Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Last update
30 Mar. 2021
Deputy Minister of Economic Development
Ilya Torosov
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Transition to renewable energy
Response Recovery RedesignPromotion of renewable energy
Support for renewable energy generation in the wholesale electricity and capacity markets.
Reference https://www.minenergo.gov.ru/en
https://contest.techbriefs.com/2020/entries/sustainable-technologies-future-energy/10303Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignPromotion of low-carbon fuel and electric transport
The Government provides subsidies for the development of refueling (with liqufied natural gas) infrastructure, the acquisition of equipment and means of transport that use natural gas as fuel, or their re-equipment for this end. Active development of electric transport and the introduction of electric buses is carried out in large cities.
Reference https://minenergo.gov.ru/en
http://www.novatek.ru/en/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignCity transport sharing schemes
Urban systems for the shared use of cars, bicycles and scooters are introduced and developed in Moscow and other large cities in Russia. The initiative contributes to reducing GHG emissions.
Reference https://transport.mos.ru/en/carsharing
App Store & Google Play (Whoosh, Samocat Sharing, EcoWay)Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignIncrease of energy efficiency
The Government creates conditions for increasing heat and fuel efficiency, as well as for the transition to a more efficient model of the heating energy market.Reference https://minenergo.gov.ru/en
https://www.enplusgroup.com/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignGreenhouse gas capture, removal and storage (sequestration) in industrial processes
Research on the potential use of technologies for the capture, removal and storage (burial) of GHGs is conducted in metallurgy, coal and gas chemical production.Reference https://www.severstal.com/eng/
https://www.sibur.ru/en/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignDesalination of sea water using the energy of the sun and sea waves
Carbon-neutral desalination technology based on floating platforms using solar energy and sea waves is being developed.
Reference https://old.sk.ru/news/b/press/archive/2018/03/14/solnce-vozduh-i-_1420_-voda.aspx
https://navigator.sk.ru/navigator/#/orn/1120991Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignBiofuel pellets
Projects envisage construction of wooden and lignin pellet processing plants. Pellets are to be used for replacing coal in heat and energy generation, eliminating lignin waste at the same time.
Detailed information can be found on the official websites of Russian companies (JPPV, TENEX)Reference http://www.jppv.ru/
https://www.tenex.ru/en/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
Redesign"Energynet" of National technological initiative
Road map focused on the Internet of Energy pilot projectsReference http://www.energynet.ru/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)
RedesignRoad map for hydrogen energy development (adopted)
Action plan includes measures for regulation improvement for hydrogen technology (production, transportation, storage and use of hydrogen and methane-hydrogen mixtures), pilot projects and international cooperation.Reference https://minenergo.gov.ru/node/19194Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignHigh-speed railways
Russian Railways approved high-speed rail development program until 2030. Program includes 20 projects with 50 high-speed routes (overall length of high speed railways will be more than 11 000 km).Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
2.Climate adaptation measures
Adaptation planning
RedesignNational Adaptation Plan
The national adaptation plan includes measures aimed at
- the formation of the necessary methodological and statistical base;
- identification of priority measures for public and private sectors to adapt to climate change (transport, fuel and energy complex, construction, housing and communal services, agriculture, fisheries, land use, healthcare, industrial complex, technical regulation, foreign and domestic trade, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing, civil defense, protection of population and territories from natural and anthropogenic emergencies and disasters, activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation);
- identification of priority measures of adaptation to climate change for the regions.
As a part of the implementation of the National Plan, co-benefits from the implementation of adaptation measures will also be considered.Reference http://government.ru/docs/38739/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Adaptation planning
RedesignComprehensive Plan for Weather and Climate Research
The Comprehensive Plan for Weather and Climate Research determines the main research directions as well as cross-sectoral research directions that formed at the intersection of the main research directions.
This matrix structure is determined by complex cross-cutting issues related to climate and climate change.
The main directions are:
- weather and climate forecasting
- assessment of weather and climate change implications and vulnerabilities
- assessment of the capacity for adaptation, mitigation and climate resource assessment
Reference http://cc.voeikovmgo.ru/ru/dokumenty/kompleksnyj-plan-nauchnykh-issledovanij-pogody-i-klimataContact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Adaptation planning
Response Recovery RedesignThe National Climate Center
Centre generalized the results of research and studies to be used as a scientific and methodological basis in the development of sectoral and regional adaptation strategies.
They are aimed at federal and regional government authorities and other organizations that are planning adaptation measures.
Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
3.Cross-cutting measures
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Response Recovery RedesignGreen Finance System
The goal of the newly created system is to accelerate the transition of the Russian economy in alignment with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs 2030.
Creation of the Russian green finance architecture will rely on the best international practices as well as the national economy objectives, such as the National Project "Ecology".
Short-term targets of the system include:
- adoption of the national guidelines for green projects,
- creation of the system of verifiers,
- creation of government incentives for green projects,
- pilot issuance of green bonds in accordance with the new national standard.
Longer-term targets will include the amount of government and private finance channelled to green projects, incremental increase in the volume of the Russian economy devoted to green projects.Reference https://xn--90ab5f.xn--p1ai/en/sustainable-development/green-finance/
https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/news/minekonomrazvitiya_rossii_stalo_koordinatorom_po_razvitiyu_zelyonogo_finansirovaniya.htmlContact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
RedesignNational low-carbon strategy (final draft)
Strategy includes cross-sectoral measures for GHG emissions reduction (energy and resource efficiency, best available technologies etc) and increase of their sequestration by natural systems.Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
Response Recovery RedesignNew Road map for Energy Efficiency (first draft)
New Road map is aimed to improve the energy efficiency of the most energy intensive sectors of the national economy: energy, industry, transport, housing. The document includes such key measures as: elimination of restrictions on the development of energy sevice activity, attracting green investments, providing soft loans for energy efficiency projects and esteblishment of a specialised fund to finance energy efficiency projects.Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
RedesignRoad map for pilot GHG control system in Sakhalin
The map includes a set of measures aimed to achieve carbon neutrality in the Sakhalin region by 2025, including introduction of compulsory GHG emissions reporting for economic entities, projects on GHG emissions reduction and carbon sequestration, carbon credits trading system.Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
japan@economy.gov.ru -
RedesignGHG emissions regulation (bill)
The bill introduces obligatory reporting of GHG emissions for major emitters and voluntary reporting for smaller entities. It also creates framework for voluntary climate-related projects and national carbon market. Climate-related projects in Russia will include a wide range of activities from energy efficiency measures to projects increasing absorption capacity of natural sinks.Reference https://sozd.duma.gov.ru/bill/1116605-7Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
4.Other environmental measures
Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
RedesignWaste system reform
Russia has recently passed a law on waste management, including production and consumption waste. Currently our waste management systems are being transformed to comply to the law and the relevant national program. Goals for waste reduction, recycling and utilization for the on national, regional and city levels are set.Reference http://www.mnr.gov.ru/en/
https://reo.ru/Contact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
5.International Cooperation
Response Recovery RedesignInternational Cooperation
Russian Federation takes part in international cooperation of climate and COVID-19 issues within UNFCCC, Paris agreement, G20 and bilaterial collaborationContact Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Other countries
- Afghanistan
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- The European Commission
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- The Marshall Islands
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
- The Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Peru
- The Philippines
- Poland
- Republic of Korea
- Romania
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- The United Kingdom
- Zimbabwe