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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 17 Sep. 2020


Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment

Aziz Rabbah

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Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Transition to renewable energy

    Accelerate the adoption of the law on self-production (by the end of 2020) :
    This law will allow, from 2021, a great potential of private-investment in the renewable energy sector close to the place of use, and lead to a creation of several jobs and small size business. Such dynamic will help to strengthen the competitiveness of the Moroccan economy
    Contact CGEM (Private Sector)
  • Transition to renewable energy

    Accelerate the access to Medium Voltage (MV) networks through the law 13.09 :
    Until now, only the companies connected to HV networks are allowed to access the green energy produced by the private operators in the framework of the law 13.09. The opening up of this possibility to companies connected to medium voltage networks has long been expected and is slow to materialize. Note that the “Office National d’Electircité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE)” has the ability to decide regarding the connexion between the green energy production plants and the HV networks but not for the connexion with the MV networks, which require a Ministerial decree.

    This easy-to-make decision will improve the competitiveness of the Moroccan companies and increase the introduction of renewable energy in industries as well as the reduction of their carbon footprint.
    Contact CGEM (Private Sector)
  • Building sector

    Recovery Redesign
    Enhancing the quality of contracted housing programs by adopting a new contracting approach based on the program overall quality.
    The programs should meet a well-defined need while guaranteeing a sufficient quality of residence to purchasers, through a set of architectural, technical, urban planning and environmental specifications and criteria.
    Contact MATNUHPV
  • Building sector

    Dematerialization of several services and procedures (and hence reducing the environmental impact of administrative processes by avoiding travels and transports) :
    - Housing programs conventioning procedures
    - Qualification and classification of construction companies procedure
    - Online payment of duties and taxes " E-payment
    - Online "E-note" Planning Information Notes Online filing of claims and requests " E request ".
    - Processing of urban planning permissions "E-processing".
    - Etc
    Contact MATNUHPV
  • Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS‚ etc.)

    Accelerate the digitalization of processes of the entire tourism value chain (inspiration, sales and distribution, provided customer experiences and services, communication, data collection and processing, etc.).
    Reference The Program Contract - 2020-2022 : revival of the tourism sector in a post-covid-19 phase. in new window
    Contact Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform; Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy; Ministry of Labour and Professional Insertion;

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Tourism

    Continue efforts to sustainably structure national and territorial representations.
    Contact National Tourism Confederation;
  • Human settlements

    Development of an adapation plan for the housing sector
    Contact MATNUHPV
  • Tourism

    With a view to revitalizing the tourism sector in a post-Covid19 phase, the 2020-2022 Program Contract recently adopted, aims to give a strong impetus to the tourism sector and help with its recovery and transformation, through three major objectives :
    - Preserving the economic fabric and employment;
    - Accelerating the recovery phase;
    - Creating the foundations for a sustainable transformation of the sector.
    Reference The Program Contract - 2020-2022 : revival of the tourism sector in a post-covid-19 phase. in new window
    Contact Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform;
    Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy; Ministry of Labour and Professional Insertion National Tourism Confederation; Professional Association of Moroccan Banks.
  • Water

    National drinking water supply and irrigation
    Development of water supply (construction of dams and desalinization plant for local development
    Demand management, water saving and development (drinking water and irrigation)
    Reuse of treated Wastewater
    Reinforcement of drinking water supply in rural areas
    Awareness and communication (institutional and general public)
    Reference General water directorate
  • Water

    National Water Plan
    Continuation and strengthening of the supply development policy
    Water demand management
    Preservation of water resources and ecosystems and improvement of the management of extreme events
    Reference General water directorate

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Governance

    Recovery Redesign
    National pact for ecological transition and sectoral strategies:
    It is proposed to launched, at the end of the health crisis, a partnership between Government and CGEM with the objective to define a National Pact for the Ecological Transition (at the end of 2020) and sectorial strategies related to energy and sustainable mobility by 2030-2035 as well as the Power to X by June 2021.
    A vigorous acceleration of Morocco's ecological transition movement with ambitious objectives will be likely to create a striking economic ripple effect for 2030 and will produce results in few years only. The stakes summed in increased competitiveness of companies, new investment opportunities in cleaner technologies and a high potential of job creation, by taking into consideration the environmental and climatic issues.
    Contact CGEM (Private Sector)
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Recovery Redesign
    Prioritize the private investment in the green energy sector :
    Prioritize the private investment in energy sector (self-production, 13-09, IPP) over any other schema that involves the public financial contribution. This will allow the government to focus its effort on other important investments.
    Contact CGEM (Private Sector)
  • Governance

    Recovery Redesign
    Involve all operators in their respective business federations.
    Contact Professional Association of Moroccan Banks.
  • Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing

    Recovery Redesign
    Participate in the monitoring effort, observation of activity and economic intelligence through the reliable and periodic reported information.
  • Governance

    Put in place a crisis governance system and appropriate management tools in partnership with the sector’s professionals and the various institutional partners. Take part and get involved in the governance and steering bodies that will be put in place.
    Continue efforts to sustainably structure national and territorial representations.
    Involve all operators in their respective business federations.
    Participate in the monitoring effort, observation of activity and economic intelligence through the reliable and periodic reported information.
    Reference The Program Contract - 2020-2022 : revival of the tourism sector in a post-covid-19 phase. in new window
    Contact Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform; Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy; Ministry of Labour and Professional Insertion;

4.Other environmental measures

  • Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture

    Adapting the tourism sector, as part of its recovery, to new market realities and tourist behaviour, which will require structural changes in ecosystems and value chains.
    Reference The Program Contract - 2020-2022 : revival of the tourism sector in a post-covid-19 phase. in new window
    Contact Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform; Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy; Ministry of Labour and Professional Insertion;

5.International Cooperation

  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    A cooperation project on digitalizing the distribution of the tourism value chain is currently being finalized between the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
    Reference Partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy of the Kingdom of Morocco, the UNWTO and the EBRD
    Contact Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy - UNWTO - EBRD.