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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 28 Oct. 2022


Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forests

Costel Alexe

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Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Transition to renewable energy

    Recovery Redesign
    Through the National Climate and Energy Plan (approved by Government Decision no. 1076/2021) and through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Romania intends to install new wind and solar energy capacities.
    In the field of energy, the Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan covers two main measures: the phasing out of coal from thermal power plants by 2032 and increasing the capacity to produce electricity from renewable sources
    Contact Ministry of Energy:
    Ministry of Investments and European Projects:
  • Building sector

    The Energy Efficient Public Buildings program is financed in the context of alignment with the provisions of the European Green Deal. The issue of energy efficiency in existing buildings is a priority of any EU Member State and should be financially supported in order to make energy consumption more efficient.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Household sector

    The Energy Efficient Individual Households program is financed in the context of alignment with the provisions of the European Green Deal. The issue of energy efficiency in existing buildings is a priority of any EU Member State and should be financially supported in order to make energy consumption more efficient.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Household sector

    Two programs for the installation of photovoltaic panel systems for electricity production (one for general households and one for isolated and vulnerable households) - to cover energy consumption and delivery of surplus in the national network.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Household sector

    The national Program for the replacement of used electrical and electronic equipment with more energy efficient ones
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Sustainable transportation

    The Rabla and Rabla Plus Programs contribute to the development of less polluting transport and to the improvement of air quality in urban agglomerations. Through the Classic Rabla Program, beneficiaries are financially supported by grants from the Environment Fund to scrap old vehicles and replace them with new, less polluting cars. The Rabla Plus program offers an environmentally friendly mobility alternative. This program has been running since 2016 (in 2022 - the 7th edition). Romania provides one of the highest financing for electric cars in Europe, the eco-label offered through Rabla Plus reaching about 10,000 euros, and since 2021 offers support for those who want to buy electric cars.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Sustainable transportation

    Program for the development of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure: installation of recharging stations in the county seat municipalities and for local authorities (rank II municipalities, cities, tourist resorts, etc.).
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Sustainable transportation

    The program aimed at developing the bicycle infrastructure in order to reduce GHG emissions.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Sustainable transportation

    Recovery Redesign
    The National Strategy on Intelligent Transport systems for 2022-2030 (approved by Government Decision no. 1086/2022) concerns issues relating to the gradual reduction of the overall impact of polluting emissions from transport.
    Contact Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure:
  • Building sector

    Recovery Redesign
    The National long-term renovation strategy (approved by Government Decision no. 1034/2020) aims to support the renovation of the national park of residential and non-residential buildings, both public and private, and its gradual transformation into a real estate park with a high level of energy efficiency and decarbonized by 2050
    Contact Ministry Of Development, Public Works And Administration:
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    The National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Smart specialization 2022-2027 (approved by Government Decision no. 933/2022) sets the vision for the romanian research and innovation system in the horizon 2030 and expresses the firm option to recognize and support excellence, to reward performance, to stimulate the development of collaboration between the public and private environment. The Strategy takes into consideration aspects related to climate mitigation and climate resilience.
    Contact Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării:
  • Land sector

    Recovery Redesign
    The National Strategy for Forests 2030 (approved by Government Decision no. 1227/2022) is a strategic framework with a complex set of measures and objectives intented: to ensure the balanced integration of social, environmental, climate and economic functions in forest management, to obtain a social agreement on the harmonization of the rights, interests and obligations of stakeholders and those affected by forest management, to allow the adaptation of regulatory and control instruments, financial support and those affected by forest management.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
  • Others

    Response Recovery
    A program dedicated to support energy efficiency and smart energy management in public lighting infrastructure was launched for the first time in 2020 and addressed local governments that can benefit from funding to improve the public lighting system by using LED lighting fixtures, which have higher energy efficiency.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 38/2020 of March 30, 2020 on the use of documents in electronic form at the level of public authorities and institutions:
    The provisions of art. 50 of the annex no. 1 to the Decree no. 195/2020 regarding the establishment of a state of emergency in Romania stipulates that the public administration authorities shall take the necessary measures to organize the activity in order to avoid, as far as possible, direct contact between persons, including by using electronic means of communication, considering that one of the modalities of implementation at the level of public administration of the measures mentioned in Decree no. 195/2020 implies the creation of the legal framework necessary for the use of electronic signatures and electronic documents, taking into account the need to recognize the full legal effects of the electronic documents and electronic signatures, so that the activity of public institutions and authorities can be carried out by electronic means and under conditions of legality. In the context of declaring a state of emergency on the territory of Romania, in order to ensure a proper functioning of public institutions and authorities, the urgent adoption of the aforementioned measures, was necessary.
    Contact Government of Romania
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    DECISION no. 285 of April 9, 2020 for the modification and completion of the Government Decision no. 1,235 / 2010 on the approval of the implementation of the National Electronic System for online payment of fees and taxes using the bank card:
    In order to pay the taxes (payment obligations) to the general consolidated budget by using electronic means of payment or other means of payment (established by decision of the President of the Romanian Digitalization Authority), the public institutions which carry out activities for the collection of these obligations will be registered in National Online Electronic Payment System in order to provide information regarding the amount and to ensure access to an electronic payment solution of the respective obligations.
    Reference (MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 305 din 10 aprilie 2020) in new window
    Contact Government of Romania
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 58 of April 23, 2020 on taking measures for the proper functioning of the education system (alternative didactic method of teaching online mode):
    Taking into account the extraordinary situation created by the long-term suspension of courses for pupils and students in the context of the necessity to minimize the negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic, appropriate measures could not have been postponed. Failure to take appropriate measures in order to end the school/university year in proper conditions would have led to serious consequences for the whole education system and for the good development of the planned activities. Therefore, during the national state of emergency, pre-university education units conducted, if possible, activities from the curricula, in online format.
    Reference (MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 347 din 29 aprilie 2020) in new window
    Contact Government of Romania
  • Recovery Redesign
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020
  • Sustainable transportation

    Continuation of the Rabla and Rabla Plus programs that contribute to the reduction of transport emissions:
    The "Rabla" program finances an amount of 6,500 lei (1,380 EUR) for the purchase of a new vehicle, less polluting, in exchange for the disposal of a used car, thus reducing the CO2 emissions. Since 2005, the start year of this program and until present, 660,818 used cars have been put out of circulation and 415,256 new vehicles have been purchased.
    The "Rabla PLUS" program finances an amount of 45,000 lei (9,600EUR) for the purchase of a new electric vehicle, respectively 20,000 lei (4,250EUR) for the purchase of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, without being conditioned by the disposal of a used vehicle.
    A number of 2,350 electric and hybrid plug-in electric vehicles were marketed, as follows:
    - in 2018, 810 plug-in hybrid electric and electric vehicles, of which 699 were full electric vehicles and 111 were plug-in hybrid electric vehicles;
    - in 2019, 1,540 electric and electric plug-in hybrid vehicles, of which 1,311 were full electric and 229 were plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Sustainable transportation

    Continuation of the program for the development of the electric vehicle recharging infrastructure in Romania;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Sustainable transportation

    Continuation of the "Green" transport development programs by financing electric buses / cng (compressed natural gas) in municipalities and localities;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Building sector

    Launch in 2020 of the program to increase energy efficiency in public and private buildings;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Others

    Launch in 2020 of the Program to increase energy efficiency in public street lighting;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Others

    Launch in 2020 of the Emission reduction program by increasing energy efficiency in centralized power systems thermal energy of localities;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Land sector

    Launch in 2020 of the Emission reduction program by afforestation;
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Household sector

    Launch in 2020 of the program to increase energy efficiency by replacing used electrical and electronic equipment with some more efficient equipment in terms of consumption.
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration
  • Household sector

    Launch in 2020 of the financing programs for the installation of photovoltaic panels for both households connected to the electricity network and for isolated ones. The program for installing photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity from solar energy in households connected to the distribution network will enable the beneficiaries to cover their own consumption needs and to deliver the surplus to the distribution network. The program started in January 2019 with the validation of the installers and the registration of beneficiaries will begin in September. It is expected that between 25,000 and 30,000 individuals will receive funding.
    The program for installing photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity from solar energy in isolated households, not connected to the electricity distribution network started in April 2019, being in the evaluation phase of the applications for financing. Under this program it is anticipated that approx. 7,500 individuals will receive funding.
    Contact Government of Romania, July 2020, through Ministy of Environment, Waters and Forests- Environment Fund Administration

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    Romanian Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests is working on the revision of the National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (NSACC) for the period 2022-2030 with the perspective of 2050 and the development of a new National Action Plan (NAP) for its implementation, within the RO-ADAPT Project.
    Both documents intent to ensure the continuity and coherence of the adaptation component, previously developed within the "National Strategy on climate change and economic growth based on low carbon emissions for the period 2016-2020" .
    The documents have gone through the strategic environmental assessment, which concluded, that they can be submitted to the adoption procedure. Consequently, the inter-institutional consultation process is at an advanced stage and it will be followed by the consultation process of the public and all interested actors.
    The new Strategy will be focusing on various sectoral priorities, emphasizing agriculture and water issues, as well as disaster risk reduction.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
  • Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    SNASC will have horizontal links and synergies with the following national strategic documents, associated with the subject: the National Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Romania 2030 (SNDDR), the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the National Disaster Risk Management Plan (PNMRD), and other specific sectoral strategies (National Disaster Risk Management Plan, National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (under approval).
  • Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    National Strategy for Forests 2030 covers objectives related to the adaptation of forests to the degree of uncertainty generated by climate change which requires concrete and flexible actions to improve the quality of forests, in order to ensure their stability and resilience.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
  • Water

    Recovery Redesign
    The measures to reduce the risk of floods, included in the previous NAP, can be found in the National Action Plan for the period 2022-2030 for the implementation of the NSACC for the period 2022-2030 with the perspective of 2050 (see info above).
    The new NAP has a sectoral level approach and takes into account the up-to-date strategic documents from Romania and the EU.
    Thus, in the sectoral objective Adapting the Water Resources sector to climate change, the following flood risk reduction measures are mentioned:
    - Establishment of buffer strips along water courses in the area of vulnerable regions, which ensure an adequate protection, derivations of large waters, by adopting solutions based on nature.
    - Nature-based solutions, namely, large-scale afforestation of watersheds, provision of watercourse mobility space, watercourse restoration works, natural water retention areas, relocation of damming works (if applicable) (min. 100000 Ha of new forests and 10000 Ha of restoration of water courses and mobility).
    - Measures to increase flood resilience by preparation and response in emergency situations - the improvement of flood monitoring, forecasting and warning systems, preparation of response actions in emergency situations.
    - Measures to improve the level of awareness.
    - Improvement of assurance of housing through PAID policies (Natural Disaster Insurance Policy) and additional insurances, as well as the insurance of public and economic assets.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
  • Health

    COVID-19 Official Platform online platform (centralizes only information from secure sources)
    Contact The Government of Romania, through the Authority for the Digitization of Romania and the non-governmental organization Code for Romania
  • Adaptation planning

    Recovery Redesign
    NATIONAL INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN The objective of the new development model proposed by the Government is to ensure convergence with European economies, allowing the Gross Domestic Product per capita at standard purchasing parity to reach 87% of the EU27 average by 2025. The plan contains:
    1.1. Macroeconomic situation in the context of COVID-19
    1.2. Budgetary policy in the context of COVID-19
    1.3. Fiscal and budgetary support policies in the context of COVID-19
    1.4. Employment support and protection programs for the jobs affected by the COVID-19 crisis
    1.5. Digitalization and de-bureaucratization measures in administration and economy sectors
    1.6. Romania's development priorities financed from European funds in the period 2021 - 2027
    2.1. Support grants for companies
    2.2. Guarantee schemes and tools to support liquidity in the economy
    2.3. Financial-banking instruments for increasing capitalization and financing investments
    2.4. Active employment and social protection measures
    3.1. Transport infrastructure
    3.2. Investments in energy infrastructure, economy and business environment
    3.3. Health infrastructure
    3.4. Infrastructure for education
    3.5. Investments in local development
    3.6. Agricultural and irrigation infrastructure
    3.7. Environmental investments
    3.8. Sports infrastructure

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)

    Response Recovery
    The program for the installation of photovoltaic panel systems for electricity production (for isolated and vulnerable households) - see "Energy Efficient Public Buildings program" under climate mitigation measures.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Response Recovery
    A program aimed at education and public awareness on waste management - national campaign on separate waste collection - education, behaviour change and public awareness.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):

4.Other environmental measures

  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Redesign
    The National Investment Priorities 2021 to 2027 stresses out the transition to a circular economy as a key milestone expected to be reached by expanding management schemes at the county level to increase reuse and recycling and to prevent waste generation and diversion from landfills. Similarly, there are references to additional investments for the closure of landfills as well as, to support the transition to the circular economy and to promote circular economy actions and measures, including public awareness, waste prevention, separate collection and recycling.
    Contact Government of Romania:
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Recovery
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
    As part of the “Green Transition” pillar, the NRRP provides the development and implementation of the DRS (Deposit Return Schemes) for packaging, including the purchase of hardware and software infrastructure. The green transition will also be achieved by financing investments that will manage household, commercial and industrial waste through prevention measures, minimization, sorting, reuse and recycling and will use recycled materials as raw materials that meet the efficiency criteria.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
    Ministry of Investments and European Projects:
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Recovery Redesign
    National Strategy for Circular Economy (approved by Government Decision no. 1172/2022) was adopted and will be followed by an action plan that is set to be adopted by the end of 2023. The Strategy sets out five priorities for the development of policies aimed at promoting circularity in Romania. They focus on:
    • reducing the consumption of raw materials through sustainable extraction, recycling and recovery activities;
    • reducing consumption of consumer goods by extending the life of products;
    • reducing the impact of production activities on the environment;
    • reducing the environmental impact of waste and waste water management and disposal activities; and
    • improving policy coherence and governance, communication and collaboration between local, regional and national authorities.
    Contact Government of Romania:
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Waste Management Program -A program dedicated to finance projects aimed at increasing recycling capacities through the construction of recycling / treatment facilities and for projects related to the development of selective collection systems at local level.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Greening of waste-affected areas Program
    The purpose of the program is to provide financial support for waste collection activities, to green the areas affected by pollution. To fulfill its purpose, the program will track the collection of waste so that it can be recovered/recycled
    according to the law.
    Contact Environmental Fund Administration (an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests):
  • Other environmental pollution countermeasures

    Response Recovery
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
    As part of the “Social and territorial cohesion” pillar, the NRRP supports measures aimed to increase air quality.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
    Ministry of Investments and European Projects:
  • Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture

    Response Recovery
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
    As part of the “Green Transition” pillar, the NRRP supports measures aimed to the protect biodiversity, maintain and increase the favorable conservation status of species and habitats by:
    - Restoration of aquatic ecosystems, including marine ones through ecological reconstructions of habitats and improving the conservation status of species, construction and maintenance of ecological canals
    - Ecological reconstruction of grassland habitats and improving the conservation status of species in protected natural areas in the context of climate change
    - Realization of the national network of urban natural areas
    - Unitary updating of management plans for protected natural areas and increasing institutional management capacity
    - Identify potential areas of strict protection in terrestrial and marine natural habitats for the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030
    - Sustainable management of wildlife of hunting interest and the eradication of African swine fever in the national hunting fund.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests:
    Ministry of Investments and European Projects:
