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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 2 Sep. 2020


Minister of Environment

Kirla Echegaray Alfaro

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Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Transition to renewable energy

    Electricity supply with renewable energy resources in areas not connected to the grid: proposes to provide the electricity service to users located in areas not connected to the grid using renewable energy resources (RER) as a source of generation, by installing photovoltaic systems (solar panels) in households. Some benefits are: i) improve the quality of life of rural communities, and ii) promotes new jobs in the installation and maintenance of the systems.
    Contact Ministry of Energy and Mines - General Directorate of Rural Electrification
  • Transition to renewable energy

    Recovery Redesign
    Combination of renewable energy: proposes to increase the participation of Renewable Energy Resources (RER) in the national energy matrix by 6.8% in 2030, reducing the proportion of energy produced based on the burning of fossil fuels. In addition, it includes the implementation of hydroelectric plants with an installed capacity of less than 20 MW. Some benefits are: i) promote new jobs, and ii) development of the national industry and economy.
    Contact Ministry of Energy and Mines - General Directorate of Energy Eficiency
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Promotion of electric vehicles at national level: proposes to replace the energy matrix used in transport, which predominantly uses fossil fuels (gasoline, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and vehicular natural gas), through a greater participation of electric vehicles in the national vehicle fleet. Some benefits are: i) promote new jobs, ii) increase of energy efficiency, and iii) reduce local pollutants.
    Contact Ministry of Energy and Mines - General Directorate of Energy Eficiency
  • Sustainable transportation

    Tax incentives to promote the acquisition of hybrid or electric ground transportation vehicles by accelerated depreciation (up to 50% annual). This in order to promote private investment and provide greater liquidity to companies, given the current economic situation due to the effects of the COVID-19.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment
  • Sustainable transportation

    Recovery Redesign
    National Program for Sustainable Urban Transport: proposes the implementation of public sustainable transport systems that are technically viable in the economic, social and environmental aspects, and that covers the needs of population's travel in an adequate, efficient and safe manner. Some benefits are: i) improve the quality of life, and ii) reduce pollutans and the noise in the cities.
    Contact Ministry of Transport and Communication - General Directorate of Politics and Regulation in Multimodal Transport
  • Sustainable transportation

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Promotion of sustainable individual mobility: consist of promoting of some individual modes of sustainable transport like bycycles, scooters, among others. This measure allows travel while maintaining the social distance, reducing local pollutants and promoting healthy lifestyles. Some benefits will be i) promotion of jobs related to required new infrastructure (bicycle lanes, parking lots), and ii) promotion of related national industry.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment -
    General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification
  • Sustainable transportation

    Agreement with the Urban Transport Authority (ATU) for Lima-Callao: Provide the legal framework that allows promoting sustainable mobility based on clean technologies such as natural gas and electric as part of Urban Public Transport, which will reduce emissions and strengthen the country's energy security. In addition, this agreement will give priority to transportation that allow social distance between people.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment
  • Building sector

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Updating the Sustainable Construction Technical Code to enhance sustainable construction in new buildings of the public and private sector. The updated CTCS considers guidelines for water efficiency, energy efficiency, urban quality, waste reuse, sustainable mobility, among others, in the construction of sustainable cities and buildings. It will be mandatory for any new urban development for the public sector, on land owned by the State and promoted through State programs for disaster reconstruction situations.
    Contact Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    MINAM counts on the GEOSERVER as a tool for the permanent monitoring and evaluation of the territory and its natural resources. It is a platform of geospatial services, of great utility and relevance for:
    - Decision making, planning and technical development of public policies for territorial management; so, the available information serves as the basis for defining articulation and development poles; Example: routes or routes prioritized for reactivation to COVID
    - The construction of technical and academic knowledge.
    - Means of consultation on environmental or territorial conditions that can affect the life and sustainable development of citizens.
    - Interoperability is worked with other state institutions (SERFOR, OEFA, SENACE, SERNANP and MINCUL).
    Alex Montero
  • Land sector

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Low Carbon Cocoa production in Ucayali Region: strengthen the cocoa value chain in Ucayali. This business model consists of improving approximately 15,908.05 hectares (ha) of cocoa in Ucayali, through the (i) implementation of agroforestry systems; (ii) circular economy; as well as the (iii) strengthening of associativity; (iv) implementation of financing packages; and the (v) application of traceability systems with blockchain to ensure the sustainable value chain
    Contact Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation - General Directorate of Agriculture
  • Land sector

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Legal and sustainable timber, source of fair employment:
    promote and strengthen the wood value chain considering the incorporation of better management and management practices, marketing and financing strategies, in addition to strengthening capabilities. The measure will have a positive impact on the economy and quality of life of indigenous peoples from the effective management of the timber resources of their territories.
    Contact Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation - National Forest Service (SERFOR)
  • Land sector

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Forest restoration program in the upper basins of the andean zone: restore high Andean relict forests and other areas of the upper basin, through forest plantations with native species with the participation of the private sector, through the mechanism of taxes (OXI), in areas of influence of mining companies.
    The goal of the program is to increase the high Andean forest cover in 50,000 ha by 2030, with an annual goal of 5,000 ha. This measure will benefit the rural population of the area of ​​influence, through the generation of employment and the improvement of ecosystem services of these forests.
    Contact Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation - National Forest Service (SERFOR)
    Ministry of Environment
  • Land sector

    Recovery Redesign
    The natural infrastructure gap (brecha de infraestrutura natural) is seen as an opportunity for regional investments in the recovery of degraded ecosystems. The degraded areas are updated annually, since 2018, generating proposals for investment in measures and projects that can be proposed and implemented within the framework of the economic reactivation before COVID19.
    Degraded ecosystems, at the national level, that require recovery comprise 17.5 million hectares; of which 4.16 million hectares have been prioritized for the Environment Sector, in order to recover the ecosystem services they provide.
    Maps of Degraded Areas has been developing at the regional level, in conjunction with the Regional Governments of the departments of Cusco, Huancavelica and Moquegua.
    Luis Quispe
  • Land sector

    Response Recovery
    Strengthening community forest management in indigenous communities of Masisea, Ucayali, as a means for implementing NDC at local level and guaranteeing adequate recovery and responde for COVID-19 effects
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, General Directorate of Strategy on Natural Resources, Amalia Cuba:
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Promoting Recycling in the post Covid-19 context: Proposal for the implementation of the recycling system allowing the continuity of the recycling value chain on a permanent way, achieving the formalization and strengthening of thousands of recyclers. This measure will improve income and the quality of employment in recycler's organizations thanks to the sale of usable waste. Some benefits are: i. savings in energy consumption, ii reduction in the use of raw materials, iii. reduction of the volume of solid waste disposed on landfills.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment - General Directorate of Solid Waste Management
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Foster the construction of new wastewater treatment plants to close sewage gaps, improve the environmental quality, generate new jobs and contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions.
    Contact Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Home office: consists of promoting of home office to reduce the number of transfers by buses and support with social distancing. This measure is considered in the Competitiveness and Productivity Plan (Policy Measure 5.3). Some benefits will be: i) allows to keep jobs and the economic activity associated with them in a context of pandemic, and ii) reduces environmental pollution, improves air quality and prevents the spread of COVID-19. Some next steps will be i) bring forward a new telework law to 2020 to consolidate its sustainability and expansion, and ii) promotes its implementation throughout the country.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment -
    General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Develop sectoral tentative programs for new mitigation options like telework, sustainable individual mobility and peatlands conservation, activities that are being promoted and linked with the recovery plan. Tentative Programs are action plans that consolidate technical information under a logic of intervention and implementation of actions, as well as sectoral and national climate policies, namely, it identifies needs, determines the scope of interventions and their goals, and shows the enabling conditions that must be met for the measures to be implemented, describe the benefits and co-benefits that will be obtained on account of such implementation, present the economic appraisal and the financing sources, show the necessary institutional arrangements, identify the roles of each of the various actors involved, describe the forms of measurement, reporting and verification, and allow the temporal planning of actions.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment -
    General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification
  • Others

    INDENTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE OCCURRENCE OF FIRES IN VEGETATION (CFOI, for its acronym in Spanish). CFOI is a powerful tool for identifying the most vulnerable areas to wildfires nationwide. It has been incorporated into the Fire Risk Assessment Guide in joint work with CENEPRED (national institution), for preventive action against fire risks nationwide.
    The MINAM provides permanent information service for the preventive management of wildfires (National, Regional and Local):
    - The regional and local governments have monthly CFOI reports, for making preventive decisions in the event of the probability of wildfires. This should help to generate preventive measures to reduce the impact on respiratory diseases.
    - Studies about the favorable conditions to the wildfire occurrence are monthly published nationwide.
    - Application for the registration of fires at regional and local level, allows the pre-preventive management of fires.
    Glory Alarco

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Adaptation planning

    Climate change quantitative risk assessment conducted at a national level to effectively assess vulnerable and exposed groups: This measure is part of the advancements of our National Adaptation Plan. The objective is to complement the long-term (2050) qualitative risk assessment in order to quantify the losses and opportunities of climate change at a national level, with a regional detail. This study will support the prioritization of vulnerable groups and associated adaptive strategies to contribute to the reduction of their sensibility and strengthening of their adaptive capacity.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification
  • Water

    Natural infrastructure for regulation and provision of water resources in vulnerable basins to climate change: The objective is to maintain water regulation, reduce soil erosion, and promote and implement interventions for the conservation and recovery of natural infrastructure, under a watershed-based adaptation approach. The measure directly benefits the rural population living in the upper basin area, as well as the urban population.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification
  • Agr/food security

    Due to the impossibility of working in the cities during the lockdown, sending of products from agrobiodiversity conservationist farmers to their relatives in cities such as Lima, Ica, Moquegua, Tacna, Ilo was facilitated. With this measure, more than 3,500 people who lacked food were served with more than 200 tons of products with an approximate value of S/ 600,000.00. Likewise, the value chain of agrobiodiversity products is being strengthened through access to markets in the cities closest to the countryside, in coordination with local authorities.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Biological Diversity Officer, José Álvarez Alonso)
  • Agr/food security

    Response Recovery
    Due the reports that show that Covid 19 has originated from a zoonosis, we are preparing a diagnosis about use of wild fauna for consumption purposes in the Loreto region (Amazonia). This region is one of the most affected by Covid 19. The consumption of bush meat is part of the customs of this region, therefore, we want to evaluate the meat quality to promote adoption of preventive measures for the well-being of Iquitos population.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Biological Diversity Officer, José Álvarez Alonso)
  • Agr/food security

    Management of natural grasslands to reduce the vulnerability of livestock to climate change: The objective is to conserve natural pastures as the main source of livestock feeding, the main activity of high mountain peasant communities and the source of a large part of their economic income. It includes the construction of infiltration ditches; the sowing and closing of pastures; and the use of satellite images to monitor the growth of natural pastures, among others, intervening 18 252 hectares (ha) of natural and cultivated pastures in 169 districts and 56 provinces.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification
  • Agr/food security

    Recovery Redesign
    It contributes with basic information to understand what are the potentials for economic activities according to the potential for bio-businesses, eco-businesses or green markets, which can contribute to the economic reactivation, especially from the rural sector. It contains information on agroecological products and services based on the set of activities from the collection, production, processing and marketing of goods and services derived from native biodiversity, identified under environmental, social and economic sustainability criteria.
    Nancy Huillcahuanaco
  • Agr/food security

    Recovery Redesign
    Consist in studies to determine risk scenarios with an environmental focus. DGOTA has applied this IRMA tool in the basins of the coastal rivers Malanche, Lurín, Chillón and Rímac; and, in the Amazonian basin, with the Ponasa river.
    The safety of people and their livelihoods is a priority, as well as avoiding damage to ecosystems due to disaster risks; so, IRMA studies are carried out prioritizing the hydrographic basins highly exposed to Floods and Mass Removal processes.
    The Technical Documents for the Rapid Identification of Measures for Action allows:
    - Preventive, mitigating and adaptive measures that incorporate the environmental approach to incorporate NI in disaster risk management
    - Contribute to Regional and local authorities through a scientific technical tool for decision making.
    - The proposed measures can be incorporated into the public investment process. Investments considering risk management in the event of natural disasters (anticipating other events, such as "El Niño") that can be proposed and implemented within the framework of economic reactivation in the face of COVID19.
    Jesus Flores
  • Agr/food security

    Response Recovery
    Strengthening food security systems based on agrobiodiversity in communities in Cusco and Apurimac as a means for implementing NDC at local level and guaranteeing adequate recovery and responde for COVID-19 effects

    (Español: Fortalecer los sistemas de seguridad alimentaria basado en agrobiodiversidad en comunidades en Cusco y Apurímac como medio para implementar las NDC a nivel local y garantizar una adecuada recuperación y respuesta a los efectos de la COVID-19)
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, General Directorate of Strategy on Natural Resources, Amalia Cuba:
  • Health

    COVID - Determining conditions for spread
    It identifies urban areas that present conditions for the spread of COVID 19, in terms of the following parameters: (a) population density and concentration, (b) access to basic water services and (c) access to basic sewage services; in addition, the tool consider the proximity to a source of infection (markets, banks, transportation stations, etc.) and the high concentration of cases reported by MINSA increase the conditions.
    Applied in national level, where the main cities of the country are identified by the propagation conditions and levels of contagion; those cities are: Chiclayo, Piura, Iquitos, Trujillo, Huaraz, Pucallpa, Arequipa, Ica, Huancayo, Tumbes, Tarapoto, Cusco, Cajamarca, Huánuco, Ayacucho , Chachapoyas, Huancavelica, Puno, Tacna, Pasco, Puerto Maldonado, Moquegua and Abancay
    Henry Jesus
  • Tourism

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Develop a Tentative Program for turism as a new thematic adaptation: Peru is promoting the reactivation of domestic tourism, and it is necessary to implement adaptation measures to the new climate reality through the development of a Tentative Program in the thematic area of tourism which will be a key public policy instrument on risk management and adaptation to climate change. Tentative Programs are action plans that consolidate technical information under a logic of intervention and implementation of actions, as well as sectoral and national climate policies, namely, it identifies needs, determines the scope of interventions and their goals, and shows the enabling conditions that must be met for the measures to be implemented, describe the benefits and co-benefits that will be obtained on account of such implementation, present the economic appraisal and the financing sources, show the necessary institutional arrangements, identify the roles of each of the various actors involved, describe the forms of measurement, reporting and verification, and allow the temporal planning of actions.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification
  • Others

    Physical protection to climate-related impacts at artisanal fishing landing sites: The measure proposes the improvement of drainage systems, reinforcing roads, and transit areas, to reduce the impacts from floods and rainfall. The measure will promote an increase in the operating time in fishing landing sites, increasing the productivity. In addition, it will reduce losses and damages in infrastructure, and damage to health and loss of life among users.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification
  • Others

    Strategic productive chains in native and peasant communities: The purpose is to incorporate the risk management approach in the use of flora and fauna species planning, strengthening sustainable production chains in the face of climate change-related hazards such as: the droughts, cold temperatures, floods, landslides, increased risk of fires, pests and disease outbreaks, and reducing the vulnerability of peasant and native communities that depend directly on forests for their subsistence.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment of Peru - Direction of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Response Recovery
    Reactiva Perú warranty program: loan granted by financial entities to companies (micro, small, medium and large companies) in order to guarantee compliance with their obligations to their workers and suppliers. The program funds are PEN 60,000 million (USD 16,900 million aprox.). Furthermore, according to the Central Reserve Bank, credits will be granted with yearly rates below 2%.
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Response Recovery
    "El Fondo de Apoyo Empresarial a las MYPE" (FAE-MYPE) [Micro & Small business support fund]: The purpose of this fund is to enable micro and small companies access to financing through new loans for working capital. This program has a patrimony of PEN 800 million (USD 225 aprox.).
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    "Programa Arranca Perú": Consists of a series of investments that the Government will make to dynamize the economy and create nearly 1 million 9,704 jobs in the short term. Public investment will be around PEN 6,436 million (USD 1,816 million aprox.), which will be assigned to four sectors: transportation and communications, housing, agriculture and labor.
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    National Government Guarantee Program for Agrarian Business Financing (FAE-Agro): The objective is promote the financing of small agricultural producers, through credits for working capital, in order to guarantee the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign, influencing in the food supply nationwide.
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Response Recovery
    CRECER Fund: Its objective is to promote the productive and business development of MIPYME [Micro, Small & Medium business], through financing, granting warrantees and other financial products. Due to the pandemic, the warranty percentage increased."
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Response Recovery
    "Fondo de Apoyo Empresarial a las Mype del Sector Turismo" (Business Support Fund for Mypes of the Tourism Sector, FAE-Turismo): It has as a specific purpose the credits for working capital of the MYPE [Micro & Small business] that carry out activities of lodging, regional land transport of passengers and tourism, travel agencies and tourism, restaurants, leisure activities, organization of congresses, conventions and events, tourist guide, production and exports of handicrafts.
    Contact Ministry of Environment & Finance
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the commercialization of prioritized crops in the moratorium on the entry of Living Modified Organisms - LMOs to the country.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Biological Diversity Officer, José Álvarez Alonso)
  • Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    Mainstreaming environmental aspects in Subnational development plans or economic recovery plans to COVID19 in Cusco and Apurimac, in order to enforce environmental considerations in subnational recovery plans.

    (Español: Incorporación de la temática ambiental en los planes de desarrollo subnacionales o en planes de reactivación economica frente a la COVID 19 en Cusco y Apurimac, con el fin de fortalecer la consideración ambiental en plantes de recuperación subnacionales)
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, General Directorate of Strategy on Natural Resources, Amalia Cuba:
  • Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)

    Recovery Redesign
    ECOLOGICAL & ECONOMIC LAND-ZONING (ZEE, for its acronym in Spanish)
    It is a participatory and concerted, also dynamic, and flexible process for the identification of different alternatives for the sustainable use of a given territory in different spheres: national, regional, and local (Article No. 1 DS 087-2004-PCM). Zoning provides basic information to understand which are the development poles, as well as the potential for economic activities according to the conditions of the territory.
    Once the Ecological and Economic Zoning is approved, it becomes a technical and guiding instrument for the sustainable use of a territory and its natural resources, highly useful for decision-making and the management of the territory by its authorities, civil society and any citizen who needs to carry out any activity in the territory.
    The ZEE includes categories of use that result from the evaluation of the Ecological Economic Units (UEE) through which the various options for sustainable use of territory are identified. The categories of use to be used in the ZEE process will be the following: (1) Productive zones, (2) Ecological protection and conservation zones, (3) Special treatment zones, (4) Recovery zones and (5) Urban or industrial zones.
    The purpose of the ZEE is to guide decision-making on the best uses of the territory, considering the needs of the population that inhabits it and in harmony with the environment (Article No. 2 D.S. 087-2004-PCM).
    Doris Guardia
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Municipal Program of Education, Culture and Environmental Citizenship - EDUCCA Municipal Program is the planning and management instrument of local governments for the implementation of the National Environmental Education Policy and the fulfillment of goals of the National Plan for Environmental Education 2017-2022. The provincial and district municipalities have specific competencies and functions to promote environmental education and research in their fields and to encourage citizen participation at all levels, as well as promoting a culture of prevention. It is multi-thematic and can address different topics according to the problems of each area. It is a unifier of environmental education actions at the local level.
    The EDUCCA Municipal Program is led by the organic unit with environmental competence of the municipalities, which is responsible for coordinating actions with other municipal organic units (neighborhood participation, human and social development, tourism, culture, education and sport, among others), as well as externally with other public institutions, non-governmental organizations, associations, companies.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment,
    Environmental education and citizenship department (DGECIA-DECA)
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    "Perú Limpio" is the multisectoral and decentralized strategy of the Peruvian State that seeks to improve solid waste management in the country. It seeks to improve the environmental culture and promote good practices in solid waste management among citizens based on concrete actions such as the following: Responsible consumption: citizens use products that generate less waste. Cleaning: the citizen does not dirty public spaces. Recycling: the citizen separates their waste at home and contributes to recycling the waste. Tax payment: the citizen pays his taxes on time to have a good cleaning service. "Perú Limpio" has three main pillars: the improvement of the environmental culture, the recovery of usable waste and the implementation of adequate infrastructure for the correct recovery and final disposal of non-usable waste.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment,
    Environmental education and citizenship department (DGECIA-DECA)
  • Governance

    Response Recovery
    For the reactivation of economic activities in Tumbes region (North Coast), was necessary to strengthen governance in the Tumbes Mangrove Sanctuary, aimed at artisanal fishermen who work in that protected area. This strategy consists of the implementation of community management and participatory monitoring systems that facilitate use of hydrobiological resources in a sustainable way. Participatory research is also being developed for production of black shell seeds in the laboratory for repopulation purposes.
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Biological Diversity Officer, José Álvarez Alonso)
  • Governance

    Response Recovery
    In Tumbes for the reactivation of local activities related to benthic resources and associated fisheries in the face of the crisis caused by COVID-19, through the Technical Board of Benthic Resources of Tumbes, measures are being defined to guarantee the biosecurity and quality of fishery products .
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Biological Diversity Officer, José Álvarez Alonso)
  • Governance


    Promote actions that reduce the impact of migrants or displaced by covid 19 (to rural areas) on natural resources

    (Español: Promover acciones que reduzcan el impacto de los migrantes o desplazados por COVID-19 (hacia la zona rural) sobre los recursos naturales)
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, General Directorate of Strategy on Natural Resources, Amalia Cuba:
  • Governance

    Response Recovery
    Application of the short-term project “Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and pharmacological contaminants in water sources as epidemiological surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru” for the application to UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund Newton Fund Agile Response call to address COVID-19.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, Direction of Pollution Control and Chemical Substances, Camila Alva
  • Governance

    Disseminate indicators and environmental information at the national level through The National Environmental Information System (SINIA) , wich constitutes a network of technological, institutional and human integration that facilitates the systematization, access and distribution of environmental information, as well as the use and exchange of it, supporting the decision-making processes and of environmental management.
    Contact Ministry of the Environment, Environmental information and research department (DGECIA-DIIA)
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Recognition of the efforts of public and private organizations in managing their GHG emissions, through the “Peru Carbon Footprint Platform”. Four levels of recognition are established: the first, for the measurement of emissions; the second, when verifying the measurement; the third, by reducing GHG emissions; and the fourth, the highest degree of recognition when neutralizing the carbon footprint.
    Contact Ministry of Environment

4.Other environmental measures