Policies, measures and actions on climate change and
environmental protection in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
Last update
3 Sep. 2020
- Response
- Emergency measures in the short term (a few months to one year) to address concerns that have directly emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and may include forced action.
- Recovery
- Socioeconomic measures in the medium term (one to a few years) with an environmental and climate focus to “build back better” from COVID-19, and usually involves planned, intentional action.
- Redesign
- Paradigm shifts and measures in the long term (more than a few years to a few decades) toward redesigning current socioeconomic and sociocultural systems to be sustainable and resilient.
1.Climate mitigation measures
Transition to renewable energy
Energy supply by hydroelectric power plants (Electric energy auctions are instruments for the insertion of new enterprises for the supply of electric energy. Brazil promotes auctions of different formats, including the insertion of hydroelectric generation, among other sources.
The regulation on the trading of electric energy provides that electric power distribution companies must guarantee the attendance of their electric energy market. Thus, auctions are promoted including, but not limited to, the objectives of hiring energy at the lowest possible price and attracting investors for the construction of new plants for the expansion of generation.
The use of hydroelectric power in Brazil is a consolidated practice, both on the accumulated experience in building hydroelectric plants and related transmission systems, as well as in the production of equipment for energy generation and distribution.
In Brazil, the inclusion of low-emission sources starts in the planning stage and includes projections for a 10-year horizon. Auctions to buy energy are carried out 6 years in advance. This system provides the guarantee needed for these undertakings to be inserted in the energy-generating complex.
The Plan for 10-year horizon also presents detailed actions aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, considering as a basis the expansion of hydro-energy supply and the supply of renewable alternative sources, notably wind energy plants, small hydro-power plants and bioelectricity, expansion of biofuel supply and the increase in energy efficiency.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Energy supply by small hydroelectric plants (Electric energy auctions are instruments for the insertion of new enterprises for the supply of electric energy. Brazil promotes auctions of different formats, including the insertion of hydroelectric generation, among other sources.
Electric energy trading regulations establishes that electric power distribution companies must ensure provision to their electric energy markets. Auctions are promoted including, but not limited to, the objectives of contracting energy at the lowest possible price and attracting investors for the construction of new plants, including hydroelectric plants. A Normative Resolution provides a set of rules for Distributed Generation that regulates consumer generation surplus supply to the local distribution network.
The use of hydroelectric power in Brazil is a consolidated practice, both on the accumulated experience in building hydroelectric plants and related transmission systems, as well as in the production of equipment for energy generation and distribution.
In Brazil, the inclusion of low-emission sources starts in the planning stage and includes projections for a 10-year horizon. Auctions to buy energy are carried out 6 years in advance. This system provides the guarantee needed for these undertakings to be inserted in the energy-generating complex.
The Plan for 10-year horizon also presents detailed actions aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, considering as a basis the expansion of hydro-energy supply and the supply of renewable alternative sources, notably wind energy plants, small hydro-power plants and bioelectricity, expansion of biofuel supply and the increase in energy efficiency.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Energy supply by photovoltaic (PV) power plants by concentrated and distributed generation (Energy auctions and regulation of distributed generation.
Electric energy trading regulations establishes that electric power distribution companies must ensure provision to their electric energy markets. Auctions are promoted including, but not limited to, the objectives of contracting energy at the lowest possible price and attracting investors for the construction of new plants, including PV plants. A Normative Resolution provides a set of rules for Distributed Generation that regulates consumer generation surplus supply to the local distribution network.
In Brazil, the inclusion of low-emission sources starts in the planning stage and includes projections for a 10-year horizon. Auctions to buy energy are carried out 6 years in advance. This system provides the guarantee needed for these undertakings to be inserted in the energy-generating complex.
The Plan for 10-year horizon also presents detailed actions aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, considering as a basis the expansion of hydro-energy supply and the supply of renewable alternative sources, notably wind energy plants, small hydro-power plants and bioelectricity, expansion of biofuel supply and the increase in energy efficiency.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.
Furthermore, in the context of global climate change and its impacts (droughts and extreme droughts) on the Brazilian water security, the importance of other renewable sources such as wind energy and solar PV, has become strategic to complement the production of energy
in order to meet the demand of economic activities in the country.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Energy supply by biomass thermal power plants by concentrated and distributed generation (Energy auctions and regulation of distributed generation.
Electric energy trading regulations establishes that electric power distribution companies must ensure provision to their electric energy markets. Auctions are promoted including, but not limited to, the objectives of contracting energy at the lowest possible price and attracting investors for the construction of new plants, including biomass thermal plants. A Normative Resolution provides a set of rules for Distributed Generation that regulates consumer generation surplus supply to the local distribution network.
In Brazil, the inclusion of low-emission sources starts in the planning stage and includes projections for a 10-year horizon. Auctions to buy energy are carried out 6 years in advance. This system provides the guarantee needed for these undertakings to be inserted in the energy-generating complex.
The Plan for 10-year horizon also presents detailed actions aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, considering as a basis the expansion of hydro-energy supply and the supply of renewable alternative sources, notably wind energy plants, small hydro-power plants and bioelectricity, expansion of biofuel supply and the increase in energy efficiency.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Energy supply by solar, wind and biomass sources (Energy auctions and regulation of distributed generation.
In Brazil, the inclusion of low-emission sources starts in the planning stage and includes projections for a 10-year horizon. Auctions to buy energy are carried out 6 years in advance. This system provides the guarantee needed for these undertakings to be inserted in the energy-generating complex.
The Plan for 10-year horizon also presents detailed actions aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, considering as a basis the expansion of hydro-energy supply and the supply of renewable alternative sources, notably wind energy plants, small hydro-power plants and bioelectricity, expansion of biofuel supply and the increase in energy efficiency.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.
Furthermore, in the context of global climate change and its impacts (droughts and extreme droughts) on the Brazilian water security, the importance of other renewable sources such as wind energy and solar PV, has become strategic to complement the production of energy
in order to meet the demand of economic activities in the country.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Promoting consumption of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol to replace gasoline (Establishment and implementation of the National Policy on Biofuels (RenovaBio Program: it aims promoting the adequate expansion of biofuels in the energy mix, thus promoting the regularity of fuel supply in the market and inducing gains in energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions.).
In addition to the mandatory blend of anhydrous ethanol to motor gasoline sold domestically, the advent of flex fuel vehicles in 2003 allowed the sector to be leveraged again leading to an increase in the domestic consumption of ethanol.
The expansion of bioethanol and sugar production in recent decades has occurred not only with the increase in the cultivated area, but also with significant productivity gains in the agricultural and industrial stages. Technological advances are observed in this period: sugarcane genetics improvement; improvements in production management through the use of land maps and satellite images; adoption of more efficient and modern processes with the extraction, processing and fermentation of the broth and the stage of distillation; increase in the use of sugarcane bagasse in the boilers; use of biological methods to control pests, which reduces the need
for pesticide.
Job generation in the sugarcane and energy chain has a social relevance as the rural nature of these jobs contributes to the containment of the rural-urban migration, thus preventing unplanned growth of large Brazilian cities and, occasionally, urban poverty.
The sugarcane and energy industry has also been involved in certification initiatives that address environmental, social and economic aspects related to the cultivation and processing of sugarcane. It is usually a voluntary accession process, whose criteria are agreed among the various stakeholders, including producers, industry, consumers and NGOs.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Transition to renewable energy
Promoting consumption of biodiesel to replace fossil diesel (Establishment and implementation of the National Policy on Biofuels (RenovaBio Program) - Law 13.576/2017, as well as biodiesel blending percentages in fossil diesel - Law 13,263/2016. The referred Law determined that the percentages of mandatory blending of biodiesel into diesel oil should be 8% (eight percent) 12 months after the enactment of the Law; 9% (nine percent) 24 months after the enactment of the Law; and 10% 36 months after the enactment of the Law. In 2019, the biodiesel blending has got 15% after tests and trials with engines.).
Studies show that the production of national biodiesel, especially for modern diesel vehicles, presents opportunities and advantages, such as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, considering the fuel use stage; reduced local GHG emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), particulate material (PM), sulfur oxide (SOx), total hydrocarbons (HC) and most of toxic hydrocarbons, contributing to pollution reduction of cities and improved quality of life and health of the inhabitants; strengthening and diversification of renewable energy sources in the Brazilian energy mix; new business opportunities, particularly in agribusiness, job and income generation.
The federal government has also promoted initiatives in order to regulate the expansion of oilseed production in Brazil and offer instruments to ensure production on sustainable environmental and social bases. The guidelines involve the preservation of forest and native vegetation and the expansion of the integrated production of family farming in priority territories.
Particular attention must be drawn to the fact that raw material cultivation and the industrial production of biodiesel, i.e., the biodiesel production chain has great potential to generate jobs and income, thus promoting social inclusion and economic development.
The Federal Government launched the “Social Fuel Seal”, a set of specific measures aimed at stimulating social inclusion in agriculture within this important production chain35. Family farmers who wish to participate in the biodiesel productive chain also have access to credit from the National Program for Strengthening Family-based Agriculture (Pronaf) 36, through banks that operate with this program, as well as access to technical assistance provided by the companies that have the “Social Fuel Seal”.
One of the country’s most distinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a significant share of renewable sources particularly in the generation of electric energy, affording a low-carbon profile to the sector. Maintaining this profile in the future, considering the need for economic, growth poses a great challenge to Brazil.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Sustainable transportation
RenovaBio Program (Expanding the production of biofuels in Brazil, inducing gains in energy efficiency and reduction of GHG emissions, based on predictability, sustainability environmental, economic and social criteria. It aims to increase the share of renewable fuels in the energy mix while bringing predictability to the biofuels market through constant innovation, that continuously seeks energy and environmental efficiency. Furthermore, the core of RenovaBio is to transform the positive externalities of biofuels in incentives for its sustainable production through market mechanisms, without subsidies or artificial measures. It is therefore a structuring program that consolidates Brazil’s strategic vision for biofuels and at the same time contributes to environmental sustainability.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.)Reference http://www.mme.gov.br/web/guest/secretarias/petroleo-gas-natural-e-biocombustiveis/acoes-e-programas/programas/renovabio (portuguese)
http://www.mme.gov.br/documents/36070/488849/RenovaBio.pdf/9fda2e29-b8d7-aee5-411a-9416bbb5cbebContact Ministry of Mines and Energy
RenovaBio Committee: Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of the Environment (MMA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), Ministry of Economy, and Executive Office of the Presidency of the Republic.
Partnership with the private sector. -
Reduction of electricity consumption through government programs (Reducing electricity consumption reduces GHG emissions. Regulation on the use of resources for the PROCEL Program. Implementation of the PROCEL Resource Application Program).
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Improving the minimum levels of energy efficiency in the consumption of electric energy of appliances (Awarding the PROCEL label for high efficiency appliances, with the Brazilian Labeling Program as reference. Participation in the appliance labeling program is voluntary. The PROCEL label was created to increase the number of certified appliances with high-energy efficiency levels. The label is a widely publicized award, which contributes to brand recognition.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
Improving the minimum levels of Energy Efficiency in fuel consumption in equipment/vehicles (Awarding the CONPET label for high efficiency equipment, with the Brazilian Labeling Program as reference. Participation in the equipment/vehicle labeling program is voluntary. The CONPET label was created to increase the number of certified equipment with high-energy efficiency levels. The label is a widely publicized award, which contributes to brand recognition.
The actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions must comply with the elements of the national energy policy, such as energy security in response to demand, affordability of prices and tariffs and the universalization of access to energy, in addition to the competitiveness between the sources and the use of national technology.).Reference https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-en/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-212/Executive%20Summary%20PDE%202029.pdf (This Executive Summary presents a condensed version of the main analyses conducted in the document, which is only available in Portuguese edition).
https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-479/topico-521/Relato%CC%81rio%20Si%CC%81ntese%20BEN%202020-ab%202019_Final.pdf (portuguese)
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNjc4OGYyYjQtYWM2ZC00YjllLWJlYmEtYzdkNTQ1MTc1NjM2IiwidCI6IjQwZDZmOWI4LWVjYTctNDZhMi05MmQ0LWVhNGU5YzAxNzBlMSIsImMiOjR9 (portuguese))Contact Ministry of Mines and Energy -
National Plan for Low Carbon Emission in Agriculture - ABC Plan (Increasing the area under sustainable production systems ensuring the reduction of GHG emissions. The ABC Plan includes, among other complementary actions, the implementation of: Restoration of grazing land; Integrated crop-livestock systems; No-till farming; Biological nitrogen fixation; Reforestation; Manure Management.
Brazil has been investing in research and technology development for the sustainability of its agricultural sector for the past five decades. In this context, the ABC Plan was established as one of the government’s tools to promote sustainable agricultural practices throughout the country.
The ABC Plan promotes the adoption, by farmers, of a set of technologies toward increasing productivity and profitability, as well as resiliency and adaptive capacity of national agricultural systems, with the integration of soil, water and biodiversity conservation strategies. These technologies have contributed to increase food production and, therefore, food safety, while maintaining almost unchanged the area under farming activity and making production systems more resilient to climate change and more efficient in controlling GHG emissions related to agricultural activities).Reference https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/sustentabilidade/plano-abc (portuguese)Contact Coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Plan is implemented through partnerships with federal, state and municipal governments, and with the productive sector -
Land sector
Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon – PPCDAm (Reducing deforestation and the degradation of native vegetation by promoting the maintenance of ecosystem services through the sustainable use of forest resources and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. It is on the fourth implementation stage (2016-2020). The Plan encompasses several policies and actions from the Federal Government. It is structured in nine specific objectives distributed into four thematic areas: i) environmental monitoring and control; ii) land tenure regularization and territorial management, iii) fostering sustainable productive activities and iv) normative and economic instruments). The Plan aims to implement different actions like: to promote allocation and tenure of public lands; to put 30% of the Amazon biome under protected areas; to implement the National System for the Control of the Origin of Forest Products (Sinaflor); to reduce the area affected by forest fires; to improve deforestation alert systems; to map the annual burned area in all Brazilian biomes; to enhance the positive incentives to reduce deforestation and foster new models of production and sustainable use of the forest; and others.Contact Coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, the Plan is implemented through partnerships with federal, state and municipal governments, and with the productive sector -
Land sector
Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Forest Fires in the Cerrado biome - PPCerrado (Reducing deforestation and degradation of native vegetation, by promoting the maintenance of ecosystem services and the sustainable use of forest resources and agricultural practices. The Plan is in the 3rd implementation stage (from 2016 to 2020). PPCerrado encompasses several Federal Government policies and actions. It is structured in nine specific objectives distributed into four thematic areas: i) environmental monitoring and control; ii) land tenure regularization and territorial management, iii) incentives for sustainable productive activities and iv) developing normative and economic instruments.). The Plan aims: to put 17% of the Cerrado biome in protected areas as conservation units; to register 100% of all private rural properties in Brazil in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR); to implement the National System for the Control of the Origin of Forest Products (Sinaflor); to develop an alert system (Deter) for the Cerrado; to reduce the area affected by forest fires; to enhance positive incentives to reduce deforestation and encourage new production models and the sustainable use of the forest; and others.Contact Coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, the Plan is implemented through partnerships with federal, state and municipal governments, and with the productive sector -
Land sector
National Plan for the Control of Illegal Deforestation and Recovery of Native Vegetation. (2020-2023). It presents the priority lines of action for the control and reduction illegal deforestation. The Plan will be coordinated under the CONAVEG, created by Decree No. 10,142 of November 28, 2019. Its thematic axes are: 1. Zero tolerance for illegal deforestation; 2. Land tenure regularization; 3. Territorial planning. 4. Payment for Environmental services; 5. Bioeconomy. To achieve its objective it is necessary to develop a robust economic and legal mechanisms, so that it provides incentives for those who intend to undertake in a sustainable way, curbing the practice of environmental crimes.Contact Ministry of Environment -
Land sector
Floresta + Program (The Ministry of Environment has worked to prepare, submit and implement the proposal to access resources from GCF. The Floresta+ project articulates an important part of Brazil's efforts and commitment to achieve continued reduction of deforestation. In line with the approaches already taken in the action plans to combat deforestation, the project also seeks to promote innovation, to provide incentives to rural landholders who adopt more sustainable production practices and to prioritize key stakeholders in the distribution of benefits from REDD+ results-based payments.
The project aims promoting the recognition and the payments to whom performs activities associated with conservation, improvement and recovery of native forest.
This programme has the potential to conserve more than 500 million hectares of native forests and develop a new green economy at country level. This is a great opportunity to make it possible to keep the forest standing, benefiting all Brazilian society and the world.The role of the Ministry of Environment is to ensure the structure and regulation of this emerging private market and promote large scale conservation across all biomes. Some strategies are already in place such as the Pilot Project Floresta+, with international resources from the Green Climate Fund (96 million dollars).
Concept of Payment for Environmental Services: (i) The environmental services are a set of activities developed by an individual or a community that allow for IMPROVEMENT, CONSERVATION and RECOVERY of ecosystem services that generate benefits for society. The Activities may involve making fences and firebreaks, surveillance, firefighting, research, planting native species, agroforestry activities, integrated livestock farming and forestry activities. (ii) Benefits for society include increased water availability and soil conservation; the observation of fauna and the appreciation of natural landscapes; biodiversity conservation; the maintenance and increase of carbon stocks; among others. (iii) The providers are people, companies, of public or private law, family or community groups that, directly or through third parties, perform the activities of environmental services in areas maintained with native vegetation cover or subject to their recovery. (iv) Payers are individuals or organizations, public or private, of national or international scope that, in recognizing the value of ecosystem services directly or indirectly, remunerate providers, in monetary or non-monetary form.)Contact Ministry of Environment -
Industry sector
Production of sustainable, renewable biomass-based charcoal for the iron and steel industry in Brazil (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the iron and steel sector in the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais, by (i) developing and demonstrating enhanced, clean conversion technologies for renewable, biomass-based charcoal production, and (ii) implementing an effective, supportive policy framework.
The renewable biomass resources for charcoal production are obtained from sustainably-grown eucalyptus plantations. The use of renewable charcoal provides an alternative development path to mitigate large quantities of global greenhouse gas emissions by improving resource efficiency during the charcoal conversion process and by offsetting the use of mineral cokes for pig iron production. The Project is pushing the status of clean charcoal conversion technologies from the level of small-scale pilots by the industry to successful demonstration of advanced commercial production facilities.
The common iron production process, based on mineral cokes, is a major source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas releases (CO2), causing global warming. The use of a renewable source of carbon (charcoal) provides an alternative course of action to mitigate large quantities of global greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the iron and steel sector in Brazil already uses large amounts of charcoal, but (i) the input wood resources are used very inefficiently; (ii) the traditional charcoal production process is polluting, releases significant amounts of methane (contributing to global warming) and is difficult to control; (iii) the charcoal production process releases gases and other substances which can be used productively if captured (for electricity cogeneration and bio-refinery purposes); and (iv) the input wood resources used are only partly renewable. With more advanced conversion technologies and improved process conditions, much more charcoal can be produced per unit wood input, while the adverse environmental and health impacts of the present production process can be avoided; in addition, by-products can contribute to enhance and diversify charcoal production as a commercial business.
The scope of the Project consists in (i) bringing together government actors, industries, sector stakeholders and research institutes; (ii) constructing a clear path towards market transformation by policy development in Minas Gerais; (iii) providing assistance for technological development; and (iv) implement a first batch of commercial, advanced charcoal production facilities by providing specific financial incentives for the use of renewable charcoal.
The project is current starting a new phase, encompassing more small producers of charcoal).Reference https://mma.gov.br/clima/politica-nacional-sobre-mudanca-do-clima/siderurgia-sustentavel.html
Link in portuguese: https://www.br.undp.org/content/brazil/pt/home/projects/SiderurgiaSustentvel.html
Link in english (GEF): https://www.thegef.org/project/production-sustainable-renewable-biomass-based-charcoal-iron-and-steel-industry-brazilContact UNDP and Ministry of Environment (additional members of Steering Committee: Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Ministry of Agriculture; Government of the State of Minas Gerais (MG)) -
Land sector
Operation Green Brasil 2. As part of the immediate actions proposed by the National Council of the Legal Amazon, this Operation was based on the Decree No. 10.341 of 6 May 2020, which authorises the deployment of the Armed Forces to guarantee law and order with the aim of preventing and combating environmental crimes, as well as fighting fires in the Legal Amazon. Operation is valid from May 6th to November 11th. After one month, the Operation carried out inspections on more than 1.9 vessels, 105 of which were seized. In addition, four thousand vehicles were inspected and 108 detained for irregularities. Almost 14 thousand cubic meters of illegal wood were confiscated and more than R $ 99 million in environmental fines applied during that period.Contact Presidential Decree also signed by Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Environment and Institutional Security Cabinet -
Land sector
Operation Green Brasil. Guarantee Law and Order Decree n. 9.985 of 23 August 2019. The Decree authorizes the use of the armed forces to guarantee law and order and for subsidiary actions in the border areas, indigenous lands, federal protected areas, and other areas of the Legal Amazon states that require preventive and suppressive actions against environmental crimes, and surveying and combating fire outbreaks. Operation was conducted from August 24th to October 24th 2019. After two months of the Operation 127 people were arrested, 23.000 cubic meters of wood and 26.000 liters of fuel, 178 vessels and 112 vehicles were seized. Also, 45 camps and 13 clandestine bridges were also destroyed.Contact Presidential Decree also signed by Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Environment and Institutional Security Cabinet -
"Lixão Zero" Programa (Programa Lixão Zero) - aims to subsidize states and municipalities in the management of urban solid waste, with a focus on the environmentally appropriate final disposal.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
The New legal framework for basic sanitation in Brazil - approved by the National Congress
2.Climate adaptation measures
Adaptation planning
National Adaptation Plan Final Assessment - the Monitoring and Evaluation of Brazilian NAP is ongoing, and a revision about the actual NAP will happen in 2021.Reference https://www.mma.gov.brContact Ministry of the Environment -
Agr/food security
National Plan to Combat Marine Litter - it was launched on March 22, 2019, by the Ministry of the Environment; Calls upon all sectors of society to engage to combat ocean waste. It has as priority actions: Promote river and beach clean-ups; Install and operate “Eco Barriers” in the cities to prevent litter from going into the ocean; Improve waste management in the cities; Foster material recycling through the installation of waste collection points; National assessment on marine litter; Communication and environmental education.Reference https://mma.gov.br/images/agenda_ambiental/lixo-no-mar/Plano_de_acao-31-03.pdf
https://mma.gov.br/images/agenda_ambiental/lixo-no-mar/Plano-Nacional-de-Combate-ao-Lixo-no-Mar.pdfContact Ministry of the Environment -
National Strategy for Urban Green Spaces - It consists of five aspects: National System for Urban Green Spaces (SNAVU* - Categories of Urban Green Spaces; Planning and Management Tools; Financial Incentives); Urban Environmental Register (CAU* - Georeferenced environmental tool for urban green spaces assessemen); Municipal Environmental Zoning (ZAM*-Environmental base for municipal territorial planning); Atlas (Provides georeferenced environmental information); Mobile APP (Portable version of the Urban Environmental Register).Contact Ministry of the Environment
Water quality and sanitation: Urban Environmental Quality Agenda - Aims to improve water quality and sanitation in Brazil. The action plan envolves: pollution prevention; treatment of polluted water; restoration of ecosystems.Contact Institutions involved in water and sanitation actions: Ministry of Regional Development;
National Water Agency - ANA; National Health Foundation – Funasa; Ministry of the Environment -
National Air Quality Control Program (PRONAR) - PRONAR’s basic strategy is to limit, in national level, the atmospheric emissions by typology of sources and priority pollutants. The use of air quality standards is a complementary control action. Besides, it’s strategic the creation of a National Air Quality Monitoring Network.Contact Ministry of the Environment
3.Cross-cutting measures
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Floresta+ Program: On 3 July this year the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil (MMA) adopted the ‘Forest+ Program’ (Programa Floresta+) through an Administrative Ordinance n° 288/20. This ordinance aims to strengthen the preservation of the Brazilian natural forest.The initial project activities will be carried out in the Legal Amazon covering all nine states in the Amazon basin.Around R$500 million from the Green Climate Fund will be earmarked for activities that improve, conserve and recover natural forests.The programme is aimed at supporting individuals, legal entities, community groups and others who conduct environmental service activities in areas of natural vegetation or support natural forest recovery. This is the largest programme of payments for environmental services in the world.The Administrative Ordinance says that monitoring, surveillance, firefighting, research, tree planting, environmental inventory and agroforestry systems are considered environmental services that bring effective and relevant results for the improvement, conservation and protection of natural vegetation.
The next steps in the ‘Forest+ Program’ involve the definition of methodology, valuation and verification of environmental services, the creation of the National Register of Environmental Services and regulations governing payment for environmental services.Reference https://www.mma.gov.brContact Ministry of the Environment -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
Adote um Parque Program: proposes that each company or individual can help maintain each of the 132 federal conservation units in the Amazon. The value of an "adoption" was set at 10 euros per hectare. In return, for the terms still under discussion, the sponsor uses the initiative as marketing, but cannot explore the area. For the project, the resource would be applied in inspection actions, fire brigade, among others.Reference https://www.mma.gov.brContact Ministry of the Environment -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
National Parks Concession: In 2018, Brazil witnessed a 6.15% increase in tourism in protected areas, with a total of 12.4 million visitors, mainly in national parks. Taking into consideration that visitation in protected areas has a positive impact for local populations, and concession contracts can improve the visitors experience, the government is planning to expand concessions to private companies for public use of national parks and other categories of protected areas. Private companies will have the opportunity to offer services that parks do not provide directly, thus broadening the economic base of the region and the local communities surrounding parks or living inside the protected areas. Decree No. 9.791, of May 14, 2019 - Approves the National Tourism Plan 2018-2022 with the purpose of ordering governmental actions and guiding the State's actions and the use of public resources for the development of national tourism.Brazil Parks Program: To visit is to protect! To promote environmental education and interpretation, recreation in contact with nature and eco-tourism. Visitation implementation strategies in federal protected areas: implementation priorities 2018-2020, 7 Protect Areas with concessions implemented (Tijuca, Iguaçu, Serra dos Órgãos, Fernando de Noronha, Pau Brasil, Chapada dos Veadeiros and Itatiaia National Parks). INITIATIVE- Foreseen: To implement delegation of services in concession modality in 20 protected areas.Reference https://www.mma.gov.brContact Ministry of the Environment -
Sustainable finance (public/private)/market mechanisms/carbon pricing
National Fund for Climate Change (FNMC) - The National Fund for Climate Change, known as Climate Fund, is one of the instruments of the National Policy on Climate Change. It is a trust fund under the Ministry of Environment (MMA), aimed at ensuring resources to support projects and studies and to finance undertakings that aim at mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects.
FNMC funds are available in two modalities: reimbursable and non-reimbursable (grants). The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) manage reimbursable funds. Non-reimbursable funds (grants) are controlled by the MMA.
The Fund aims to support the implementation of projects, the acquisition of machinery and equipment and technological development related to the reduction of emission of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change and its effects. The Climate Fund has supported the development and implementation of a lot of projects.Reference https://mma.gov.br/clima/fundo-nacional-sobre-mudanca-do-clima.html (portuguese)Contact The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) manage reimbursable funds. Non-reimbursable funds (grants) are controlled by the MMA -
DECREE No 10.145, NOVEMBER 28th 2019 (A governance structure was established through Interministerial Committee on Climate Change (CIM)).Reference http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2019-2022/2019/decreto/D10145.htm (portuguese)Contact Chief of Staff of the Presidency (CIM Presidency) and Ministry of Environment (CIM Executive Secreariat)
4.Other environmental measures
Waste management and Circular economy / sustainable production and consumption
Zero Landfill Program shipments (As part of the Environment-Urban Agenda, the aim of the Program is to enhance waste management in Brazil)Contact Ministry of Environment -
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
In July 2020, a review of the BRA / 14 / G32 International Technical Cooperation Project was signed between the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Project is about Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Sergipe, and its review is relevant to the context of the recovery of COVID-19, as it expands actions to promote the Brazilian rural economy through the implementation of environmental interventions that reduce land degradation and, consequently, promote increased productivity, favoring mainly the agricultural production chain.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
In July 2020, is happening a selection to contract services for the execution of environmental interventions to combat desertification and land degradation, aiming to provide, in the medium and long term, greater water availability and increase the productive capacity of land in a Brazilian hydrographic sub-basin. This activity is part of the International Cooperation Project BRA / IICA / 14/001, signed between the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). In the context of the recovery of COVID-19, this project seeks to foment the Brazilian rural economy through the implementation of environmental interventions that reduce land degradation and, consequently, promote increased productivity, favoring mainly the agricultural production chain.Contact Ministry of the Environment -
Measures related to ecosystem services / biodiversity / land use / agriculture
A substantive review of the REDESER project “Reversing the Desertification Process in Brazil's Susceptible Areas: Sustainable Agroforestry Practices and Biodiversity Conservation” is underway. This project was signed between the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the United Nations Organization for the Food and Agriculture (FAO), with resources from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The review is in the context of the economic recovery of COVID-19 as it expands actions to promote the Brazilian rural economy, promoting sustainable forest management and strengthening the dairy cattle production chain, through the implementation of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches.Contact Ministry of the Environment
5.International Cooperation
Accession process to the OECD: The co-operation between Brazil and the OECD dates back from the early 1990s and has steadily grown. Today, Brazil is the Organization’s most engaged Key Partner, while waiting for a decision on the request presented in 2017 to initiate an accession process to the Organization. The engagement with the OECD is part of a wider strategy of the Brazilian government to consolidate a path for strong, sustainable and inclusive growth. Brazil finds great value in the policy standards developed by the OECD and, over the past years, has drawn on OECD standards to improve its policies and legal instruments for the benefit of its citizens. At the moment of the request for accession to the OECD, Brazil had already adhered to 34 OECD Recommendations and Decisions. Brazil also attaches significant importance to the conclusions of the several reviews carried out by the OECD concerning a varied set of Brazilian policies. In the environmental area, Brazil benefited in 2015 from an OECD Environmental Performance Review that provided an overall assessment of Brazil’s environmental policy. The review recognized that natural resources are essential to Brazil’s development, highlighting that the agricultural and extractive activities play a fundamental role in promoting sustainable growth and the well-being of Brazil’s population. It also acknowledged the alignment of these activities with the country’s commitment to protect its environment and to advance towards a greener and more sustainable development path. Decree No. 9.920, of July 18, 2019: The President Bolsonaro signed the Decree n 9.920/2019, creating the Council for Preparation and Monitoring of the Admission of Brazil to the OECD.Reference http://www.planalto.gov.br/Contact Presidency of the Republic
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