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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.


Last update 29 Jan. 2021


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

  • Reforestation of 1500 ha over the whole of the National Territory
    Reference Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests activity report
    Contact Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests
  • As part of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Guinean government initiated in its health emergency plan the free public transport sector (bus and train), which strongly contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
    Reference National strategy for the fight against Covid-19
    Contact Ministry of Planning and Economic Development

2.Cross-cutting measures

  • The setting up of the National Agency for Economic and Social Inclusion which contributes strongly to the reduction of poverty and the development of economic dynamism. This agency has greatly relieved the vulnerable population during the Covid-19 period in Guinea .
    Contact Primature