Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Minister of the Ministry of the Environment of Panamá
Milciades Concepción
Minister of the Ministry of the Environment of Panamá
The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of economic and social systems in the face of threats resulting from environmental devastation. For the first time in history, we all face a common enemy and suffer its impacts simultaneously. This should be a formative experience that motivates us to plan and manage risks in order to direct sustainable investments for economic reconstruction.
Just as each country has had to flatten the COVID- 1 9 curve to plan for more focused actions, likewise each country has the responsibi lity of flattening its GI-IG emissions curve and launching an ambitious reduction plan for carbon neutrality and climate resilience by 2050 with emphasis in social justice.
Committed to this responsibility, Panama has developed the Reduce Your Footprint National Program with the objective of managing and monitoring the actions that lead us toward a green recovery and the transition to a sustainable, inclusive, low-emission and resilient development model. Under this program, companies, public and civil organizations, and municipalities will be able to continuously quantify, register, and report their annual carbon footprint and thus count them as part of the nationally determined contribution of the Republic of Panama to the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Likewise, Reduce Your Footprint will have a virtual platform that will allow the public to access information related to the execution of climate actions and monitoring of their impacts, as well as vulnerability and GHG emissions by regions and sectors.
Panama believes in the potential of market instruments to stimulate climate action from the private sector. Therefore, we are advancing the preparatory phases for the establishment of a national voluntary carbon market and the necessary studies for the establishment of incentives for the renewal of public and private vehicle fleets with a focus on electric mobility.
We are committed to a vision of green recovery and in accordance with the risks and difficulties posed by the new climate reality. All our efforts are aimed at establishing a new development model that benefits everyone, complying with environmental management instruments, the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. We are proud to belong to this platform of countries committed to sustainability, carbon neutrality and resilience, hoping to contribute to the shared vision of the group.
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Sustainable transportation
RecoveryNational Electric Mobility Strategy to Reduce Emissions from Transport: The strategy works towards a higher quality and more environmentally friendly transportation system through the gradual introduction of electric mobility and the reduction of fossil fuels consumption by 2030, integrating the different government actions that include alternative and sustainable public transport, in response to the demand for urban mobility and quality of life. Studies regarding the positive impact on health as a consequence of the achieving of the strategy goals, had been conducted.
Currently, an increasing number of electric cars are being acquired in Panama, and 92 recharge stations had been installed.Contact The National Energy Secretariat (SNE) and the Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente) -
Response Recovery RedesignReduce Your Footprint Corporate ProgramReference Website under developmentContact Ana Him ahim@miambiente.gob.pa Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Response Recovery RedesignExecutive Decree No.100 of October 20th, 2020 that regulates the Mitigation Chapter of the General Environment Law (Approved)
Contact Juan Monterrey jmonterrey@miambiente.gob.pa Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Response Recovery RedesignLaw 158 of August 28th, 2020 which increases seed capital for microentrepeneurs to $2,000 (Approved)Contact Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (AMPYME, in spanish) -
Response Recovery RedesignLaw 189 of December 17th, 2020 which establishes a new tax regime for small businesses (Approved)Contact Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (AMPYME, in spanish) -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignConstruction of the Line 3 of the Panama Metro (Undergoing)Reference https://www.elmetrodepanama.com/linea-3/Contact Metro of Panama -
Transition to renewable energy
Response Recovery RedesignNational Energy Secretariat Resolution N° 4747 of June 10th, 2020 which adopts the energy transition agendaContact National Energy Secretarial (SNE, in spanish) -
Land sector
Recovery RedesignBill 42 to encourage the development of agroparks,to give added value to agricultural production and thus contribute to generating poles of developments and jobs in our rural settlements.Reference https://www.asamblea.gob.pa/APPS/SEG_LEGIS/PDF_SEG/PDF_SEG_2020/PDF_SEG_2020/2020_P_442.pdfContact Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MIDA, in spanish) -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
RedesignDevelopment of Panama's National Framework for Climate Transparency, Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT). is the official mechanism for the management, monitoring, reporting and registration of national initiatives that lead the country towards sustainable, inclusive, low emissions and resilient development to the climate crisis, in compliance with the Paris Agreement. It will be the official mechanism for public consultations and publication of the results and national reports that derive from the processes of the National Reduce Your Footprint Program.Reference https://dcc.miambiente.gob.pa/mitigacion/
https://transparencia-climatica.miambiente.gob.pa/Contact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
RedesignDevelopment of the Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC whose objective is to raise and / or generate the necessary information and scientific knowledge on the effects of climate change at a national level, to support decision-making at the institutional, regional and local levels on those sectors that contribute to building a countries’ resilience to climate changeContact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
RedesignJust in Time/PMR. Conceptual design of the MRV framework, roadmap for assembly of modules in national climate transparency platform and other technical studies for compensation system design.Contact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Sustainable transportation
RedesignReadiness 2019 Advance a regional approach to e-mobility in Latin America. The project involves seven Latin American countries among them are: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Panama. The latter has assumed the presidency protempore from March for a period of 6 months. de 6 meses.Contact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Land sector
RedesignDevelopment of strategic frameworks on climate finance to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and a guide for GCF investment in the forestry sector and other land uses in Panama.Contact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Land sector
RedesignNAMA for the cultivation of rice and aims to strengthen national capacities to increase resilience to climate change in this important sector, it also seeks to achieve appropriation and public-private consensus in the achievement of the mitigation goals in Panama set out in the updated NDC, raised by the Ministry of Agricultural Development of Panama.Contact Mitigation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignPanama's Action Plan for the Implementation of Solar Thermal Energy (2021 - 2050): This Plan seeks to strengthen the local thermal solar technology market, based on the documentation developed by the Panama Thermosolar Project, under principles of trust, quality and user safety, in order to help mitigate climate change. Pilot projects had been executed, soler thermal equipments were installed at a modular hospital Covid -19, builded to care for patients affected during pandemy; other hospitals received solar thermal equipments as a donation such as Panamá Solidario Hospital and Rural Inabaguiña Hospital.Reference https://www.termosolarpanama.com/Contact The National Energy Secretariat (SNE) and UnitedNnations Environmental Program (UNEP) -
Transition to renewable energy
RecoveryDistributed Generation Strategy in Panama (2021 -2030):
This strategy seeks to contribute to theenergy matrix diversification, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the resilience through the figure of the prosumer. The prosumer will produce and consume energy from renewable sources. The strategy seeks to be a support for the decentralization and democratization of Panama's electricity service and has among its objectives to improve the quality of electrical energy and promote the economic reactivation of the country, competitiveness and green jobs.Contact The National Energy Secretariat (SNE) -
Land sector
RecoveryPanama's Forest Restoration Program (2021 - 2025):
The Program is one of the commitments (action No. 76) of the Government Strategic Plan 2021-2025. Its main objective is to increase forest cover focusing on water-producing watersheds, through the restoration and conservation of forests, promoting sustainable usage, forestry incentives and community benefits, integrating civil society and government entities participation. The Program includes communities located in the Colmena Plan, wich is a Government Plan to support vulnerable communities according to the Multidimensional Poverty Index.Contact The Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente)
2.Climate adaptation measures
Agr/food security
Response Recovery RedesignThe loans of the Agro Solidario Program have soft interest and are conditional on the technical assistance, accompaniment; water harvesting and agrotechnology, that is, producing more with lessReference https://www.mida.gob.pa/blog/prestamos-del-plan-agro-solidario-ya-superan-los-3-millones-de-balboas/Contact Ministry of Agriculture -
Response Recovery RedesignThe Water Resources Program has the purpose of guaranteeing water for human consumption, food production and the operation of the Panama CanalContact Panama Canal Authority -
Response Recovery Redesignlaw to encourage the development of agroparks, to give added value to agricultural productionContact Ministry of Agriculture -
Response Recovery RedesignImplement the National Water Security Plan 2015-2050 Water for AllContact Ministry of Environment -
Adaptation planning
Response Recovery RedesignDevelopment of a Climate Vulnerability Index for the Republic of Panama
In February 2021, Panama presented the Vulnerability Index.This study examines biophysical and social factors as geographic factors that influence vulnerability. Relevant data was collected and made available, as well as the indicators that comprise exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, which were then processed using geographic information systems to display a map of categories related to vulnerability to climate change.
The study's findings aim to demonstrate in a straightforward manner the country's vulnerability to climate change in order to serve as a first input to planners and policymakers at the national, provincial, and municipal levels who influence the planning of the territory in order to allocate an inclusive and resilient sustainable development in the face of variability and climate change.Contact Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Adaptation planning
Response Recovery RedesignDevelopment of a Climate Risk Map for the Republic of Panama
Panama is currently developing a climate risk map to serve as a tool for national and local adaptation planning.Reference Under developmentContact Ministry of the Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Response Recovery RedesignTechnical Guidelines on Climate Change, for the formulation of public investment infrastructure projects
This guide includes an excerpt of the effects of climate change in Panama and the damage it has caused in the infrastructure sector, as well as a detailed methodology for applying vulnerability, risk, adaptation, and mitigation criteria in public infrastructure projects.Reference https://dcc.miambiente.gob.pa/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Guia-Tecnica-de-Cambio-Climatico-2.pdfContact Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Implementation of agroforestry and soil conservation systems upstream of the Santa Maria River basin.Reference RunningContact Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MIDA, in spanish) / Climate Change Directorate -
Establishment of riparian reforestation and agroforestry projects with coffee and soil conservation systems in the Caisán River sub-basin, Renacimiento, Chiriquí, PanamaReference To be developedContact Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MIDA, in spanish) / Climate Change Directorate -
Update of the Santa Maria River Basin Management PlanReference To be developedContact Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Directorate -
Climate vulnerability study and pre-design of adaptation measures for the Chiriqui Viejo River Basin
Analysis of the basin's susceptibility, both now and in the future, and the creation of adaption tools to increase community climate resilience.Contact Ministry of Environment / CATIE -
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Automatic Agro-meteorological and Hydrological Satellite Stations and GOES R Data Receiving StationReference RunningContact ETESA -
RedesignBinational Project Improving the climate resilience of local livelihoods through nature-based tourism in the Caribbean communities of Limón, Costa Rica and Bocas del Toro, Panama, implemented by UNEP
The project's goal is to increase the resilience of the coastal communities of Limón and Bocas del Toro to climate change events, both fast and slow, by strengthening and integrating local livelihoods around nature-based solutions to reduce vulnerability and build adaptive capacity.Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Agr/food security
RedesignBinational Project Strengthening the adaptive capacity of coastal communities of Cuba and Panama to climate change through the binational exchange of best practices for climate management and local food security
This project will carry out strategic actions to strengthen the adaptive capacities of coastal communities in Cuba and Panama in order to carry out ecosystem-based adaptation and risk reduction practices related to sustainable local food production and the protection of ecosystem-based livelihoods.Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignNational Climate Change Adaptation PlansContact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
RedesignReduce Your Water Footprint - Corporate, Municipal, Projects and Products -
Water footprint quantification, reduction, and compensation in corporations, municipalities, products, and projects to optimize water resource use and support the strengthening of water management in Panama.Reference https://dcc.miambiente.gob.pa/adaptacion-y-resiliencia/
https://rth.miambiente.gob.pa/huella-hidrica/Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignMonitoring and Evaluation System for Adaptation to Climate Change in Panama
Panama's M&E System was established in 2021 by Executive Decree No. 135, which mandates that a set of indicators will be used to monitor and evaluate adaptation efforts and outcomes, with these indicators being incorporated into climate change adaptation projects and programs. The construction of the M&E system took place simultaneously with the updating of the Nationally Determined Contributions (CDN1); therefore, it was intended that the indicators can quantify the degree of implementation of the adaptation plans and guides by each of the sectors defined in the CDN1 of Panama.Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignProjection of the cost of adaptation to 2050 in Panama in the main economic sectors: water, energy and agricultureContact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignStudy: National Climate Change Vulnerability IndexContact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignStudy: Risk to climate change at the national levelContact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama -
Adaptation planning
RedesignProgram for adaptation to climate change through the integrated management of water resources in Panama
Establish climate-resilient water management in the Chiriqui Viejo and Santa Maria river basins to improve national food and energy security through an integrated and community-based approach.Reference https://adaptacion.miambiente.gob.pa/Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama / Fundacion Natura -
Human settlements
RedesignIncreasing resilience through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Latin American cities
This project seeks to assist local governments in reducing urban vulnerability to climate change through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and obtaining innovative financing opportunities. The project aims to improve participating countries' capacity to design and implement nature-based urban development strategies that ensure urban resilience.Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama / Fundacion Natura -
Agr/food security
RedesignSustainable Land Management and Restoration of Productive Landscapes in Hydrographic Basins for the Implementation of the National Land Neutrality Goals (NDT)
The project's goal is to expand sustainable land management and the restoration of productive landscapes in hydrographic basins in order to achieve Panama's national Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) goals.Contact Adaptation Office, Climate Change Directory, Ministry of Environment of Panama / Fundacion Natura
3.Cross-cutting measures
Response RecoveryDraft framework law on climate change and update of the policy on climate changeReference runningContact Ministry of Environment -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market
RedesignDevelopment of strategic frameworks and climate finance to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and guide GCF investment in PanamaContact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama -
Recovery RedesignNational Climate Action Plan
It defines a total of 55 actions that must be carried out in the short term under each sector and strategic axis of the UPDATED NDC1, identifying the existing support instruments at the sectoral level, the entities and organizations that should be involved in its implementation and the follow-up indicators that will allow its monitoring.Reference https://online.fliphtml5.com/eebm/vage/Contact Ministry of Environment of Panama
Climate Change Directorate
Vilma Alfú - valfu@miambiente.gob.pa -
Recovery RedesignExecutive Decree No. 10 of June 16, 2022, which adopts the National Climate Action Plan and dictates other provisions.Contact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
Recovery RedesignNational Plan for Gender and Climate Change
Panama assumes the commitment to guarantee human rights and incorporate gender equality as a transversal axis to promote the development of action strategies that, aligned with multilateral agreements on the environment and climate change, promote climate-sustainable development agendas, which allow promoting processes of social and environmental transformation aimed at promoting a society with low carbon emissions and strengthened with the incorporation of considerations. of gender that allow to make visible the efforts of men and women in environmental management and climate action.Reference https://online.fliphtml5.com/eebm/mled/Contact Ministry of Environment of Panama
Climate Change Directorate
Vilma Alfú - valfu@miambiente.gob.pa -
Recovery RedesignExecutive Decree No. 11 of June 16, 2022, which adopts panama's National Gender and Climate Change Plan and dictates other provisions.Contact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
Recovery RedesignClimate Change Academy for Young Leaders
The Academy on Climate Change for Young Leaders, is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Environment from the Directorate of Climate Change, which seeks to open a space for the strengthening of the capacities of action and participation of young leaders of the country in issues related to climate change, with the purpose of increasing the national participation of young people as great protagonists in the construction of alternatives for sustainable and resilient development to climate change, in the public, private, academic and civil society sectors.Contact Ministry of Environment of Panama
Climate Change Directorate
Carol Simon - csimon@miambiente.gob.pa -
Recovery RedesignManual for the implementation of labellers for public investment projects
It is a project worked by the Ministry of Environment, through the direction of climate change, which will serve as a tool to identify, classify, weigh and mark the relevant expenses to face the climate crisis in the budget system of the government It is directed so that the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama, and the different public institutions, evaluate the investment projects presented and identify those that meet climate change criteria in adaptation, mitigation and transversal.
The Climate Change Labeller Implementation Manual is adopted under Resolution No. DM-0110-2022 From April 20, 2022.Reference https://online.fliphtml5.com/eebm/zdpu/Contact Ministry of Environment of Panama
Climate Change Directorate -
Recovery RedesignResolution No. DM-0110-2022 Of Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Adopting the Manual for the Implementation of Climate Change Labelers for Public Investment Projects.Contact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change)/ employment
Recovery RedesignNational Climate Empowerment Action StrategyReference RunnigContact Ministry of Environment of Panama
Climate Change Directorate
Vilma Alfú - valfu@miambiente.gob.pa -
Recovery RedesignTechnical Guide to Climate Change for Public Investment Projects
It defines the steps to be taken to assess climate risks, the necessary climate change adaptation and mitigation measures that result in resilient and low-carbon infrastructure and public investments. The Technical Guide on Climate Change for Public Investment Projects is adopted under Resolution No. DM-0131-2022.Reference https://online.fliphtml5.com/eebm/jpyy/Contact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
Recovery RedesignResolution No. DM-0131-2022, which adopts the Technical Guide on Climate Change for Planning, Pre-Feasibility, and Feasibility of Public Investment Projects. For your reference and technical support.Contact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
Recovery RedesignProgress and update of the Updated CDN1 of Panama.
Reference RunnigContact Ministry of Environment
Climate Change Directorate -
RedesignPanama's Action Plan - Euroclima +
The European Union (EU) and Panama launched this Tuesday the Country Action Plan within the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ program, which involves a cooperation of more than 2 million dollars for the development of strategies to combat and adapt to climate change.Contact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama -
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment
RedesignPanama Blue Gender Gap Analysis - Problue
Through the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and their co-benefits to mitigate climate change in two marine-coastal areas of Panama, Almirante de Bocas del Toro and Garachiné in Darién, we hope to integrate adaptation with a gender approach into existing planning instruments for the coastal marine sector, climate risk management, and coastal vulnerability.Contact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama -
RedesignNational Climate Transparency PlatformContact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Governance
RedesignStrengthening the Capacities of Municipalities to Increase their Resilience to Climate ChangeContact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama
4.Other environmental measures
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
Response Recovery RedesignIncentives for the implementation of sustainable economic models, through guides, certification, and diffusion of companies that produce eco-friendly services or productsReference to be developedContact Ministry of Environment/Environmental Performance Verification Directorate -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
Response Recovery RedesignPromote the creation of legal and regulatory frameworks that allow the transition to Circular Economy models, emphasizing Responsible Production and Consumption of the populationReference to be developedContact Ministry of Environment/Environmental Performance Verification Directorate -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
ResponseDevelopment of waste management programs at public entities, industry, and general population levelsReference https://basuracero.mupa.gob.pa/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/LEY-33.pdf
https://www.gacetaoficial.gob.pa/pdfTemp/28462_B/GacetaNo_28462b_20180208.pdfContact Ministry of Environment/Environmental Performance Verification Directorate -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
RedesignIncreased forest cover to capture carbon and reduce vulnerability in Panama's priority watersheds.Contact Climate Change Directory, Ministry of the Environment of Panama -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
RedesignSustainable land management and restoration of productive landscapes in watersheds for the implementation of national Land Neutrality (NDT) goalsContact Ministry of the Environment
5.International Cooperation
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: COVID19 recovery and climate change mitigation
Recovery RedesignSouth-South Cooperation with Chilean Government to implement the GHG National Inventories SystemReference under implementationContact Cooperation between the Ministry of Enviroment of Chile and Panama -
Archived on 19 Jul. 2022: COVID19 recovery and climate change mitigation
Response RecoverySouth-South Cooperation with the Government of Costa Rica to implement its Country Program of Carbon NeutralityReference under implementationContact Cooperation between the Ministry of Enviroment of Costa Rica and Panama
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