Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
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Mauritania faces significant vulnerability to climate change effects (droughts, floods, rising temperatures) and accelerated degradation of its environment and biodiversity
In order to overcome the negative effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the Mauritanian government adopted on September 2, 2020, an enlarged priority program for a global envelope of more than 24 billion MRU (675 million USD).
This program, which will last for 30 months, aims to create the conditions necessary for a sustainable and inclusive recovery of the economy with a view to accelerating the achievement of the sustainable development goals (Agenda 2030), the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. It is based on a comprehensive participatory approach that assigns the private sector a dynamic economic role.
This expanded priority program thus, focuses on the development of infrastructure to support accelerated growth; the development of the national potential of the productive sectors (agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry); the improvement of employment, including young people and women; environmental preservation and the creation of green jobs in the sectors of reforestation, land degradation and solid waste management.
On the environmental side, and in the context of adaptation to climate change and accelerated loss of biodiversity, this program aims to preserve the ecosystems and livelihoods of vulnerable rural populations, through the following key axes:
1. To Implementing the program of restoring and sustaining management of forest areas, setting a global objective of restoring 3,000 ha of forest per year and to developing sustainable income and employment-generating forest sectors;
2. To strengthening the National Initiative of the Great Green Wall, which aims to restoring degraded lands, to stabilize and control sand movement and encroachment, to establish deferred grazing parcels, and to promoting integrated community farms to the benefit of women;
3. To preventing pollution by supporting national companies operating in the most polluting sectors to improve their environmental performance, including research and implementation of alternative processes for the use of less hazardous chemicals in the mining sub-sector;
4. To improving management of solid urban waste and to promoting the recycling and recovery of waste
5. To reducing the risks associated with the use of dangerous chemicals in the gold mining sector
La Mauritanie fait face à une vulnérabilité importante face aux effets du changement climatique (sècheresses, inondations, augmentation des températures) et à l’accélération de la dégradation de l’environnement et de la biodiversité.
En vue de surmonter les effets négatifs, de la pandémie covid-19, le Gouvernement mauritanien a adopté le 02 septembre 2020, un programme prioritaire élargi pour une enveloppe globale de plus de 24 milliards MRU (675 millions $USD). Ce programme, qui s’étale sur 30 mois, vise à créer les conditions nécessaires pour une reprise durable et inclusive de l’économie en vue d’accélérer la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (Agenda 2030), de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat. Il s’appuie sur une approche participative globale qui attribue au secteur privé un rôle économique dynamique
Le programme prioritaire élargi se focalise ainsi sur le développement des infrastructures de soutien à la croissance; la valorisation du potentiel national des secteurs productifs (agriculture, élevage, pêche et foresterie) ; l’amélioration de l’employabilité, notamment des jeunes et des femmes ; la préservation de l’environnement et la création d’emplois verts dans les secteurs de la reforestation, la dégradation des terres et la gestion des déchets solides.
Sur le plan environnemental, ce programme vise à préserver les écosystèmes et les moyens d’existence des populations rurales vulnérables, dans un contexte d’adaptation au changement climatique et de perte accélérée de la biodiversité, à travers les axes clés suivants:
1. La réalisation du Programme de restauration et de gestion durable des espaces forestiers qui se fixe pour objectif global de restaurer 3000 ha de forêts par an et de développer des filières forestières génératrices de revenus et d’emplois durables ;
2. Le renforcement de l’initiative nationale de la grande muraille verte qui vise la restauration des terres dégradées, la fixation des dunes et la mise en défens ainsi que la promotion de fermes communautaires intégrées au profit des femmes ;
3. La prévention de la pollution à travers le soutien aux entreprises nationales intervenants dans les secteurs les plus polluants pour améliorer leur performance environnementale, notamment la recherche et la mise en œuvre des procédés alternatifs à l’emploi des produits chimiques dangereux dans le sous-secteur minier ;
4. L’amélioration de la gestion des déchets solides urbains et la promotion des filières de recyclage et de valorisation des déchets ;
5. La réduction des risques liés à l’utilisation des produits chimiques dangereux dans le secteur de l’orpaillage.
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Response Recovery RedesignMauritania mitigation policies and measures in the Energy, IPPU, AFAT and Waste sectors Horizon 2020 -2030
In recent years, Mauritania has embarked on an ambitious programme for the development of the electricity sector, with the objectives of (i) ensuring universal access to low-cost, sustainable energy services, and (ii) make reliable and secure electricity available to economic operators. In this respect, several actions have been carried out in promoting renewable energies, as well as thru hydropower plants. A long process of consultation with relevant sectors, public institutions and the private sector was initiated before identifying relevant mitigation measures in line with the country’s economic and social development objectives and priorities. The proposed mitigation measures are aimed to contribute to the country’s efforts to fight climate change in a context of sustainable development.Reference Second Biennial update report (BUR2)Contact Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development elwavi.sm@gmail.com -
Land sector
Response RecoveryNational Integrated Programme for Reforestation and Sustainable Land Management
Land and forest ecosystems in arid and semi-arid areas are vital areas that provide populations with countless economic and social products and services of great value. The National Integrated Programme for Reforestation and Sustainable Land Management, aimed at achieving a unifying programme for the fight against desertification and the sustainable management of forest resources based on our country’s scientific and practical experiences in these fields. It was launched on august 3, 2020 in the Gani forest reserve in the Southern Region of Trarza of Mauritania.
The program is established for the next ten years 2020 – 2030 with a five-year action plan. It is integrated in terms of objectives and results aiming at both to fight against desertification and to strennghten the sustainable management of resources.Reference Ministry of Environnement and Sustainable DevelopmentContact Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development elwavi.sm@gmail.com -
Household sector
Response RecoveryAccess to electricity and energy for clean cooking for Nouakchott.
The Nouakchott Region is committed to the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA). In this context, the Region has undertaken the development of an Action Plan for Accessing Sustainable Energy and Climate (PAAEDC) for the Capitale-city of Nouakchott.Contact Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development elwavi.sm@gmail.com
2.Climate adaptation measures
Agr/food security
Recovery Redesign"Taazour" Programme
Built on the Social Register, which will cover all poor and vulnerable households and will become the sole source of targeting poor and vulnerable families and persons. Taazour is involved in many areas including education, health, equipment, water, sanitation, electricity, domestic gas, veterinary care, agriculture subsidies, microcredit, housing, food and cash transfers. On june 6, 2020 in Nouakchott, the President of the Republic, Mohamed Ould Sheikh El Ghazouani, chaired the money transfer operations ceremony benefiting more than two hundred thousand poor households in 8119 localities all accross the country.
This operation, the largest in Mauritania’s history, is being carried out by the TAAZOUR General Delegation as part of the government’s response to the covid-19 crisis. This distribution of cash transfers consists of providing each beneficiary household an amount of two thousand two hundred and fifty ouguiyas (MRU 2,250) for a total amount of MRU 419,159,250.Contact Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development elwavi.sm@gmail.com -
Agr/food security
Response RecoveryThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on global mobility. Indeed, many countries including Mauritania have adopted restrictions or prohibitions on the movement of people to stem the spread of the pandemic. Therefore since March 15, the Government of Mauritania has introduced progressive measures to contain the spread of the pandemic, including : (i) the closure of the country’s territorial, air and sea borders; (ii) restricting inter-regional mobility within the country; (iii) establishinng a curfew; (iv) temporarily suspension of all schoolong, training and educational courses; (v) closing all restaurants and the banning of rallies in all 12 regions of the country. To fight against the corona virus and its consequences, the Mauritanian Government activated the creation of a national social solidarity fund endowed with nearly 60 million USD from public resources and open to voluntary contributions from businesses, civil society, civil servants, individuals and Financial and Technical Partners.This fund is intended to finance actions including in particular the acquisition health equipment, drugs to boost the capacity of the health sector, to support 30,000 poor families for the remainig months of year 2020, to subsidize all taxes and customs duties on imports of wheat, oil, powdered milk, vegetables and fruits. and supporting availability and affordability of essential food items.
Mauritania’s fishing sector has committed itself to providing 10,000 tonnes of fish to help its government address the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak and strengthen food security to rural ad remote areas. The energy and water sectors also contributed by cancelling electricity and water bills for low income households and poor communities in the suburbs of Nouakchott.Contact Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development elwavi.sm@gmail.com
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