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Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.

El Salvador

Last update 31 May 2023


Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.

1.Climate mitigation measures

2.Climate adaptation measures

  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Plan Nacional de Cambio Climático.
    Valid from 2022 to 2026, it expresses in eleven components the strategic actions for the climate management of the country and the inter-institutional coordination in the public administration to achieve the proposed goals.
    Contact Oficina de Información y Respuesta
  • Others

    Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas de El Salvador.
    NDC Update january, 2022. Establishes mitigation and adaptation goals through 21 proposed measures in eight sectors (energy, hydroelectric generation and transportation, AFOLU/Agriculture, biodiversity, water resources, infrastructure, sanitation and waste, and health), which the country commits to comply with in order to contribute to reach the global objective of temperature increase below two degrees.
    Contact Oficina de Información y Respuesta
  • Others

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Planes Sectoriales para la Implementación de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas de El Salvador.
    12 sector plans for the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), which contain 32 measures with 54 results and 138 strategic actions, with which adaptation and mitigation are oriented in the short term for the energy, hydroelectric generation and transportation sectors , AFOLU/Agriculture, biodiversity, water resources, infrastructure, sanitation and waste, and health.

    Quantification of climate fund needs: $1,050 million dollars.
    Contact Oficina de Información y Respuesta

3.Cross-cutting measures

  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Response Recovery Redesign
    The first environmental podcast and radio space in El Salvador
    In pod cast they talk about climate change, wildlife, biodiversity and many other topics, but the most important thing is that they are going to contribute to food security in the most vulnerable communities, sharing the weather forecast, for places where they do not have access to television. and Internet.
    Contact Estación Verde
  • Citizens’ lives (behaviour change) / employment

    Response Recovery Redesign
    Telework Regulation Law
    Teleworking was approved by the Legislative Assembly on March 20 through the Telework Regulation Law. The law is applicable for both the public and private sectors, and according to its article 4 it can be categorized in various ways, such as according to where the work is performed: Self-employed, Mobile and Supplementary, and also according to the setting of time and working hours this may have two sub-modalities, Connected Teleworking and Disconnected Teleworking.
    Contact Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

4.Other environmental measures
