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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 25 Aug. 2020


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

2.Climate adaptation measures

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Adaptation measures will be adopted in line with local and indigenous knowledge, skills and technologies by identifying climate change affected households, communities and risk zones.
    Contact Ministry of Forests and Environment, Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen
  • Governance

    Livelihoods will be facilitated by mainstreaming good governance and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into formulation of policies, institutional framework and implementation of programs related to climate.
  • Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Climate smart villages and cities will be built by developing safe, sustainable and resilient habitats and infrastructures. ( Nepal Climate Model Program has been stated to build climate resilient local level and communities
    Contact Ministry of Urban Development
  • Make research, technology development and information service delivery related to climate change effective. Climate Change Research Center will be established to fascilate research, technology development and expansions related to climate mitigation and adaptation.
    Contact Ministry of Forests and Environment, Deparment of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Environmental Science
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    National resources will be identified for implementation of climate change related policies, and all resources will be mobilized judiciously by increasing bilateral, multilateral and international financial resources pertaining thereto.
    Contact Ministry of Forests and Environment

4.Other environmental measures

  • Others

    Recovery Redesign
    Common Risk and Challenges related to Public, Environment health impacts will be managed effectively by proper monitoring, controlling pendamics and zoonotic diseases in line with the one health approach.
    Contact Ministry of Agriculture and Livstock Development, Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Forests and Environment
  • Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Enhance community relation by demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection to maintain the clean and healthy environment by minimizing the adverse effects of the solid waste in the public health and environment
  • Other environmental pollution countermeasures

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Ensuring right to live with clean and healthy environment by controling pollution, managing waste and promoting greenary. Envionmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) are provisioned for balanced development and environment Protection.
    Contact Department of Environment, Ministry of Forests and Environment


  • Naional Climate Change Policy, 2019, Local Adaptation Plan for Action (LAPA) Framework, 2019,Environment Protection Act, 2019, Environemtn Protection Regulations 2020 are in place. National Action Plan for Electric Mobility has been formed to accelerate the electric mobility in urban areas. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is in the process of revision to form enhaced NDC by the end of this year. National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is being formulating with broad consultation with statkeholders.