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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 2 Sep. 2020


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Rules and standards for the construction of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure (ongoing legislative procedure).
    Adding detailed rules for the construction of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in the executive regulations to the Act on electromobility will enable the development of the infrastructure and the achievement of the objectives set out in the upcoming Polish Hydrogen Startegy.
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Priniciples for deployment of hydrogen infrastructure: refuelling points and stations. (planned)
    The Act of 11 January 2018 on electromobility and alternative fuels provides for the construction of a core infrastructure network for alternative fuels in urban agglomerations and densely populated areas, as well as along roads belonging to trans-European transport corridors. The development of the core network will allow free movement of cars with propulsion based on alternative fuels, without any fear of the lack of a recharge. The core network will be created by approx. 6,400 electricity charging points and 70 CNG refuelling points located in urban agglomeration areas and densely populated areas. New policy measures will be added in this regard for Hydrogen Reuelling Stations (HRS)
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Information on the availability of infrastructure for recharging and refuelling AV (planned)
    On January 1, 2019, a database of locations for charging / refueling infrastructure availability was launched under the name Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Register, which is a public register kept to provide users of electric vehicles and vehicles powered by natural gas with information facilitating the use of these vehicles. The register contains information about the coordinates of natural gas stations and charging stations, current prices of alternative fuels and the availability of charging points installed in publicly available charging stations. Hydrogen refuelling stations will be added to the register via upcoming legislation.
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Exemption of BEV and FCEV from excise duties
    Act of 11 January 2018 on electromobility and alternative fuels has provisions on exemption from excise duty, which apply to electric, hydrogen-powered and plug-in hybrid vehicles for which the tax obligation in excise duty arose after December 18, 2018.
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Creation of the clean transport zones
    The Act on electromobility introduced the possibility for municipal councils to create clean transport zones. This instrument is to be used to combat pollution from transport in city centers with over 100,000 inhabitants. The creation of a zone is not mandatory and the municipal authorities decide if such a zone is necessary. The Act provides for the possibility of free entry into the clean transport zones of BEV, FCEV and fueled by natural gas.
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Transition to renewable energy

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Legal framework for offshore wind energy development (ongoing legislative procedure)
    The Ministry of Climate works on the draft Offshore Wind Act (“Act on the promotion of generation of electricity in offshore wind farms”). The act covers all the relevant for investors areas such as support scheme, local content plans, grid connection, obligations of the generator of electricity, as well as regulations concerning construction and operation, tax and administrative proceedings. The development of Polish offshore wind farms is an opportunity for post-COVID-19 economic sustainable development. Investments will positively affect the evolution of the labor market and local content development. It is anticipated that approx. 8-10 GW of offshore wind capacity will be deployed in the Polish exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea by 2040.
    Reference Draft act on the promotion of generation of electricity in offshore wind farms
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Transition to renewable energy

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Prosumers of electricity from RES micro-installation (up to 50 kW capacity - mainly PV)
    Allows a final recipient to purchase electricity under a comprehensive contract and to produce electricity only from RES in a micro-installation in order to use it for its own needs, not related to the conducted business activity. The discount system is a method of non-cash settlement of electricity collected by a prosumer and produced in a micro-installation. For installations with a capacity of up to 10 kW per 1 kWh supplied to the network, the prosumer may receive 0.8 kWh, above 10 up to 50 kW this value, the coefficient of 0.7 applies. "Mój Prąd" is a grant program aimed at prosumers with PV micro-installations. The recipient receives up to PLN 5,000 (EUR 1,200) for the implementation of a new PV installation in the household (no more than 50% of eligible costs). The program started in August 2019 with a budget of 1 bn PLN (220 ml EUR). To date, the effects of the "Mój Prąd" program - 73,000 grant applications - have amounted to 408 MW of installed capacity (out of over 1,2 GW of prosumer PV installations and over 190,000 prosumers).The program will continue until the budget (foreseen for about 200,000 beneficiaries) is exhausted.
    Reference Act on Renewable Energy Sources
    Contact Ministry of Climate

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Ensuring sustainable regional and local development, taking into account climate change through the existence of adaptation plans for cities over 100,000 residents
    In accordance with the provisions indicated in "Strategic Adaptation Plan for sectors and areas sensitive to climate change by 2020 with a perspective by 2030" the Ministry of Climate implemented a project entitled "Development of Urban Adaptation Plans for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in Poland”. This project was implemented on the basis of an agreement of the Ministry of the Environment with the largest 44 cities in Poland. It is the excellent form of cooperation between local and central authority the field of adaptation aimed at solving the issue of adaptation to climate change. Plans comprise sensitivity, vulnerability and risk analysis of the cities and selection od adaptation measures respond in to the mine identified hazards/threats/risks.
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Adaptation planning

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Improving the quality of life of residents and supporting cities in their transformation towards climate neutrality and resilience to climate change as a part of the new project of the Ministry of Climate "Cities with climate"
    City workshops are a series of discussions with local governments and non-governmental organizations, the aim of which is to develop solutions that increase the quality of life of city dwellers in the conditions of a changing climate. The workshop will result in the development of a common vision of a climate-friendly and neutral city, as well as the preparation of proposals for tools that will support the transformation of cities. As part of the project, legislative initiatives will be developed to support cities in their transformation towards climate neutrality and resilience to climate change. In addition, as part of the program, financial instruments are also launched, including funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to support projects and activities related to water retention in cities. One of such instruments is the Priority Program "Adaptation to climate change and limiting the effects of environmental hazards". Co-financing covers activities in the field of green and blue infrastructure, liquidation of impermeable surfaces, rainwater management systems and storm water drainage, increasing retention in ecosystems, as well as removing the effects of accidents and environmental threats resulting from climate change and their effects.
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Water

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Legislative actions taken to counteract the effects of drought
    The project aims to introduce procedural facilitations enabling the efficient implementation of projects important from the point of view of the interests of the state and society, including the construction, reconstruction or change of use, as well as maintenance of the existing water facilities to reduce the occurrence of drought in Poland. The act introduces a package of solutions that will involve the amendment of legal acts regulating the issues of managing environmental resources, as well as the provisions on spatial development, technical and construction, and fiscal planning.The proposals concern the area of ​​spatial planning and land retention, environmental protection, facilitation in the scope of procedures included in the Water Law and Construction Law, including legalization of existing water abstraction devices in order to record them for the purposes of rational water management.
    Reference Draft act on investments in the scope of counteracting the effects of drought
    Contact Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation

3.Other environmental measures

  • Other environmental pollution countermeasures

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Use of public procurement in support of alternative fuels - The introduction of the concept of green public procurement in public procurement law
    The definition of green public procurement covers situations where the contracting authority takes into account one or more environmental factors at such stages of the tender procedure as: identification of needs, definition of the subject of the contract, formulation of technical specifications, selection of award criteria or how to perform the contract. The goal of green public procurement is to achieve the widest possible coverage of environmental issues in procurement procedures.
    Reference Act on electromobility and alternative fuels
    Contact Ministry of Climate
  • Others

    Recovery Redesign
    Support in the field of scientific research and technological development for hydrogen
    Financial support in the field of scientific research and technological development has been granted by the National Center for Research and Development.
    Reference National Center for Research and Development
    Contact National Center for Research and Development