Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Last update
29 Jan. 2021
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignIntroducing self-consumption solar power generation facilities, with consideration for supply chain reform and investment in domestic production:
In recent years, an increasing number of Japanese businesses have made RE100 declarations. At the same time, disasters exacerbated by climate change have caused local power outages and other disruptions in basic needs, highlighting the need for energy supply options that strengthen resilience.
The Japanese Government is dedicating a revised budget of five billion JPY to support the adoption of solar power generation equipment to allow solar energy to be produced for one's own use. This scheme is based on the on-site power purchase agreement (PPA) model, which contributes to the promotion of decarbonization and disaster prevention. Under this model, energy companies offer renewable electricity to businesses and individuals and install panels that they will continue to own and maintain where their clients reside. Meanwhile, businesses and individuals buy renewable electricity at a fixed long-term price with minimal risk of price hikes and only pay for the electricity they use.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignDecarbonizing logistics by converting delivery bases (warehouses) into energy stations that contribute to local community:
The Japanese Government has allocated one billion JPY for building a decarbonized regional system for delivering goods (logistics). This system simultaneously addresses increasing demand for deliveries, strengthens disaster prevention, and effectively uses locally-produced renewable energy.Reference http://www.env.go.jp/earth/earth/ondanka/energy-taisakutokubetsu-kaikeir02/matr02-01-04f2.pdfContact Ministry of the Environment -
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignPromoting the spread of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles:
The Ministry of the Environment is working on decarbonization of lifestyles, especially in mobility, by subsidizing electrified vehicles such as electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles as moving storage batteries, and promoting preferential treatments such as introducing charging and discharging facilities and providing free parking for electric vehicles in national parks.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
RedesignBuilding a digital governance system for managing greenhouse gas emissions:
In alignment with Japan's policy to promote both digital transformation and decarbonization, the government is allocating 800 million JPY to build a governance system for the integrated management of greenhouse gas emissions.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Building sector
RecoverySupport for the introduction of high-performance ventilation equipment to reduce the risk of large-scale infection:
The new coronavirus infection has rapidly deteriorated business conditions of restaurants and other establishments where an unspecified large number of people congregate. In response, we support the introduction of high-efficiency equipment, such as high-performance ventilation equipment, which has high ventilation capacity and contributes to reducing the amount of CO2 in buildings, to avoid creating an enclosed space for restaurants and other facilities used by an unspecified large number of people, thereby reducing the risk of the spread of infectious diseases, such as the new coronavirus, as well as reducing emissions from commercial facilities.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Sustainable transportation
Recovery RedesignGreen Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality:
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated a “Green Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality” in collaboration with related ministries and agencies. This strategy is an industrial policy to lead the challenging goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a vision that is upheld by the Suga administration and aims toward a positive cycle of economic growth and the environmental protection.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Industry sector
Recovery RedesignGreen Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality:
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated a “Green Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality” in collaboration with related ministries and agencies. This strategy is an industrial policy to lead the challenging goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a vision that is upheld by the Suga administration and aims toward a positive cycle of economic growth and the environmental protection.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Recovery RedesignGreen Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality:
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated a “Green Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality” in collaboration with related ministries and agencies. This strategy is an industrial policy to lead the challenging goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a vision that is upheld by the Suga administration and aims toward a positive cycle of economic growth and the environmental protection.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignLarge-scale CCS Demonstration Project at Tomakomai:
Japan’s first large scale CCS demonstration project has been aiming for demonstration at practical scale. CO2 injection was started in FY2016. The initial target of approximately 300 ,000 tonnes cumulative injection was achieved in November 2019, maintaing close collaboration with the local community. The Project has proceeded smoothly to date. Operational technology and data demonstrating safety of CCS have been obtained, and thus their contribution to the practical application of CCS technology is expected.Presently, a combination of various monitoring methods (seismic survey, observation of micro-seismicity, etc.) is implemented.Also, Japan is undertaking research and development of storage technology for safe and efficient CCS implementation such as Micro bubble technology and Optical fiber technology.As the next step, it is planned to promote carbon recycling by utilizing the Tomakomai CCS facility. The Tomakomai project will evaluate the effectivenes of the carbon-recycled methanol production, which would further demonstrate the potential of the Tomakomai site for CCUS/Carbon Recycling.Reference https://www.japanccs.com/Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignOxygen-blown IGFC with CO2 Capture demonstration project:
Osaki CoolGen Co., Ltd. is conducting an IGFC demonstration project that combines the world's first commercial-scale fuel cell with a CO2 separation and recovery type oxygen-blown IGCC.The first stage of the oxygen-blown IGCC demonstration test ended at the end of February 2019. The verification test of CO2 separation and capture by the second-stage physical absorption method is underway in FY2019-2020. In March 2019, the third stage of CO2 separation and capture IGFC demonstration project was started.Reference https://www.osaki-coolgen.jp/en/Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
RedesignEstablishment of the Global Zero Emission Research Center (GZR):
The creation of discontinuous innovations for environmental and energy technologies is one of the solutions to climate change issue, which is an urgent challenge for the global society. Jointly with leading national research institutes and other famous organizations mainly in G20 member countries, GZR will conduct research for innovative environmental and energy technologies, including in the fields of renewable energy, storage batteries, hydrogen, separating and utilizing carbon dioxide, and artificial photosynthesis under the strong leadership of director Dr. YOSHINO Akira, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist. GZR coordinates the international collaborations in potential research areas such as hydrogen and renewable energy with research institutes in global-scale dimension to drive the innovative technologies for carbon-neutral society.Reference https://unit.aist.go.jp/gzr/en/Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
RedesignEnvironment Innovation Strategy:
Japanese Government Government formulated "Environment Innovation Strategy" in this year to pursue the reduction of global GHG emissions toward carbon neutrality and the further reduction of accumulated atmospheric CO2 "Beyond Zero. " In this strategy, we described "Innovation Action Plans " for establishment of the innovative technologies by 2050, with specific target cost and estimated amount of reduction in GHG emission, contents & formation of R&D, and the process from basic research to demonstration.
"Environment Innovation Strategy", here formulated based on the Long-Term Strategy consists of
1) "Innovation Action Plans" which describe 16 technological subject with cost target.
2) "Acceleration Plans" which detail research framework and investment promotion policy.
3) "Zero-Emission Initiatives" which depict collaborative works and outreach activities with global leaders for social implementation.
To implement this strategy, we have established "Global Zero Emission Research Center (GZR)" in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), as the base of international joint research in collaboration with other research institutes in G20 countries. The center covers a variety of fundamental research topics including hydrogen and CCUS that are essential to realizing decarbonization technologies, such as "Zero-carbon steel" and "Bio-jet fuels", by gathering the wisdom of the world.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignHydrogen Energy Research Project in Fukushima (Power to Gas):
At the Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture, the world-largest electrolyser with 10 MM capacity, powered by solar PV with 20 MW capacity started producing hydrogen. Annual hydrogen production capacity amounts to about 200 tons per year. This is a demonstration project to lower the cost of hydrogen production based on solar PV as well as ensure reliability and flexibility of the large-scale hydrogen production system.Contact Agency for Natural Resources and Energy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignJapan-Australia Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain Pilot Project:
This project is a first of a kind demonstration project in the world towards establishing an international hydrogen supply chain, where we plan to produce hydrogen by brown coal gasification and hydrogen refining, as well as to transport the liquefied hydrogen from Australia to Japan. It is also envisaged that this project will collaborate with the CCS project in Australia in the future. On December 11, 2019, the world's first liquid hydrogen carrier ship "Suiso Frontier" was successfully launched. As a next step "Suiso Frontier" will transport liquefied hydrogen to Japan.Reference http://www.hystra.or.jp/en/Contact Agency for Natural Resources and Energy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignJapan-Brunei Hydrogen Supply Chain Pilot Project:
This project is the worlds's first global hydrogen supply chain demaonstration project using chemical substances (Methylcyclohexane) as a carrier of hydrogen. The pilot supply chain route has been established, with both the hydrogenation plant in Brunei and dehydrogenation plant in Japan completed in May 2020.Reference https://www.ahead.or.jp/en/Contact Agency for Natural Resources and Energy -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
RedesignThe strategic energy efficiency technology innovation program:
This program is a publicly offered technology development project that provides consistent support for innovative energy-efficient technologies from seeds discovery to commercialization. The mission of this program is R&D and dissemination of energy-efficient technologies and products. Approximately 200 projects have been adopted, and 46 projects have been commercialized so far.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, NEDO -
Industry sector
Recovery RedesignSubsidy program for the business operators for promoting energy-efficient facilities:
The aim of this program is to promote dissemination of advanced energy-efficient technologies by reducing the upfront cost for their introduction. The targets of the subsidy are the business operators, including small and medium-sized enterprises, planning to introduce energy-efficient facilities as replacement of older ones.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Building sector
Recovery RedesignSubsidy program for promoting the introduction of net-zero-energy houses and buildings:
In order to help achieve the goal of net-zero-energy houses "ZEH" and buildings "ZEB" set by 2030, this program provides subsidy to those who plan to introduce the leading-edge technologies of energy efficiency into their buildings or houses to achieve ZEH or ZEB.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Household sector
Recovery RedesignSubsidy program for promoting the introduction of net-zero-energy houses and buildings:
In order to help achieve the goal of net-zero-energy houses "ZEH" and buildings "ZEB" set by 2030, this program provides subsidy to those who plan to introduce the leading-edge technologies of energy efficiency into their buildings or houses to achieve ZEH or ZEB.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignCO2 Ultimate Reduction System for Cool Earth 50 (COURSE50):
This project aims to fundamentally reduce CO2 emissions from the blast furnaces of integrated steelworks and contribute to the prevention of global warming by developing technology to reduce the amount of CO2 generated at blast furnaces as well as technology to separate and capture generated CO2 with each technology cutting CO2 emissions by 10% and 20% respectively. In this project, we have been working on the development of two types of technologies: (1) technology to reduce iron ore by amplifying hydrogen contained in high-temperature coke oven gas generated during coke production, and using that hydrogen as a partial replacement for coke as a reduction technology in blast furnaces using hydrogen; and (2) an innovative technology to separate and capture CO2 using unused exhaust heat within a steelworks to separate CO2 from blast furnace gas. The steel industry is working in unity to ultimately establish technology that would enable the reduction of CO2 emissions by approximately 30% compared with the current level of total emissions at steelworks.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignTechnological Development of Ironmaking Process Utilizing Ferro-coke:
Ferro-coke is made from thermal coal and low-grade iron ore. The project is expected to have an effect on reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in iron production. The aim of this project is to establish the technology for producing ferro-coke. The construction of a plant producing 300 t/day of ferro-coke is planned, with the goal of reducing energy consumption in the ironmaking process by 10 % to be achieved by 2022.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignR&D of Carbon Recycling technologies and establishment of R&D and demonstration base:
Carbon Recycling technology is the concept to recognize carbon dioxide as a source of carbon, and to transform it to materials, fuels and chemicals. In addition, the Japanese government will establish R&D and demonstration base in Hiroshima Prefecture.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignDevelopment of Production and Utilization Technologies for Biojet Fuel and Fuel Ammonia for Zero Emission of Fossil Fuels:
Technology development business
The United Nations agency has set a reduction target that will not increase CO2 emissions in the international aviation field after 2020, and will start reducing CO2 emissions in 2027, which will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. It is necessary to accelerate the technological development of bio jet fuel.
For this reason, in this project, we will promote the following three technological developments and aim at a stable supply of bio-jet fuel.
(1) ATJ technology that can be expected to establish an early market (technology that manufactures jet fuel from alcohol using membrane and catalyst technology)
(2) Gasification FT synthesis technology has potential to expand the use of various raw materials (technology that converts wood, etc. into H2 and CO gas, and synthesizes liquid fuel from gas using a catalyst)
(3)Microalgae culture technology, which is one of the carbon recycling technologies and has a higher oil yield potential per unit area than other fuel cropsContact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Transition to renewable energy
RedesignSystematic Revision towards Renewable Energy as a Main Source of Electricity:
On June 5, 2020, the Bill for the Act of Partial Revision of the Electricity Business Act and Other Acts for Establishing Resilient and Sustainable Electricity Supply Systems passed the Diet. The bill includes partial revision of the Act on Renewable Energy Special Measures. Its outlines are the followings;
[i] Supporting businesses in introducing a market-price-linked measure
Aiming to encourage renewable energy generators to secure their predictability for investment return and take market-conscious activities, the revised Act is to establish a Feed-in-Premium (FIP) scheme in addition to the existing FIT scheme, a new scheme in which renewable energy generators are able to receive a certain level of premium based on the market price.
[ii] Fortifying electricity grids taking advantage of the potential of renewable energy
The revised Act is to establish a system in which part of the expenditures for fortifying electricity grids necessary for expanding the introduction of renewable energy into businesses, e.g., regional interconnection lines, which regional electricity transmission/distribution businesses bear under the current Act, is to be supported based on the surcharge system across Japan.
[iii] Appropriately discarding facilities for generating renewable energy
The revised Act is to impose obligations on renewable energy generators to establish an external reserve fund for the expenditures for discarding their facilities for generating renewable energy as a measure for addressing concerns over inappropriate discarding of PV facilities.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Industry sector
Response Recovery RedesignPromoting expansion of introduction of offshore wind power generation:
In order to expand introduction of offshore wind power generation, "the Act on Promoting the Utilization of Sea Areas for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities" came into force in April 2019. Since then, METI and MLIT have been steadily progressing processes for designation of project target zones for promoting utilization of sea zones under the Act and calls for applicants as business operators of such projects every fiscal year. Four zones were designated as potential sea zones in July 2019, and of these, the area Offshore Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture was designated as a promotion zone on December 2019. In this area, the open call of offshore wind power generators was accepted from June to December 2020, and selection of business operator is scheduled in FY2021. The other three zones were also designated as promotion zones on July, 2020. In these three zones, the open call of offshore wind power generators was started in November 2020, and selection of business operator is scheduled in FY2021. Furthermore, on July, 2020, four new areas were designated as potential sea zones. In this situation, METI and MLIT inaugurated a Public-Private Council on Enhancement of Industrial Competitiveness for Offshore Wind Power Generation in order to: advance expansion of systematic and continuous introduction of offshore wind power generation as well as enhancement of industrial competitiveness, build domestic industrial clusters, and develop infrastructure environments for industries related to such power generation, all of which are elements indispensable for the introduction, in a manner that the public and private sectors unite their efforts; and achieve a “virtuous cycle” in these sectors mutually.
In response, the first meeting was held by the council on July 17, 2020. In addition, more in-depth studies were carried out by "working groups" established under the Council in September 2020.
The government and industry developed Vision for Offshore Wind Power Industry (1st) which are summarized a defined direction for mid- to long-term government and industry targets, the targeted to-be state, and initiatives to achieve targets based on the results of these studies. We will continue joint public-private sector discussions, successively undertake initiatives to realize this Vision, and review it as required.Reference https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2020/0709_001.html
https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2019/0730_001.htmlContact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism -
Technological innovation (digitalization / hydrogen/ CCUS, etc.)
Response Recovery RedesignResearch and development of next-generation in-vehicle batteries:
Conduct research and development on next-generation batteries in order to improve the performance of batteries, which is a challenge for the spread of electrified vehicles.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Sustainable transportation
Response Recovery RedesignInitiatives toward Zero Emission Shipping:
Sustainable trade and shipping will play an indispensable role for the global recovery from COVID-19 pandemic, while the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping needs to be placed at one of the highest agenda.
In March 2020, Japan, one of the major maritime nations with related industries, has developed the "Roadmap to Zero Emissions from International Shipping", which provides emission pathways for global decarbonization as soon as possible in this century and a plan of actions during this decade, with a view to leading and contributing to the global actions to tackle the climate challenge.
In effect, a number of projects have already been initiated developing energy-saving technologies for ships as well as zero carbon fueled ships in Japan for example:
- Carbon free battery propulsion ships (coastal ships already in service);
- Wind power propulsion ships utilizing hard sail system (coastal / ocean going ships under development);
- Ammonia-fueled ships (coastal / ocean going ships under development);
- Hydrogen-fueled ships utilizing fuel cells (coastal ships under development).
Japan, in cooperation with other countries and maritime industries and under the framework of international organizations such as International Maritime Organization (IMO), will further take initiatives and endeavor to accelerate realization of the first-generation zero emission ocean going ship being introduced in this decade and facilitate global uptake of such ships.Contact Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport
2.Climate adaptation measures
Adaptation planning
RedesignPromotion of integrated hazards assessment research:
The COVID-19 outbreak brings various changes in socioeconomic activities all over the world. Since Japan is predicted to see natural disasters more frequently due to climate change, it will be also important to make adaptation plans to natural disasters taking account of these changes. Under the Japan's climate model development program (TOUGOU), Japanese government promotes researches on how natural disasters will change over the next 100 years quantifying the probability of climate change impact on typhoons and flooding etc. and assessing the impact of climate change with the worst case scenarios. These research studies are expected to contribute to better adaptations in Japan after the COVID-19 crisis.Contact Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
Adaptation planning
RedesignContributing to Climate Change Countermeasure by using Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS):
Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) started from 2006. The goals of DIAS are to collect and store earth observation big data; to analyze such data in combination with socio-economic data, and convert data into information useful for crisis management with respect to global-scale environmental disasters, and other threats including infectious disease; and to make this information available within Japan and overseas. The work of DIAS contributes internationally as well. DIAS is connecting to many data centers from all over the world of Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) participating countries. DIAS is also recognized as the precedent case in terms of working most comprehensively on reviewing e-Infrastructure for interdisciplinary and super interdisciplinary collaboration within Belmont Forum, a forum among science and technology funding agencies.Reference https://www.diasjp.net/en/Contact Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
Adaptation planning
Recovery RedesignAssessment Report on Climate Change Impact including infectious disease and regular review of adaptation planning:
Based on the Climate Change Adaptation Act, Japan publishes Assessment Report on Climate Change Impact, including infectious diseases, approximately every five years. It becomes basic information for regular reviewing of adaptation planning by national and local governments. In addition, it provides information on climate change impacts through the information platforms called A-PLAT (domestic) and AP-PLAT (Asia-Pacific) for the purpose of promoting studies on climate change impacts and activities that apply the scientific knowledge.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
RedesignPromoting Climate Change Adaptation Businesses in developing countries:
Given the need for climate change adaptation emerging in the world, particularly in developing countries, METI collects good practices of Japanese companies to help developing conuntries adapt themselves to climate impacts, and publishes "Climate Change Adaptation Good Practices by Japanese Private Sector", which contains those practices and demonstrate Japanese companies' potentials to contribute to climate change adaptation and SDGs. METI aims to increase Japanese companies' awareness on business opportunities associated with adaptation efforts undetaken by developing countries.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
3.Cross-cutting measures
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment
Recovery RedesignGreen Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality:
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated a “Green Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality” in collaboration with related ministries and agencies. This strategy is an industrial policy to lead the challenging goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a vision that is upheld by the Suga administration and aims toward a positive cycle of economic growth and the environmental protection.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment
RedesignAttracting customers to national parks and promoting 'workations' in National Parks and hot springs:
"Workations", a portmanteau of "work" and "vacation", are trips that enable both telework and tourism. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, campgrounds have become popular as recreational spaces that allow for social distancing. At the same time, inns in hot spring areas have also become increasingly viable as workation options, leading to a greater momentum for the trend. Japan is planning to further promote workations in National Parks and hot springs through providing infrastructural support (Wi-Fi availability), promoting workation tours. This project aims to maintain and secure employment for the businesses involved, increase the number of travelers through attractive tours, and revitalize the local economy by preparing tours and other activities with an eye to the post-concussive phase.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Urban/rural development (energy access etc.)
RedesignJoint Message on the Synergy between Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction:
Drastic disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures based on climate change risks are necessary to deal with disasters in this time of climate crisis. The strategy was announced for effectively promoting coordinated measures for climate change and DRR (i.e. Strategy for Enhancing the Synergy between Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Era of Climate Crisis, as a joint message from Mr. KOIZUMI Shinjiro, Minister of the Environment, and Mr. TAKEDA Ryota, Minister of State for Disaster Management). Regarding synergy between adaptation and disaster risk reduction, the idea of “Adaptive Recovery” was proposed as a new cross cutting approach. “Adaptive Recovery” is to implement resilient measures including Eco-system based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) and the control of land use, where communities can ensure adaptation to climate change.Contact Cabinet Office and Ministry of the Environment -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Response Recovery RedesignPromoting ESG finance:
Actively promote “impact finance”, a developed form of ESG finance and the axis for creating the post-COVID-19 society, for the future that contributes to “Sustainability” improvement as well as promoting cooperation with regional financial institutions for the creation of the sustainable and decentralized society in the post-COVID-19 world.Contact Ministry of the Environment
4.Other environmental measures
Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
ResponseAddressing infectious waste:
To address waste management issues relevant to COVID-19, Japan is implementing initiatives to promote environmentally sound management on infectious waste, such as considering various countermeasures based on individual circumstances, creating communication documents related to measures, and sharing information with local governments and relevant organizations and developing collection with automated control.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
RedesignDesigning the Circular and Ecological Economy (CEE):
The "Circular and Ecological Economy " is an approach that aims to maximize the potential productivity of regions. The CEE creates self-sufficient and decentralized societies by making the most of regional resources such as beautiful natural landscapes and allows different regions to offer complementary resources to each other based on their unique characteristics. The Ministry of the Environment is supporting the creation of a circular and ecological economy in each region. The approach is in alignment with Japan's vision of making progress on decarbonization and realizing the SDGs at the subnational level through utilizing the characteristics of both rural and urban localities, brought on by enhancing the integration of the environment, economy, and society.Reference http://chiikijunkan.env.go.jp/Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Response Recovery RedesignActions for Cool Earth 2.0 (ACE2.0):
With the ‘Actions for Cool Earth 2.0 (ACE2.0)’, Japan has been committed to providing approximately 1.3 trillion JPY of public and private finance in 2020 for supporting developing countries' climate action. Official Development Assistance (ODA) also plays a significant role in addressing climate change and environmental issues. Japan utilizes ODA in many countries to promote climate-resilient urban development and infrastructure investment, enhance climate risk assessment, and reinforce forest conservation and ecosystem management, including the clear reference of such efforts in the Country Assistance Policies and the Rolling Plan. Japan has also provided human resource development trainings in climate action to about 153,000 people in the past five years, which contribute to improvement of climate policy and institutional capacity in developing countries. In addition, Japan has so far contributed 1.5 billion USD to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and made another commitment of a maximum 1.5 billion USD for the first replenishment period of 2020-2023. With these public and private efforts altogether, Japan contributes to promoting global transition to decarbonized society, circular economy and autonomous distributed society while compatible with recovery from COVID-19.Contact Ministry of Foreign Affairs
5.International Cooperation
COVID19 recovery and climate change mitigation
RedesignPromotion of Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA), with the aim of advancing energy transitions and realizing decarbonized society in ASEAN region by business-led efforts:
In September 2019, at the ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy Meeting, the Ministers welcomed the establishment of Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA) to accelerate business-led efforts to enhance international collaboration.
CEFIA will contribute to create appropriate business environments, which will eventually lead to advancing energy transitions and realizing decarbonized society. Through CEFIA, various activities will be implemtnted to construct policy and institutional frameworks to deploy innovative, low carbon or cleaner energy technology, with collaboration between public and private sectors.
In November 2019, the 1st CEFIA Government-Private Forum was held here in Manila, in cooperation with the Government of the Philippines, and with strong support of the ASEAN Center for Energy and the Asian Development Bank. As a next step, The 2nd CEFIA Government-Private Forum is scheduled to be held this year to actively develop and facilitate various activities toward enhancing international collaboration for energy system transitions.Contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
COVID19 recovery and climate change adaptation
RedesignInternational cooperation activities to support making better adaptation plans:
While climate projection data are an important basis for making adaptation plans, accuracy of the data used in some countries in Southeast Asian region is not always high. As one of the international cooperation activities of the Japan’s climate model development project, Integrated Research Program for Advancing Climate Models (TOUGOU), researchers from Southeast Asian countries are invited to Japan and take lectures on how to use a Japanese high-performing climate model, and lectures on making climate projection data over their own countries to support using better climate projection data. In addition, various impact assessment researches in the said countries, particularly on the future changes of water-related hazards, and investigations on the possible adaptations to the impacts taking account of the countries’ political and socioeconomic situation are conducted in close collaboration with not only researchers living there but also others involved in. These activities contribute to making better adaptations in the world after COVID-19 crisis through capacity development.Reference http://www.jamstec.go.jp/tougou/eng/research/theme_c.html
http://www.jamstec.go.jp/tougou/eng/research/theme_d.htmlContact Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
COVID19 recovery and other environmental issues
Response RecoveryJAXA, ESA, and NASA cooperation for development and operation of the Earth Observing Dashboard on COVID-19:
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various changes in socio-economic activities and the environments. Since satellite-based Earth observation can monitor the earth's surface globally and periodically with various physical parameters, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), European Space Agency (ESA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have cooperated in developing the "Earth Observing Dashboard" by combining the resources, technical knowledge and expertise of the three partner agencies. The dashboard provides socio-economic activities and earth environmental change information, such as air quality, greenhouse gases, port / airport activities, agriculture, and water quality, before / after COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen our global understanding of the economic and environmental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.Reference https://eodashboard.orgContact Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
COVID19 recovery and other environmental issues
RedesignPromoting the Satoyama Initiative:
Aiming toward realizing "societies in harmony with nature" similar to the 2050 Biodiveristy Vision of "living in harmony with nature", the Satoyama Initiative promotes the conservation and sustainable use of local natural resources, while also practicing "local production for local consumption" and building communities. Experiences from implementing the Satoyama Initiative are clearly the first potential step toward designing a new society post-COVID-19. The idea of "local production for local consumption" is based on building 'face-to-face relationships' between producers and consumers, and reevaluating relationships with communities in which we live or to which we have close ties. This is done in practice through the Satoyama Initiative.
The practice of "local production for local consumption" will allow people living in the region to rethink their habits and the underlying environment and nurture environmental values. This buildup of value will lead to productive and strong local communities. Furthermore, strong local communities contribute not only to biodiversity conservation, but also various other priorities such as disaster risk reduction. For example, as the climate crisis intensify disasters, it is necessary to build societies that are resilient -- societies that can repair the damage caused and swiftly recover. To do so, strong community ties among residents built over day-to-day life are indispensable, in addition to employing nature-based solutions. To redesign socioeconomic systems through COVID-19 recovery, the three transitions of decarbonization, circular economy, and decentralization are critical. To realize these transitions, independent, productive, and strong communities will clearly have important roles to play.Reference https://satoyama-initiative.org/Contact Ministry of the Environment -
COVID19 recovery and other environmental issues
ResponsePromoting collaboration for transition to a circular economy across sectors (new business models, product design, appropriate waste management, recycling, etc) in Asia and Africa through dissemination of Japan's relevant technologies:
Appropriate waste management is critical to all life across the Earth, and the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed people to recognize again its importance to protect life. Japan has developed advanced waste management and recycling technologies and policies. Through its Infrastructural System Export Strategy which was revised in 2020, Japan is making progress on offering its know-how as 'packages' of technologies and policies on waste management and recycling. Moreover, with respect to circular economy, which has received much attention and recognized as a key element for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan is going to contribute to promoting circular economy initiatives around the world by sharing best practices from public and private sectors at international conferences in collaboration with international organizations.Contact Ministry of the Environment
Other countries
- Afghanistan
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Australia
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