. Construction of the 60 MWp floating solar photovoltaic (PV) system on Tengeh Reservoir commenced in August 2020. The deployment of floating solar modules helps to overcome our land constraints while facilitating greater deployment of solar PV systems. Once the project begins full operations in 2021, the power generated will be sufficient to power our local water treatment plants. This allows Singapore to integrate green technology with water treatment and enhance our energy resilience as we emerge from COVID-19.
We have also capitalised on our COVID-19 response measures to extend solar PV deployment. At the new community recovery facility outside Changi Exhibition Centre, about 1,130 solar panels provides 20 per cent of the recovery facility's projected energy consumption. The system includes a roof array mounted on two temporary "solar tents", which are the first of their kind.
Under the Green Plan 2030, solar energy deployment is set to quadruple to a 1.5 gigawatt-peak by 2025, while tapping on cleaner electricity imports. Increased R&D on renewable energy and emerging low-carbon technologies will also be a key initiative. By 2030, solar energy deployment to increase by five-fold to at least 2 GWp; 200 MW of energy storage systems deployment beyond 2025; and best-in-class generation technology that meets heat-rate/ emissions standards and reduces carbon emissions will be adopted.Reference https://www.nccs.gov.sg/media/publications/singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategy
Contact Energy Market Authority
Sustainable transportation
RedesignSustainable Living – Green Commutes
Mass public transport to make up 75% of trips during peak periods by 2030. Cycling path network will be tripled to 1,320 km by 2030, from 460km in 2020, while rail network will be expanded to 360km by early 2030s, from around 230km presently.
Besides the expansion of our rail network, only cleaner-energy public buses will be purchased going forward. Walking and cycling will be encouraged and roads will be repurposed for active mobility users where possible. New town concepts will also be developed; for examplpe: Tengah to have the first car-free HDB town centre.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignEnergy Reset – Cleaner-energy Vehicles
New diesel car and taxi registrations to ceased from 2025, with all new car and taxi registrations to be of cleaner-energy models from 2030. The road tax structure will be further revised to bring down road tax for mass-market electric cars (90-230kW). In addition, 60,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points are targeted to be built by 2030, with 8 EV-Ready Towns to have chargers at all HDB carparks by 2025. By the 2030s, we strive to make every HDB town an EV-Ready Town.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/
https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2021/3/news-release/Encouraging_the_adoption_of_electric_cars.htmlContact Ministry of Transport
Land Transport Authority -
Household sector
RedesignSustainable Living – Green Citizenry: Reducing Waste and Consumption
Targets include reducing amount of waste to landfill per capita per day by 20% by 2026, and 30% by 2030, as well as reducing household water consumption to 130 litres per capita per day.
In order to encourage water conservation and water efficient practices, a new minimum water efficiency standards will be implemented from 1 January 2022 for water-closet flush valves, washer extractors, dishwashers and high-pressure washers, on top of existing Shower Fittings Replacement under the Climate-Friendly Household Programme.
"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" to be the norm for citizens and businesses alongisde a national strategy to address e-waste, packaging waste and food waste. A legislative framework for a Deposit Refund Scheme would be introduced by 2022. A new framework for large industrial and commercial premises to measure and report the amount of food waste to be segregated for treatment will also be explored.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/
https://www.nea.gov.sg/docs/default-source/media-files/cos2021/cos2021-media-factsheet-mandatory-framework-for-food-waste-reporting.pdfContact Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
National Environment Agency -
Building sector
RedesignEnergy Reset – Greener Infrastructure and Buildings
The Building and Construction Authority will be launching the next edition of the Singapore Green Building Masterplan which outlines three targets - "80-80-80 in 2030"; the targets are as follows: Greening 80% of Singapore’s buildings (by Gross Floor Area) by 2030; 80% of new buildings (by Gross Floor Area) to be Super Low Energy (SLE) buildings from 2030; best-in-class green buildings to see 80% improvement in energy efficiency (over 2005 levels) by 2030.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact Building and Construction Authority -
Building sector
RedesignEnergy Reset – Sustainable Towns and Districts
Reduce energy consumption in HDB towns by 15% by 2030.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
2.Climate adaptation measures
RedesignNature-based solutions for climate adaptation
Singapore will continue naturalising waterways and waterbodies in Singapore's gardens and parks, and incorporate the same designs (e.g. floodplains) in our coastal and riverine parks to mitigate the impact of sea level rise. We will also conserve and restore our mangrove forests, as they help to dissipate waves and trap sediment, potentially serving as a flexible form of coastal defence while preventing erosion. These measures are part of our transformation of Singapore into a City in Nature, which we are accelerating, so Singaporeans can enjoy through greater access to nature and its therapeutic benefits in the "new normal".Reference https://www.nccs.gov.sg/media/publications/singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategyContact National Parks Board -
RedesignRestoring nature in our urban areas
Singapore will intensify the greening of our buildings and infrastructure, streetscapes, and industrial areas. We will increase skyrise greenery through the adoption of vertical green walls and rooftop gardens, turn our roads into Nature Ways through the use of multi-tiered planting to mimic natural forest structures, and plant one million trees across Singapore over the next decade. This will provide more pervasive and naturalistic greenery beyond our parks and gardens, which will help to mitigate the urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and cool and beautify our city. Singaporeans will also benefit from nature's effects on their health and well-being in the "new normal".Reference https://www.nparks.gov.sg/news/2020/3/nparks-to-work-with-the-community-to-transform-singapore-into-a-city-in-nature
https://www.nccs.gov.sg/media/publications/singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategyContact National Parks Board -
Agr/food security
RedesignSupporting Innovation
Singapore is supporting agri-food tech accelerators such as GROW to identify, groom, and invest in promising agri-food tech startups and contribute to the vibrancy of the local ecosystem. GROW has designed an accelerator program called the Singapore Food Bowl, which aims to address Singapore’s most pressing agri-food system challenges and opportunities brought about by COVID-19. Initiatives such as the Singapore Food Bowl will be important in driving activity and interest in the agri-food tech ecosystem, as well as identifying novel innovations that can be applied to Singapore’s landscape.Contact Enterprise Singapore -
Agr/food security
Redesign30by30 goal to produce 30% of Singapore's nutritional needs by 2030
To achieve this ambitious goal, Singapore has to push the boundaries of innovation towards productive, climate-resilient and resource-efficienct urban food solutions. We will do so with less than 1% of land set aside for agriculture food production and in a way that uses less water, less energy and generates less waste / keeps waste in the loop. In the long-run, the 30by30 goal also looks at anchoring agri-inputs to sustain production indefinitely. We already have first mover farms producing eggs, fish and vegetables toward the 30by30 goal. Examples include EcoARK, SAT who use recirculating aquaculture systems on floating fish farms that are highly productive and adaptable against negative environmental impacts. Such urban food solutions will benefit Singapore directly in food security and can be exported as solutions to other similar cities as us. Alternative proteins are a potential game changer which would allow Singapore to produce more of our protein needs in a productive and sustainable manner.
The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment and Singapore Food Agency are working closely with other government agencies, the industry and Institutes of Higher Learning/Research Institutions to develop the 30by30 plan via 5 strategies - i) space and infrastructure, ii) regulatory reviews, iii) research, innovation and enterprise, iv) sustainable eco-system growth and v) public engagement and rallying citizens to do their part.Reference http://www.sfa.gov.sg
https://ecosperity.sg/en/ideas/Singapores-30-by-30-food-security-goal-for-businesses.htmlContact Ministry of Sustainability and Environment
Singapore Food Agency -
Adaptation planning
RedesignResilient Future – Safeguarding our Coastlines against Rising Sea Levels
S$5b is dedicated to coastal and drainage flood protection measures. In addition, coastal protection plans would be formulated for City-East Coast, North-West Coast (Lim Chu Kang and Sungei Kadut) and Jurong Island by 2030, with studies to explore related measures set to commence in 2021. A purpose-built model capable of analysing the combined effects of extremed sea levels and intense rainfall-induced inland floods would also be adopted.Contact Public Utilities Board -
Human settlements
RedesignResilient Future – Keeping Singapore Cool
Moderate the rise in urban heat, such as cool paint and by increasing greenery; 2030 targets to be determined from studies. A 3-pronged strategy aimed at mitigating Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect outlines the following goals: understand the UHI effect better by deploying an island-wide network of climate sensors to collect data; conduct research and modelling on UHI effects; and partner the industry and public to implement a UHI mitigation action plan, including piloting the use of cool materials and reducing human-generated heat.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Urban Redevelopment Authority
3.Cross-cutting measures
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Response RecoveryEnhancing resilience of the financial sector
As part of the upcoming 2020 Singapore FinTech Festival, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) launched the S$1.75 million MAS Global FinTech Innovation Challenge on 8 June 2020. Themed “Building Resilience, Seizing Opportunities and Emerging Stronger”, the challenge seeks to recognise ground-breaking solutions that enable the financial sector to respond better to two key global challenges - the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. MAS will work with the industry and global FinTech companies to develop and recognise innovative solutions to promote and support both sustainable and green finance around the world.Contact Monetary Authority of Singapore -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
RedesignGuidelines on Environmental Risk Management
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is introducing the Guidelines on Environmental Risk Management to enhance financial institutions’ resilience to and management of environmental risk. The Guidelines, co-created with the industry, sets out MAS’ supervisory expectations for banks, insurers and asset managers in their governance, risk management, and disclosure of environmental risk.Contact Monetary Authority of Singapore -
RecoverySupporting Green Industries
Singapore introduced several measures to support businesses hurt by COVID-19. Businesses in green industries such as clean energy and electric vehicles, and businesses pursuing resource efficiency projects, are eligible for these business support measures. Examples of the measures include the Enterprise Financing Scheme which covers areas such as Fixed Assets, Project, Working Capital and Trade , enhanced Enterprise Development Grant and Special Situation Fund for Startups. These schemes will ensure that green businesses will continue to thrive and contribute to Singapore's economic recovery.
In addition, Singapore also focused on addressing industry needs and national initiatives by developing standards that build sustainable and resilient industries and enterprises. Green standards encompassing renewables, energy efficiency and storage will be developed to support Singapore's shift to a low carbon future.Reference https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/campaigns/budget-2020/access-financing
https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/campaigns/budget-2020/strengthen-business-ecosystemContact Enterprise Singapore -
Recovery Redesign30by30 Express Taskforce
To support the ramping up of local food production and strengthen Singapore's food security, a multi-agency taskforce has been formed to drive and coordinate inter-agency efforts. The taskforce will oversee efforts to accelerate the ramping of local food production, address hurdles related to the setting up or expansion of farms, and ensure that farms are highly productive, sustainable and resilient. The taskforce is chaired by the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment.Reference http://www.sfa.gov.sgContact Singapore Food Agency -
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment
Recovery RedesignPromoting gardening with edible plants
A Gardening with Edibles programme was launched in April 2020, to encourage the public to garden at or close to home with edible plants. Seed packets were distributed to interested households, and spaces for community gardening will continue to be expanded. The programme will help to enhance public awareness of the value of food (thereby supporting efforts to reduce food wastage), improve mental well-being through the therapeutic effects of gardening, improve social and psychological resilience, and allow citizens to play a tangible role in the ownership and stewardship of our island's nature.Contact National Parks Board -
RedesignGreen Government – Public sector will lead on sustainability
Key initiatives include peaking public sector carbon emissions around 2025 ahead of national target, while encouraging and enabling citizens and businesses to adopt sustainability practices, such as green procurement and education.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/
https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/resource-room/2021-03-04-press-release-on-green-governmentContact All government agencies -
RedesignSustainable Living – Strengthen Green Efforts in Schools
An Eco Stewardship Programme will be introduced to enhance environmental education in all schools. The schools sector will work towards a two-third reduction of net carbon emissions by 2030, with at least 20% of schools to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Pilot sustainability features and related concepts in selected schols. Public education on sustainability will also be championed through the new Science Centre. These efforts build on existing sustainability efforts by Institutes of Higher Learning.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/
https://www.moe.gov.sg/news/press-releases/20210304-learn-for-life-equipping-ourselves-for-a-changing-world-nurturing-stewards-of-the-environmentContact Ministry of Education -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Economy – Sustainability as New Engine of Jobs and Growth
New Enterprise Sustainability Programme will help local enterprises adopt sustainable practices. Singapore to be developed as a carbon services hub, and a leading centre for green finance in Asia and globally. Jurong Island to be developed as a sustainable energy and chemicals park. These initiatives are set to groom a strong pool of local enterprises to capture sustainability opportunities.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/
https://www.mti.gov.sg/-/media/MTI/COS-2021/Factsheets/3-ESP_MTI-COS-2021-Media-Factsheet.pdfContact Ministry of Trade and Industry -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
RedesignGreen Economy – New Investments to be Carbon and Energy Efficient
Seek new investments to be among the best-in-class in energy/ carbon efficiency.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact All government agencies -
RedesignSentosa to transform into a carbon-neutral destination by 2030
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between SDC and Temasek in December 2020 to testbed sustainability solutions in Sentosa. Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) will be engaging some 200 businesses on a whole-of-Sentosa carbon profiling initiative to guide carbon mitigation and abatement efforts.Contact Sentosa Development Corporation with Temasek Holdings
4.Other environmental measures
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
Response Recovery RedesignLong-term land use planning
Land use planning in Singapore is premised on building sustainability and resilience for our city. The long-term approach to planning involves broad strategies, identifying land for various needs, and establishing Singapore’s overall development pace. These then lead into planning for the necessary infrastructure and resources to support the proposed land use. Our planning process allows adjustments to ensure plans stay relevant as the plans are reviewed regularly. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Singapore will continue to work with stakeholders and refine our plans to take into consideration changing needs, including any implications that COVID-19 may bring.
Contact Ministry of National Development
Urban Redevelopment Authority -
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
RedesignEnsuring a healthy ecosystem
To achieve a sustainable urban ecosystem that will help ameliorate the effects of climate change, we will carry out recovery plans for over 70 additional animal and plant species, and enhance 30 hectares of forest, marine, coastal and ecological habitats in at least half of our gardens, parks, and streetscapes by 2030.Reference https://www.nparks.gov.sg/news/2020/3/nparks-to-work-with-the-community-to-transform-singapore-into-a-city-in-nature
https://www.nccs.gov.sg/media/publications/singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategyContact National Parks Board -
Measures related to ecosystem services/biodiversity/land use and agriculture
RedesignCity in Nature – Green, Liveable and Sustainable Home for Singaporeans
By 2030, 1 million more trees would be planted, and every household would be within a 10-minute walk from a park. Over 130 ha of new parks will be developed and around 170 ha of existing parks will be enhanced with more lush vegetation and natural landscapes by end-2025, on top of a 1000 ha addition of green spaces by 2035. Additionally, under MND’s Cities of Tomorrow R&D programme, a new City in Nature research pillar will beintroduced to help leverage our natural capital to achieve sustainability goals.Reference https://www.greenplan.gov.sg/Contact Ministry of National Development
5.International Cooperation
COVID19 recovery and other environmental issues
Response Recovery RedesignTraining programme on disaster risk reduction
The Singapore Cooperation Programme is partnering the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to provide technical assistance to fellow developing countries through a joint training programme on "Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)". This online course will be conducted via four webinars (23 Sep, 30 Sep, 7 Oct and 14 Oct 2020), and is open to government officials from all developing countries.
The course examines key principles of DRR and the hardcoding of resilience into policy, implementation action and human behaviour. Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 global pandemic which demonstrated the ‘new normal’ of interconnected risk, participants will learn about the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, interlinkages with International Health Regulations, and possible applications to their State’s existing policy and recovery plans. The course will also cover Singapore’s approach to integrated risk management and multi-stakeholder approach to crisis recovery in the context of COVID-19. UNDRR will provide globally accepted tools to help participants become familiar with developing risk-informed strategies and plans that link DRR, climate action and development.Reference https://www.go.gov.sg/undrr2020Contact Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore -
RedesignTapping on regional grids
The Energy Market Authority, or EMA, will issue a Request for Proposal for a two-year trial of 100MW of electricity imports from Malaysia in March 2021. It is also initiating cross-border power trade of up to 100MW under the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP). This will also allow us to tap on the abundance of hydropower and other renewable energies that some of our Southeast Asian neighbours have. Additionally, EMA will implement steps to verify the cleanliness of our energy imports, including requiring importers to submit documentary proof of carbon output.Contact Energy Market Authority
Minstry of Trade and Industry
Other countries
- Afghanistan
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- The European Commission
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- The Marshall Islands
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
- The Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Peru
- The Philippines
- Poland
- Republic of Korea
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- The United Kingdom
- Zimbabwe